Strange visions while sleeping
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hi Joan Marie,
I’m writing on behalf of my husband. He has been going through a spell for a few months now that when he goes to sleep, people are “visiting” him. He has had an older woman asking him to help find her sister. A old man talking to him but Bob can’t hear what he’s saying. He tries to read his lips but he can’t. Last night an old woman came. He felt like she was sitting next to him and she was showing him old time photos of herself (he thinks) in the 20’s style bathing suit and her different outfits. He’s also woken up in the middle of the night and seen “people” in my daughter’s room. He’s not afraid of them he just doesn’t know what to make of it all. They aren’t anyone that he knows. He’s also woken up and been paralyzed like something is inside him then it leaves and he can move.
Can you give us any insight into these “visitations”?
Thank you for any help/ in site that you can give.
Jeanine M
Hi Jeanine
It sounds like two things are going on. First, for whatever reason, your husband’s Soul is ready to open up and communicate with the other side. These experiences can continue for him and with him, if he wishes to allow them to happen. Secondly, I feel as though these vititations are from people who have lived in your home or the area many years ago. It would be interesting to find out if there was an old burial ground near you from hundreds of years ago.
It sounds like there is also a Spirit who is trying to play games with your husband. I am referring to the one who is trying to enter into his body. What I would do first is to have you and your husband state out loud : “Any and all negative spirits be removed from my home immediately and I command you to dare not penetrate my body.” You may also burn a white candle this helps to clear out any old energy. I am not saying anyone is negative but the one who is paralyzing him once in a while needs to go to the light. He may be earth bound.
This is all happening to your husband so he can allow himself to gain internal strength and start speaking up for what he really wants to create for himself. This one spirit is playing games with him. It is for your husband to say “no”, you do not have permisision to enter into my body or treat me like this. He needs to set the ground rules and tell this spirit that it is time to go to the light. Literally visualize him going to the light. Your husband has power but it is his responsibility to speak from power and strength.
With regard to the other souls hanging around, he can say to them, thank you for visiting me—it is time for you to go to the light.
Remember the deeper message is for your husband to gain clarity in his life and take command of what he wants to experience.
Many Blessings to you,
Creating positive energy in your life
Posted by Intuition Girl
I had a failed family business in 2007, and lost my relationship (I am gay). He told me it was him and not me.
With all this in my life, it was more than I wanted to deal with, so I came very close to ending my life. Looking for some bright star, and having no faith in God, I decided to go see a card reader.
She was dead on with everything about my life, but told me that my partner left because I had a negative energy around me.
She told me he was still very much in love with me and wanted to be with me and that he was coming back, and we would be together for life.
Also, money issues have been very hard, and the reader told me that I would not have anymore money issues, that I had a very big check coming in from some where, but the negative energy was stopping it.
I since have turned to God and asked him to save me and help with my Life, I have been giving my life to God and God has done some great things in my life.
The reader called me, and told me I need to stay strong and positive, and I do.
I have been giving her a large sum of money that I don’t have, but she asks me if I trust her and I do.
Can you tell me if what I have told you is true or not and should I stay with her and trust her? Thank you for your time.
Dear Kiamens:
My first suggestion to you is—please immediately—stop paying this woman. Anyone who says you have negative energy around you and does not teach you or give you the tools to help you may not be honorable. Negative energy could be your sadness from the relationship and fear; it can be about so many things including experiences from childhood. I understand that you are paying her, however, what is she doing to help you release the negative thoughts and beliefs and sadness in your life? I know there are people who do a pray ritual with you for forty days and you can pay them a fee but they also have you do the same ritual for yourself and at the same time teach you various steps.
My question to you is how is she helping you change and are you seeing a difference with her for your life? My message is strong—only you can decide the value received.
There are numerous people who come to me after spending thousands of dollars on other sources because someone said they were “doomed and cursed.”
I would like you to believe that each and everyone of us has the power to turn any situation around. You can work with God yourself and pray for a resolution. I encourage you to be clear on the real situations that you do want in your life. As far as your partner is concerned, please know as you heal yourself and as your heart becomes more open to trusting and receiving unconditional love, you will open the door for the right person to be with you because their soul will be ready and in alignment with your energy patterns.
Why specific situations may not have always gone in your favor is because the root in your core beliefs is not in alignment with the end result of what you want. If I offer my Manifestation Method Program in the fall this course will give you very specific and detailed tools in HOW you can create in your life on a daily basis the desires of your heart. Many blessings to you.
Many Blessings.
Spiritual Well-Being
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hello Ms. Whelan,
My name is Jameelah Scott. I was on the teleconference the other night and I am sure that your program will help me. I am a full time student with 2 children; a boy and a girl. I have known since I was a very little girl that I have a major purpose in life, but I have yet to see what it is. I feel like I have been going in circles and circles, being frustrated with where I am because I feel like there is so much more for me. I have read books such as the teachings of Jerry and Esther which also talk about manifesting your life. It was hard for me to digest at first because I grew up in a Christian background and I thought that if opened up to this teaching I would be in some way offending God. Anyway, I have made peace with that; however, I still haven’t seen a change. I am always approached by people saying that I have a gift but I do not see it. I am writing to see if you have any suggestions, I am not sure if I am doing the right thing by asking for help, but I am at the point where I will try just about anything. I do not know if you can feel it through this email, but I am soooo hungry and open to know how to hear and listen to my intuition, and I thank you in advance for your help.
