Foundation of strength
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hi Joan Marie,
I had an in-person reading with you in NYC this past April, and I also participated in your last two teleconferences. I actually asked a question in the last one about motivating yourself, when you have no one else to motivate you. I lost my job in July, and decided to start focusing on two business ventures. Although I lost momentum on starting the business’ for a period of time, your teleconference on commitment got me back on track, and my energy was in a great place until today. On top of losing my job, having a short money supply, and trying to get the business ventures off the ground, I was served with a summons for a lawsuit today. The person that got into a collision with me this past June, is suing me personally for bodily injury, even though he was found 100% liable for damages to my vehicle. This just caused me to fall apart today. I know God will not give you more than you can bear, but I am finding it difficult to keep dealing with everything pilling on alone.
I have been trying NOT to focus my energy on lack with great success, but after today I don’t’ know how I can keep pushing forward with positive energy. I feel like I have been kidding myself into believing I am fine when the truth is, although I have not been focusing on these things, I am worried about everything – where I will get money, when will I get the next job, and now what’s going to happen with this lawsuit. I did not see any of this coming. I know the reading can’t prepare me for everything, but I don’t know what to do right now. How can I remain hopeful? How can I keep projecting positive energy to the Universe, when I feel so beat right now. Up until today, I was excited for the past month with what the unknown each day would bring, because I thought it was bringing me what I truly want in my soul right now – receiving a job offer to allow me relocate to Maryland, with the salary I wanted; in addition to making money towards my financial freedom in 2008. Now based on the events of one day, I feel like everything is going all wrong.
I believe in your messages, and look forward to the newsletters & teleconference for inspiration. Some things you have predicted in my reading have come to pass, and I believe the rest (future predictions) will as well. I just don’t know where to turn, and thought you could offer some wisdom to my troubles to keep me from giving up.
Trying to succeed through difficulties,
Simone N Williams
Dear Simone:
I do remember you and I honor you for having the courage to work hard towards your destiny. First of all, with regard to the lawsuit, unfortunately, I see that you will have to put out unnecessary money at first. However, as I mentioned in the tele -class this will go in your favor. It is scheduled to, therefore; you must take a leadership role in this story and not become the victim. You may want to talk to counsel and see what they suggest.
The biggest key I see for you is to build a foundation of strength. Right now as you are going through all of these life transformational lessons I want you to write out on a piece of paper all of the feelings that are coming up in your life right now. It may be feelings of hopelessness, anger, hurt and frustration. Whatever it may be write it down. I than want you to identify when in your life these feelings also existed besides today. Examine the past and find the root of these feelings. As you are becoming aware of a pattern in your life allow yourself to say no more. You will begin to see a pattern within you. Now is the time for you to become totally aware so that you will be able to break this pattern.
Only then will you be prepared to build your platform. Until you get your internal flow corrected you will continue to keep creating the same patterns on the external. Write in detail how you truthfully want your life to be now. Write out the details of all the things you must do in order to receive the job and financial freedom. As you begin to do this you are actually preparing yourself to create and receive new wholesome patterns. As a result, you will create new stories.
I hope this is helpful to you,
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie
Joan Marie is an Intuition Master, Business Intuitive Expert, an International Medium, Energy Healer and Past/ Present Life Regression Expert. By utilizing her special gifts, she teaches, inspires and shows people how to take responsibility for where they are today.
Joan Marie the gift also offers FREE audio coaching, FREE articles, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help individuals like you – entrepreneurs, small business owners, home makers, coaches, spiritualists and all those who want to “Create an extraordinary way to live, work and play.”
Learn more at
Snap out of negative and fear-based thinking
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hi Joan Marie,
What if you have all the tools, teach others, but are struggling to tap into the Universal good that is so abundant? How do you snap out of negative and fear-based thinking and into the land of self-care and self-love?
Blessings to you and yours.
The Yellow Kitchen
Dear Friend:
Brilliant question! Please remember all of us are always students first. I believe there is something deep within your belief system that is blocking you from allowing life to flow.
The truth that you are seeking is embedded deep within your sub- conscious mind however, there is a pattern from long ago preventing you from flowing. Many of us are able to give wholesome and sound advise to others but fail to go within and take the time to help ourselves. I suggest you do the exercise of looking in the mirror and ask yourself the question: “What is holding me back?” I do not think you are listening to the messages coming from within that are meant for you.
I encourage you to feel comfortable receiving and become the leader of your life. Please remember there are never any accidents; you are in a great place to learn many lessons. If you have not read my book yet, “Soul Discovery,” I suggest you get it. It will greatly help you as you embark on a wonderful journey into your own Soul.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift Intuition girl
Joan Marie is an Intuition Master, Business Intuitive Expert, an International Medium, Energy Healer and Past/ Present Life Regression Expert. By utilizing her special gifts, she teaches, inspires and shows people how to take responsibility for where they are today.
Joan Marie the gift also offers FREE audio coaching, FREE articles, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help individuals like you – entrepreneurs, small business owners, home makers, coaches, spiritualists and all those who want to “Create an extraordinary way to live, work and play.”
Learn more at
When will my opportunity occur
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie,
I have seen my “Dream Job”, but this is not a position you can train/plan for…It will be obtained thru networking and Divine timing.
I am continually preparing myself/my life, so I will be ready when the breakthrough come and opens the door of opportunity. I will walk thru with grace, confidence, and pride. My question is…When/where will this opportunity occur?
