Pride or excuses can paralyze you
Posted by Joan
Pride, a strong ego, can sometimes confine us. Too often, we get caught up in the words, “I can’t do this because I may lose this or that,” or “I can’t move there because I will be away _________ fill in the blank.” There are opportunities in life that beg you to take full advantage of, but because you are so focused on reasons or excuses that stop you, you become paralyzed in the “what if’s” and the “I cant’s”. Do not become that person.
We become so attached to a feeling, a person or some event in our lives that we do not see any other new opportunities or pathways to progress to the next level. Some people love their pain, whether it be physical or emotional so much so, that they are afraid to let it go because then they will not know what to do to get the attention from others that they crave.
A strong ego or continual excuses often begets complacency, which stops our movement and/or progress. Negativity leads to undesirable consequences. Don’t let your arrogance and depressing attitude set you up for lack-that is, lack of joy, happiness or inner peace. Each one of us has the power to choose our destiny, our experiences. If you are stuck in a repetitive lifestyle and you seem to be going backward or in circles, then heed this: Open your eyes and open your mind. Raise your awareness through meditation, time in nature or prayer so that you can begin to see the potentiality that exists around you. Know that pride or arrogance can be an awesome feeling, but it takes a humbling experience to truly see the possibilities that surround you.
You have the power to shift your attitude and behavior for the better
Posted by Joan
I believe we are in a crisis in the world today and many people feel caught up in worry, fear and anxiety so they act out foolishly to numb their discomfort. There are more people drinking too much today, taking drugs and smoking pot than ever before in our history. There are a lot of mixed signals through the media and the entertainment world that filters into our everyday lives. Many of us have lost our ability to make sound judgment and don’t know how to differentiate between what is real and what is fantasy.
Because of all of these factors, families, children and even people in the workplace are having a hard time functioning at their optimum. Instead they are lashing out in anger, resentment and violence and feeling justified for their behavior.
Self-expression and our ability to ask questions in a healthy manner is using our higher intelligence correctly; however, knowingly harming or injuring others because of our poor behavior or attitude is destructive and wrong. If we want to live in balance and harmony within ourselves and with others, we must cultivate an open willingness to listen to the other side of the story and be tolerant of others. This is the natural progression of how life is supposed to flow. Just like the ocean waves. They all flow in harmony but each wave expresses itself in a different way. When the wave has completed its creative expression, it simply flows back to the whole. There is no violent eruption or disruptive change in there patterns. This self-expression is a natural and normal way of growing and learning. All of us need to broaden our thinking and transform it so we can realize a more pure sense of being as we filter out for ourselves a sense of meaning in our lives. Without a sense of meaning and purpose, we become ill and disjointed both individually and collectively as a world.
I believe it is time for each one of us to do a reality check. To slow down, quiet the mind and seek the guidance from within. None of us are ideally capable of helping others until we deal with our own hurts, pains and dysfunctional behavior.
This is the time to open our hearts and souls to accept and acknowledge the truth that we have the power within to achieve a life full of great joy and peaceful co-existence. It is possible when we choose to move into a consciousness that God has gifted us with, an opening to our true self and purpose.
Knowing that we cannot force another to do something they do not want to do or respond to, we certainly can lead and teach by example. Take responsibility for your actions and behavior and continue walking with love in your heart. That is a wonderful way to ignite change in the world.
Reading between the texts
Posted by Intuition Girl
Personally, I have found texting to be a fast and effective way to shoot a quick message via my mobile phone. Whether I am on the go or just cramped for time, it gives me the freedom to respond to my emails or to send someone a short note on what I am doing at the moment. I have discovered, however, that mobile to mobile texts, as well as tweets, posts, or modern-day social networking by any other name has taken on a whole new dimension. In fact, texting has become comparable to letter writing and phone conversations. The major difference, of course, is that much of what we text or message online (via blackberry, iphone or the web, etc.) has become a bit broader in terms of particle length, but more hyperbolic in context. This compels me to ask the following question: When is the last time you had a deep and meaningful conversation?
