Remaining Connected with a Loved One in Times of Tribulation
Posted by Intuition Girl
In this weeks edition of Straight Talk with the Intuition Girl, I help a single mother who feels distanced from her child after the departure of the father forces her to take up the mantle of sole provider.
Dear Joan Marie,
Thank you for taking the time to consider my question, as I do hope it does reach out and help any mother that may be experiencing similar feelings as I am feeling.
I am a single mother with a beautiful 3yr old baby girl (Maya). My issue is that I feel like I have never truly connected with my daughter as a mother. Since she was born, I have experienced a tremendous amount of adversity – my world, as I knew it completely fell apart all around me on so many levels. My daughter’s father went to prison when she was 5 months, my immediate family has rejected both me and my daughter and casts serious unspoken judgment over us b/c of her father. I have lost friends, family and quite literally my own self respect and confidence in the process. I am slowly rebuilding… Read the rest of this entry »
Finding Direction in Times of Despair
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hello Joan Marie,
I heard you on Laura Smith’s show and was your last caller. You were somewhat helpful to me but I need more. I am 53 and am sooo confused about my life. I feel I am a ship without a rudder. I don’t know what my path is. I want a profession that I enjoy and gives me great satisfaction and confidence in myself and a good income. I’m so tired of working a job that is just doing time, for a paycheck. When I was very young I knew I wanted to be in radio. Later in life, at 30 years old, I became a radio dj. I love music. It didn’t pay much, but the fringe benefits were great, especially talking with artists. I did it for over 25 years. Well, radio isn’t as fun as it used to be.
All business now, and the last time I was let go from a job, I decided it was no longer for me. I am miserable inside but project happiness and contentment on the outside – which is so not how I feel. I am also tired of being alone. I want to share life with someone. Argh! Anyway, I have been searching and searching, trying to find an answer, guidance, specifics. My life sucks and I want to get out of my quagmire or hopelessness and confusion. Can you help me??? I want to be a butterfly that has finally burst out her cocoon. How does the lifestyle makeover work with people in another state?
Thank you,
Kim Rowe in Florida
Dear Kim:
I want you to know that you are in a great place in your life right now. I am sure you are saying ugh? The truth is you are in a place of dissatisfaction and this is where you needed to be in order to create the change you are so hungry for in your life. Through all the paths that you have chosen, it is my assumption that you have learned a lot! I would love you to begin writing out all the wonderful lessons you have learned. What this is going to do is allow the energy in your body to open you up to a different vibration and solution. Right now you are singing the blues with everything you know for sure you do not want. This exercise will help you change your perspective. Secondly, you must prepare your body to receive. May I suggest that several times through out the day you begin focusing on what it feels like to receive a beautiful gift. It can be a new friendship coming in with great conversation and laughter. It might be learning to receive unconditional love and peace of mind from your own Soul–whom, I believe, you have been ignoring. I want you to look at life as play for you right now and what is it that you wish doing that will allow you to play. Now is the time for you to create momentum and action in your life, even if it is just a hobby. This will also get your energy flowing in the right direction as you welcome in new opportunities. My book, “Soul Discovery” will help you understand your Souls purpose and give you great exercises to assist you on your journey.
It would be a wonderful gift for you to have a “Lifestyle Makeover” experience with me and it can be over the phone. During this time you and I will go into the root of any emotional issues from your past that have been holding you back from your success. We would then create a blueprint and a system for you to utilize every day in order to create the transformation and experiences you are seeking. All who choose to invest in their future with me receive a great insight and awareness combined with strategic steps that will allow you to leap forward as you create exactly what it is you are longing for. Please call the office to discuss in greater detail the experience you will receive by participating with me in the Lifestyle Makeover Program.
Remember to always enjoy the blessings of being you.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
Viewpoints on Evil
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hello Joan Marie.
I’m wondering about your concept of evil as it fits into your views. I wasn’t able to pick up your thoughts on that from your book and I am curious about that.