Any insight you can give me is most graciously appreciated. I have been working for years developing my intuition, the gift GOD has given to all. May GOD bless you with happiness, good health, and prosperity all the days of your life…….
Most Respectfully,
Marilyn from Texas
Dear Marilyn:
You are truly blessed to have “seen” a vision of your destiny. Please do not stop there! It is your job to clear away any and all debris from the past and prepare to create the space for internal energy to open your heart to receive. The timing is always that of the Divine and it will happen when you are truly ready. You must feel it and own it internally and begin creating your life now—in the present moment. Think and visualize that you have arrived at your destination. Do not wait! Begin today implementing and creating what you can so that you are prepared to fulfill your destiny.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift Intuition girl
Joan Marie is an Intuition Master, Business Intuitive Expert, an International Medium, Energy Healer and Past/ Present Life Regression Expert. By utilizing her special gifts, she teaches, inspires and shows people how to take responsibility for where they are today.
Joan Marie the gift also offers FREE audio coaching, FREE articles, workshops, coaching, and other resources to help individuals like you – entrepreneurs, small business owners, home makers, coaches, spiritualists and all those who want to “Create an extraordinary way to live, work and play.”
Learn more at
Being claustrophobic
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie Whelan,
My name is Debbie, and I’m 43 years old, and I have question for you re: being claustrophobic.
For a bit of background, when I was somewhere between maybe 7-8 (?) I was over at a friend’s house playing upstairs. We got bored, and so my friend,whose name is also Debbie, suggested we play a particular game she made up.
There was a hope chest upstairs, and her idea was that each of us would go inside the hope chest while the other sat on it, but when the one inside knocked on the chest, she would be let out. She said that she would go first. She got in, stayed there a second or two, knocked on the chest, and I opened it immediately. That looked easy enough, so I got inside. The only problem is that she didn’t let me out when I knocked. She locked the chest and went downstairs! I have no idea how long I was in there, my only guess is that it was just a few to five minutes at the most, but who knows.
I have visual memory of before we started the “game” up until I get inside the chest; I don’t remember ever getting out, though obviously, I did. I don’t know if she let me out or her mom, or how I felt once she did let me out – I know nothing!
So fast forward to the present. I am having to wean off a certain medication (anti-depressant of 17 years) because it was causing blood pressure issues. Well, one of the things I experience when weaning off meds is that my anxiety goes through the roof. Everything becomes centered around claustrophobia. I feel it throughout my entire body, not just emotionally or mentally – I feel terrified that if I walk down the street and fall down or become unconscious, I will wake up in the hospital, unable to move because of some contraption I have to be in for medical reasons.
In my book, one does not experience claustrophobia if they have the power to let themselves in or out of whatever the confined place may be. I had to have traction for my hip years ago, and the moment I realized I was totally dependent on someone else to get me out of that set up, I FREAKED and had to get out of there. However, weeks later, one of the nurses showed me how I could let myself out if I got scared. Well, that’s all it took. I was no longer afraid because I had the power to let myself out if I needed it; I didn’t have to rely on or trust anyone else.
So anyway, I am freaking out about everything and anything related and not related to claustrophobia, and I’m tired of it. I NEED help overcoming this debilitating fear! I don’t normally feel these feelings intensely like this; I do realize that it’s primarily because I’m not on a therapeutic dose of meds, but even still, if those fears weren’t in there, they couldn’t come out – realistic or not!
Do you think there is hope for me to overcome this HUGE fear? I don’t want to just be able to meditate to calm down in the present, but I want something that is going to truly bring healing so that whether I think about a scenario or are actually in one, I won’t freak out anymore.
Do you have any kind of help to offer? I’m desperate!
Thank you
My soul is torn apart
Posted by Intuition Girl
Joan Marie,
My soul is torn apart right now. I am married but for about two years or so I’ve been having heavy thoughts of another man. I met him at my job. About a year ago
he was fired and I haven’t heard from or seen him since but still the thoughts continued to grow stronger and stronger. I actually thought of divorcing my husband
over these thoughts they were so strong (and I confessed these thoughts to my husband because I felt guilty having them). Instead I tried to put the thought of this person out of my mind, but couldn’t. There was some speculation that this person had a drug addition so I thought maybe I’m thinking about him for reasons other than us to be together. I started praying that he be free from his addition and that life brings all the blessings any man could find (health, happiness, success,inner peace, true love, etc). Since I couldn’t stop thinking about him I decided to send a text message to the phone number that I had for him. I thought that maybe if he knew someone cared, it would help him through.
Well I sent that message last night and this morning I received a text message from a friend that this person recently died of a heart attack. He just had a
birthday the 19th of January and just turned 31.
Joan Marie, I don’t know why I care or feel love for this person. We never hung out or spoke outside of work and like I mentioned he has been gone from the company for
a year now. Somehow, I feel like I love him and care about him. Since I am married I resisted reaching out because I believe in loyalty and faithfulness, but now I feel like I should have reached out to him to let him know that I cared and wanted to be his friend. Maybe somehow it could have made a difference in his life. I’m not sure if the heart attack is related to drug use, but at his age, it seems to be the case. I feel like I misinterpreted the messages I’d been receiving about him and feel great sorrow. Maybe the messages were to help him.
I always ask for prayer and ask at this time if you could send a prayer to his family and to him for his soul to be at peace.
Thank you.