I recognize that modern technology offers us a plethora of ways to communicate and it has given us quick access to information in real time; but it has also dramatically reduced significant dialog. The quality of our conversation has begun to deteriorate because now with all of the social media networks, we are able to initiate a post or tweet with sound bites, YouTube videos, graphics or article links with short op-ed notes. We can quickly key a little side note stating our thoughts or opinions on a topic and let it ride. That is perfectly fine but it is also frequently a one-sided conversation. But what happens when we begin demoralizing individuals and throwing out personally offensive tidbits? It is absolutely acceptable to agree to disagree in a mature chat, but you have to draw the line when it comes to attacking an individual on a personal level. I have seen a few tweets and posts where I thought, “My goodness, what is that person thinking?” There is a chat acronym that is written, “TMI” – Too Much Information. I personally do not want to read about someone’s intimate life in detail. That is the same as airing dirty laundry for the sake of some distorted sense of gratification.
Remember, we are all entitled to our opinions and the First Amendment guarantees that right to American citizens. We must always take into consideration how our words, deeds or actions can and will affect those around us. Always be prepared to intuitively understand what consequences may unfold when you unleash your opinions, your texts, your messages…each has its own defining moment. Additionally, how you present yourself to the world may not matter much to you, but you have to first matter to yourself so that when you do initiate dialog, you raise the bar not only for yourself but extend an open hand to those around you.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, your intuition girl
© Copyright - All Rights Reserved
Reading between the texts
By Joan Marie Whelan
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her intuitive gifts with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. She is the author of: “Self- Discovery: The Nine Principles to Reveal Your Sacred Gifts” which is available through Amazon or our web site. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: http://www.joanmariewhelan.comand click on Lifestyle Makeover Programs.
Are you a Control Fanatic?
Posted by Intuition Girl
If you are, you might be hindering your advancement as well as the progress of others. It is okay to want things and to acquire success, but sometimes, we allow our personal goals and ulterior needs and motives to get in the way of overall growth. How, you ask? Just look around you, we are experiencing pain and suffering all around the world because people, individually and collectively are not making choices based on the overall good of the masses. We have compromised our values and principles. The simple resolution to this and other situations requires us to take a look at the following possibilities.
- Always put people before profits. It does not matter in what profession you practice. Whether you are a mechanic, a doctor, a politician, a foreman, a counselor or an attorney – you must always think of the people that work for you, work with you, and those for whom you work. When you put others first, you are paving the road to success with compassion and passion – and that is the core factor to achieving overall health, wealth and happiness.
- Plan ahead. Someone once told me that we must have the right preparations and ingredients to run any business. That means that if you are willing to go the extra distance, you can create a long-term map for success. Sometimes that means that we have to commit ourselves to longer hours and more motivation but always it means that we must maintain integrity. Proper preparation is everything.
- Do NOT use short cuts. Sometimes when we travel, we are tempted to use short cuts to get somewhere faster or cheaper. In business, shortcuts often create shortcomings. Speed does not usually create the best results; accuracy and careful attention to details by those who specialize must be recognized and acknowledged. Putting your efforts into those specific areas where you excel will enable you to create quality workmanship in all endeavors.
- Cooperation. When professionals work together, each brings his own vital insight and wisdom to the proverbial dinner table. Each has his own unique technique and vantage point that somehow creates a powerful mix of not only diversity but often the best solution. You might want to re-evaluate how your lack of cooperative efforts have fallen to the wayside and possibly caused complacency. When we cooperate in harmony, we are all giving and receiving quality “input” to produce a more creative array of wealth and productivity.
- Communication.
This is the simplest, most transparent yet often forgotten component to business success. We often encounter situations where there are plenty of sheriffs but not nearly enough deputies. Everyone has something to say, and in the cross-fire of the chatter, nothing gets accomplished and nothing of importance gets heard. We must learn to speak with our cohorts and not at or down to them. When we understand that working together for a common goal is beneficial to all concerned, we soon discover the sweet feelings of success, a sense of peace of mind and the wonderful taste of victory.
- Complacency breeds neglect! All too often we easily become accustomed to doing things in a certain manner or completing tasks a particular way. Sometimes, we have to step off the beaten path and bask in the newness of innovation. Learn to listen to what others might offer you in advice—look at their comments and remarks as possible clues or leads to follow. It certainly helps if you can learn to listen to your gut feeling. Sometimes you have to re-evaluate your methodologies to jumpstart a more effective model for both your professional and your personal life!