Joan Whelan Vanderhorst
Friend on Facebook
Hi Joan:
Evil- is a low based energy- that does not need to be focused on. Our job is not to bring in evil into our lives or harbor evil thoughts caused by various situations we can not control. I did not discuss evil directly in my latest book: Soul Discovery, 9 Principles for Revealing your Sacred Gifts, because in the book, my main focus was on teaching positive possibilities that are born out of tapping into your authentic self. I firmly believe that each individual can contribute towards putting a stop to evil as they learn how to truthfully dance with their own Soul and experience their sacred gifts. You see the only way to have world peace and have an abundance of harmony on the earth is for each one of us to take responsibility for our own emotions and individual healing. That is why it is so important for us to do our work and continue to clean our emotional houses. You may have noticed that I speak on this topic often.
As we begin to feel greater peace within our lives and have a greater amount of joy and harmonious flow in our world we will see more of that peace in all of our personal experiences.
I hope that is helpful.
Raising Children and Continuing Your Career
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie,
For over 11 years my husband and I have fostered various children in need, and have adopted one beautiful child. While I can’t even begin to tell you of all the trials and successes we have been through I was wondering if you see us with any more children in our family?
I left work after 17 years to be home to raise my daughter. When she goes back to school full time I am considering going back to work. What kind of work would you recommend I go into?
Dear Beth:
My question back to you is do you want any more children? Of course you can have more children. The key question is do you really want them as you and your family seem to be going into a different phase of your life. Whenever people begin asking me what do I do with my life, I immediately want to ask you what is it you truly wish to experience? You are actually at a wonderful place in your life where you are given the opportunity to create what you truly desire. This moment is actually a gift for you. As I often suggest, take the time to be with you in a beautiful and quiet place so that you can reflect on what is your heart’s desires. You can be, do and create whatever it is you want right now
Some great questions to ask yourself are:
- What am I craving to do with the rest of my life?
- Do I want a hobby?
- Is there anything I see myself doing in the near future?
- Do I want to go back to school and take some classes?
What is my passion?
This is actually a great time for you and your family. I suggest that you give yourself permission to be open to brilliant possibilities. I have another suggestion for you and that is to check out my “Lifestyle Makeover Program”. Your day would be filled with communicating with your Soul and creating a blueprint of exactly what it is you wish to be doing. Then you will have a defined plan to begin to implement.
Remember to always enjoy the blessings of being you.
Career Uncertainty After Relocation
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hello Joan Marie.
I don’t know if you have the ability to see the future, but I am really at a crossroad right now. My husband is in the interview process with a big company in Florida. I am a teacher and once I start a school year, I can’t really leave the school until the end of the year.
Should I not get a teaching job this year so that we can potentially move to Florida with my husband’s possible new job?
I just thought I would try asking you!
Hi Christie:
Thank you for your question. Please be aware that all questions for the newsletter should be general in nature so that they can benefit all of my readers. Please know that I am still taking private clients so if you or others want personal questions answered, you can always call the office to book your private session.
Yes, Christie, I do see the future and can help you with your situation. What I can say to you is that the situation that you are in right now is more about you and your husband communicating your needs to the right parties involved. Life would be so much easier for all of us if we could learn to communicate exactly what is on our minds in a positive and healthy manner so that we could make the right decisions for our lives. There is no reason for your husband not to speak to whomever he is interviewing with all the facts. It just might serve you both if he said something like this: “I would really like to have this job opportunity because I feel most suited to handle it for you and your company, however, my wife is also employed as a teacher and we will both need to discuss this. As you probably know the new school year starts shortly and I would like my wife to be able to move with me so if we can come to some agreement shortly, it would be most helpful to us since she will need to give ample notice to leave her position. When will you know if I am hired for the job?”
Christie, may I also suggest that if you really want to continue to teach, let your staff know the possibility of a move and whether there is another position for you this year or how can you handle this in a way that would benefit all involved.
I do not believe that the Universe is trying to pull you in any specific direction. Rather it is for you and your husband to step up and become leaders in your own lives and more specifically over this situation. I suggest that you both become crystal clear with what it is you both really wish to experience and create. Please realize that we do have a say in the creation of our own lives.