Jameelah Scott
Dear Jameelah:
You are experiencing the same situation as many are or have been before you. A statement that I say often to people is: “ I wish you could see what I see.” Meaning you are a gift and I see the beautiful gifts that are in you and waiting to be revealed. In order for you to hear and know your own intuition you must spend time with the gift, that is “YOU.” When you consciously become aware of your intuition and your innate gifts, you will be able to utilize them all the time.
For starters, you are doing the right thing for asking for help. The key is to take the information you receive and apply it to your everyday living. The reason why you have not seen a change is because there might still be some guilt and war inside of you. God lives in all of us and he experiences himself/herself through all of us all the time. In order for you to have clarity with yourself, you must sit down and spend some quiet time with you and begin asking yourself on a daily basis what is it that I want to experience? If you want to experience peace on a daily basis then what are some very specific things you can do on a daily basis to begin experiencing inner peace? What are you thinking about all day long? Where do you place your focus? Remember in life the dance you do with your God is one of giving and receiving. In order for you to receive your gifts you must be the gift inside of you and be prepared to give it your all—in other words, to do your part. Everything stems from inside of you and the results are experienced on the outside as well as on the inside.
The greatest understanding and clarity you need to consider so that you can gain inner wisdom and consciousness is to pay attention to some very important desires, wishes or dreams that you want to experience; such as, “ What do you want to be doing everyday to earn a good living?” Then the next step is to begin moving in that direction so you can experience it. If you make up an excuse then you are only going to receive more excuses. In order to know and to listen to your intuition you must begin to be comfortable in your skin with silence as your partner and be open to listen to the answers. Your intuition is not a logical understanding machine, it is an inner knowing, a quiet whisper inside of you.
I suggest that if you are experiencing any fear or doubt in your body, you must release that emotion and learn to speak to its messages. This is only the beginning of the process. Please know I have a powerful product called “How to Tap Into Your Intuitive Powers” this is where I share what I have done on a daily basis to be so open and intuitive. You, too, can cultivate your intuitive powers—yes it takes work, yes you can accomplish it and yes it belongs to you.
If you want to learn “HOW”, you may click here for more information.
Many Blessings to you.
Finding love online…
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hey Joan Marie,
My name is Carla, and I was wondering if you’d be able answer a few questions. I’ve been talking to this guy on the computer off and on for about 5 years and recently we began to talk again and now it seems more serious then ever. What I want to know is if he will show up to meet me in May? He claims to have feelings towards me and wants to be with me but I have to make sure he is telling the truth or if he is just leading me on
Thank you, Carla Cisneros
Dear Carla:
My question to you is do you want to be in a healthy relationship with a partner who is ready for a commitment? If this is the case then you need to be honest with yourself and him and ask him what it is he wants from you. Be honest with yourself as to the type of communication you both have had together in the past 5 years. Did you share openly your wishes in life?
Did you both take the time to get to know each other or did you just fill a void for each other at that moment? Some people who communicate on the internet have commitment issues and intimacy issues. Now I said some people! Let’s be real, if you both want to get to know each other you need to meet in person, and get to know each other face to face—only then can you know if there is something more between you. The question you asked me about him, I would like to turn it around and ask you—and please be honest. Think about it…. every person who comes into our life is a mirror of what is going on inside of us.
Take the time to think about what it is that is really going on within you. The truth is, you both will need to open up to each other in an honest way and allow the process to mature and grow with time.
Your heart will know the truth if you want to know it.
Many Blessings,
What’s my passion?
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hi Joan Marie,
I am trying to get clear on what’s my passion, please help me.
Thank you, Temberly Williams
Dear Temberly
Great question and as I have said before one I receive on a regular basis from many of you. Defining what your life’s purpose comes down to several things and is impossible to answer in this short message. But for starters, it is valuable to say, that to discover one’s purpose requires one important ingredients, that is, to discover something that brings you joy. Now do not just say well if I had money I would be happy or if I was married I would be happy. That is not true. Whatever emotional state you are in right now is the exact same emotional state you will be in when you have money and deeper relationships. Money does not resolve your real issues and sometimes it even exasperates them.
You understand your purpose in life when you recreate clarity of what it is you want to experience on a daily basis. You must decide what you want to create. You need to take the direct root to get there and you need to be willing to work towards what brings you joy.
Your purpose is your passion, a state of mind, creativity, taking risks and playing hard. So, I ask you, “What do you want to do with your time and are you willing work hard to get there?” Everyone who is successful and experiences greatness has worked and earned it. Are you ready and willing to enjoy the experience?
Many Blessings to you,