- Invest in your future successes! Put time and money aside for improving knowledge and information. It is so wonderful to experience our successes but it is vital to our future success for each one of us to place money and time aside to for continual education. I encourage you to continually improve your success, one must improve their knowledge and understandings of information that will help us continue to grow and improve our techniques as we ultimately realize our full potential and future and continued successes.
It is important to remember that you can always seek help from a professional life coach, who can assist you in manifesting success in all areas of your business and personal life. Becoming a winner is just a phone call away – let me show you how to properly use your business savvy by combining your intuition and your zest for success to create the successful lifestyle you have always wanted.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
What does Failing in Life mean to you?
Posted by Intuition Girl
Losing is a part of everyday life. You can get beat and you will be recognized for doing your best but that is all part of life’s true gifts when we take them as lessons and learn from them. I honestly believe that we truly only can fail in life only when we quit. If we never quit then we never fail. What a simple approach — think about it.
Half the struggles in life are about learning how to choose your battles wisely and to remain vigilant and persistent in doing so. The winning strategy here is not to “win the proverbial war,” but to win at what you do best and not give up in the act. Margaret Thatcher once said that you may have to fight the battle more than once to win it, and that is not only a challenge to you, but a fact in life. I cannot begin to imagine how many wonderful feats would not have been accomplished had it not been for the tenacity and determination of those talented individuals who created some of the lackluster tools that we now take for granted. Alexander Graham Bell could never have fathomed the routine use of his telephone, nor could he have ever foreseen the branches it would take in its expansion toward wireless communications. But it was his struggle to create something new and innovative that led to what we have today. It did not happen overnight, and it was not an easy feat – but his vigilance and persistence paid off in the end.
Another fine example of overcoming failures to live a purpose-filled life was a teacher by the name of Anne Sullivan. Had Sullivan ever conceded to her misgivings of trying to teach a deaf and blind girl, there never would have been such an inspirational story of going against all odds to do the seemingly impossible…but she did. Sullivan was convinced to use persistence and willpower to help develop one of the fondest motivational and heart-touching stories of all time: Helen Keller; who subsequently went on to writing and publishing 12 books, among pursuing several other lifeworks.
Of course there are many other success stories throughout the course of history. I would not have enough days in a lifetime to tell you about those who went on to overcome failures to succeed at what they did best.
What does failing in life mean to you? Have you given up on trying to succeed or have you lost one battle to fight yet another one? We live to fight another day and that is the importance of vitality. If we no longer have reason to rise above the human condition and circumstance, then we have not begun to live at all. My challenge to you is to look within yourself to discover your hidden talents so that you too, can manifest prosperity, happiness and a purpose-filled life. Failure is not a curse word, but a blessing in disguise. It is through failure that we learn to humble ourselves. It is through failure that we learn what not to do and what precisely it is we need to do in order to succeed. Failure is in virtue, the defining thread of life that enables us to see our shortcomings and discover our potentiality.
If you believe that you will fail, surely that will be the case. But the same holds true for those who believe that they will succeed. When you plant the seed of fortune in your mind and spirit, you begin to manifest blessings that have long awaited you. As we grow, we learn from our mistakes. In Walt Disney’s “The Lion King,” Rafiki swats Simba on the head with a stick. He then says to the young lion cub that the past can hurt, but that he can either run from it or learn from it. In order to conquer your future, you must first forgive yourself and release your past. Learn from your failures and move forward with your head held high and with persistence and determination in your heart. You too, can manifest a prosperous and joy-filled life once you understand that past failures are not for you to carry, but from which to learn and to discover the true essence of you and who you intend to be.
There are no real “failures” in life, after all – only valuable lessons to be learned. How we perceive our disappointments is half the work. How we react to them is the harder part of the lesson. Do you continue to struggle in your day to day routines because of past failures? It is time for you to let go of those old wounds and hurts. It is time for you to re-evaluate the choices that you have made so that you can make the right choices from this moment forward. You can no longer fail in life because as long as you never quit, you are destined for success…and that, my friends, you can take to the bank.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist. Joan Marie’s next 5-Week program on The Power of Forgiveness, the gift of Healing will start June 1, 2010—to learn more about it go to