Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Distinguish what your truly want in life

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan,

I sometimes feel that I’m meant to be a celebrity. Is that the path I will end up in or is it all in my head? I love listening to you on the 105.1 show. I always try to call when you’re there but I could never get through.

Thank you,

Marie M.


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Whirlwind of signs

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie,

When my daughter was killed in an auto crash by a drunk driver in 2001, we
experienced a whirlwind of signs from her beginning the day after her death. Bulbs burned out one by one, the television turned on without anyone touching it, radio stations in my car switched to music with profound lyrics, her favorite perfume permeated the air, my computer would flash photos of her …. I could go on and on.

Until her passing, I was clueless about Spiritual energy, so I delved into everything I could learn. Our communications and her messages have grown even more profound since she no longer has to prove to me that she lives on. (By the way, you’re her favorite medium) *smile*

My second son [I didn't give birth to him, but he was born in my heart since he was age 7] recently finished three tours of duty in Iraq as a US Marine and was home on leave for a month before heading back to Camp Lejeune on Dec. 14.
The following day, in his Jacksonville, NC, home, he shot and killed himself.

We are heartbroken and suffering the death of a second child, but more so, the pain is exacerbated by not getting any signs whatsoever from him. Whenever he was in Iraq and I feared for his life, he would always assure me that if he died, he would “visit” me and plague us with his Spiritual energy … including pranks. He believed in afterlife communication.

I don’t understand.
Why the silence?
Why no signs whatsoever?
I pray and meditate.
In fact, my daughter has become eerily quiet and hasn’t communicated with me in anyway since his death.

Can you pose this situation to other bereaved parents for their input or can you
address this in your newsletter?

I understand if you can’t reply to my e-mail, but for some reason, I feel you’re the
only one I can turn to at this time … and I don’t believe in coincidences. *grin*

Thank you for all that you do.
You’re a beautiful soul and our world is a better place with you in it.

Barbara R.

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Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie,

We spoke for a half hour back in February. I contacted you out of a certain desperation.  I hated my life, and hated my situation. You said you saw a relationship for me very soon, and in fact when the weather turned warm, saying spring or summer. It’s freezing outside and I am still single and very lonely. I have been on some unremarkable dates with people who turned out to be dull and ultimately unbearable, so it’s not like I’m not ‘putting myself out there.’ I am; there’s just no one to put myself out there *for*. I have been laid off from two jobs and can’t find another one. I apply and apply everyday and nothing. I can’t pay my rent or bills.

My life is terrible and hurtful. It’s gotten far worse. It’s nothing but suffering, loss, agony, or at best, boredom and meaninglessness. I try really hard and think positive but nothing ever changes. 3 years ago my father died and the love of my life left me for someone else. I am almost 30 and feel like my dreams have passed me by. The point is, I am not ‘being negative’ and I am not ‘holding myself back’. I am absolutely positive in every way I can be, I visualize, meditate, imagine, journal, read self help books, and do EVERYTHING I’m supposed to, but there are no opportunities and no men. I wonder if you can tell me something, ANYTHING positive will happen soon. I don’t need to be told to think positively or to look at things in a different way. I already know all that.

I need assurance that something good will happen to me soon-and not some cheesy self-help thing like I’ll think positive. I already know all that. I already do all that. I already love myself and am working on my goals. But that’s only the first half. Thesecond half is to have something and someone on the other side. I mean an external event that occurs and gives me money or love (another person, not just self love) please advise.


Marie Krueger


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lost in my relationship

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Ms. Whelan,

I am a 47 year old male, born in Elkton,Maryland and now live in Wilmington, Delaware. I had a failed family business in 2007, and lost my relationship (I am gay). He told me it was him and not me.

With all this in my life, it was more than I wanted to deal with, so I came very close to ending my life. Looking for some bright star, and having no faith in God, I decided to go see a card reader.

She was dead on with everything about my life, but told me that my partner left because I had a negative energy around me. She told me he was still very much in love with me and wanted to be with me and that he was coming back, and we would be together for life.

Also, money issues have been very hard, and the reader told me that I would not have anymore money issues, that I had a very big check coming in from some where, but the negative energy was stopping it. I since have turned to God and asked him to save me and help with my Life, I have been giving my life to God and God has done some great things in my life.

The reader called me, and told me I need to stay strong and positive, and I do. I have been giving her a large sum of money that I don’t have, but she asks me if I trust her and I do.
Can you tell me if what I have told you is true or not and should I stay with her and trust her? Thank you for your time.



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Harness the Power of Manifestation

Posted by Intuition Girl

In this week’s edition of Straight Talk with the Intuition Girl, Joan Marie helps a new business owner discover the power of manifestation.

Hey Joan Marie

I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I attended one of the workshops you had here in Palm Desert. I have opened my Real Estate business, appropriately named American Dreams, and I don’t quite know where to go from here. The action has been like zero to nothing most of the year. I ” Believe” there are GREAT days and times ahead, I just don’t know when or how long I can hold on waiting for them. Is there anything you can tell me to help me keep going? I listen to the “GOLDEN FLAME Meditation CD” quite regularly, and it helps me get through the day thinking positive thoughts.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m sure you know where I’m heading, but I’m not quite sure how to get there.

La Von J. , California

Dear La Von,

I do remember you and actually just thought of you recently. I know you had at least one child in the military and you are very passionate about your company. Please know when you are listening to the “Golden Flame CD” it is not just about positive thoughts. What that CD does is to help you manifest. Therefore, it shows you how to feel the desired result within your very core so it will begin to be apart of your sub-conscious mind.

What I feel you need to do is think outside the box. Your imagination and creativity is calling you, and unfortunately, you are not utilizing it.

You are also not comfortable with things going your way. Therefore, you are actually setting yourself up for struggle and not for success. There is a missing link for you and I believe it is in you. I see you reaching out to the community, see if anyone can either partner with you or work together so you both benefit. I guarantee if you focus on the feelings inside of you and heal the struggle that you are unconsciously accepting, you will heal and grow your business. Truthfully, the “Manifestation Method Program” will assist you greatly.

Blessings, Joan Marie the gift. Intuition Girl

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