Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Challenges in life

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie,

momentofreflectionYou often tell us to look at our challenges as opportunities.  I think I am missing opportunities in my life but I am not sure how to do it or even exactly what you mean.  I would really love to have you give us more insight into this concept.  I need to feel the potentiality of opportunities around me and I am sure others probably need to figure this out too.

Thank you for your time,

Ophelia D.


Dear Ophelia:

Maybe this exercise will be helpful to you and others.  Have you ever peered through the intuitive windows of your mind?   Just imagine if you will, a long corridor with vast rooms.  Each room is filled with large windowpanes that face out to different planes of view, and different prospects.  Which window are you looking through at this moment?  Describe its size, its depth, and your field of perception. Is the room you are in bright or is it dark?  Is light filtering through the panes?  Now, look through the window…is it open or is it closed?  If your window is closed, open it.  Smell the air.  What do you smell?  Is it fresh and crisp?  Do you smell baked pastry?  Do you smell fruit?  What is it that appeals to your senses?  Now, take a look outside?  What do you see?  Is there a field, a mountain, a city view, a stream or an ocean?  When you find what it is you are looking for, your intuitive window will lead you to the road that will take you there.  Have you arrived yet?

This is how you explore your opportunities.  Use the intuitive windows of your mind to lead you to your destiny.  Finding the right window to explore your prospects is how you begin the expedition to fulfilling your life’s dreams.  If our intuitive windows and rooms of our minds are closed and dark, we have locked out the potential to all that we can be and have.  We must make time to relax and rest our minds so that we can break through the darkness that is clouding our passageways.  Allow your eyes to be opened to the possibilities that await you.

Though it may sound more complicated than it actually is; by releasing the blockages from your mind, you invite opportunity and prosperity into your life.  Take time to examine your life and your thought processes.  Sometimes our thoughts and negative emotions hinder our ability to see clearly into what it is we want and what it is we can achieve.

Try to exercise your mind daily with a brief tour of your intuitive windows.  Each day, explore another window in your rooms.  See which window appeals to you the most.  Which one offers you the happiness and success you desire?  Close your eyes and try to visualize how to reach these goals and fulfill your life’s destiny.  When you do this every day…even for just five or ten minutes, you are on the right track to attaining the life you want to lead.  This exercise will help guide you to realize your dreams.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United
States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies, please go

Turmoil in the world

Posted by Intuition Girl

Hi Joan Marie,

beeonroseI was born and raised Catholic.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve grown leery and tired of the hypocrisy of this fear, guilt based religion.  Also, I have an extremely hard time with the pedophilia amongst their priests and the higher ups, all the way up to the pope ignoring this situation and sweeping it under the rug, until they got caught.  I can’t associate myself with this, just as I would no longer associate with a “friend” who has done this same thing.  ANYWAY…..There is much talk (Coast To Coast AM) about “end times”, etc.  And I am beginning to feel, this, too, is just another scare tactic perpetrated by man/religion.  I am very interested in YOUR thoughts on this “end time” subject.  I also am very interested in your thoughts on the disappearing HONEY BEES and are we just literally killing them and our planet as well.

What do you see with regard to North Korea?  They are really getting scary!

I feel these questions may be of good general interest to all.

Thanks so much

Susan Chambers


Dear Susan:

Thank you for your questions. The issues and topics that you are concerned with are the same that have worried many others and because of all the turmoil in the world you are feeling even more vulnerable and troubled. The upheaval is most definitely disconcerting but I encourage you not to feed into the fear and worry that seems to be setting in.

As a whole the Universe has been experiencing challenging times which is fed by the masses focusing on lower based energy.  This is the time for all of us to reach towards the light, which is higher, based energy and allow light and love to fill our energy field and all those issues.  Unfortunately there are a lot of people who want to control us by fueling the flames of fear-based thoughts.  The end of the world is not scheduled to be anytime soon. Yes there is change that is happening but I do not believe it is cause for panic.  Our world can and will turn around if people, like you, start empowering themselves as they make a conscious effort to create positive and fruitful change in the world.  This will come about as we individually and collectively use our words and thoughts to build only positive and productive outcomes so that the good will choke out the unpleasant and adverse situations and we will have a return to balance and harmony.

Remember we are all mirroring each other and what is happening around the world is also happening to us in different ways.  I have said this before if we want the world to heal, we, individually must also heal.  I, therefore, encourage you to go within and begin to identify with your personal anger, fear, resentment and worry.  Meditation will help you greatly.  Once you have gotten to the root of all this negative energy that is surfacing in your life, you will be able to release it and then fill the void, that space, with positive and loving energy that will at the same time help heal the planet.  Truly love is the only answer so place your energy in that direction.

There is no question that we have a lot of work to do if we want to create and foster peace in our world.  Please honor yourself for your awakening to all these issues.  Now it is time to deal with them take action, release and recover.  This is not about judging or criticizing others; it is about doing our own work.  When each one of us does our job, with time, the rest will follow.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie
Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United
States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies, please go

How to cope with life’s circumstances

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie,

flowerforyouI have a question for you.  Have you ever stopped to notice how some people just seem to cope better with life’s circumstances? I look around me and I see people laughing and having fun and somehow I feel as though I am missing something. Is it because they’re lucky or is it because they’ve just learned how to accept the blessings that life has given them?   I could use some insight about now.

Thanks ,

Gloria Jean


Dear Gloria Jean,

I want to answer you question with a little story.  It is all about changing your perception in life.

Recently I had a lively conversation with an elderly gentleman; who out of the blue, began telling me a little bit about his life story.   We were both sitting in the park and he was observing some young people whose hair color, style and their behavior seemed very strange to him.

Needless to say, he began speaking in a soft tone about his travels around the world – how he’d jumped over 100 times from a plane during the Vietnam war in ‘68, and about the pride he had in his son, who is now in the military.

As he spoke, he had a gleam in his eye and he never once complained about the troubles he had seen or experienced.  He was such an inspiration, in fact, that words escaped me.  As I continued to listen to this man, I could feel a sense of happiness – and a sense of radiance.  Suddenly, it dawned on me that he was walking with a rolling walker.  I guess he noticed my catching the sight of his walker, when he said, “Yep…I got this when they had to take half my leg in Vietnam,” he continued, “The docs have done all they could for me, and I’m just blessed to be here today.”

Getting “past the hard stuff” had apparently been his motto in life; and here he was today walking with half a leg, and never once blaming anyone or anything.  I imagine that through all his trials, he had never thought of them as such.  Challenges, maybe…but never bad luck.  Then I began thinking about how during the entire conversation, I had never noticed his “handicap;” presumably because the man never let on that he had one.

You see, getting past the hard stuff in life is what makes us grow and learn. It’s not that God is punishing us for being who we are – He’s merely giving us a push to get us going to where we need to be in life.  I never got the older man’s name, but I assume wherever he is right now, he is glowing in his radiance, and enjoying the life that God has given him.  Shouldn’t we all be thankful for the life God has given us?  Start smiling and do something that will bring fun into your life.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive
specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United
States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method
with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large
companies, please go

Understanding your own value

Posted by Intuition Girl

Joan Marie,

manvsworth1I bought your Manifestation Method Program and I really love listening to and working with it.  It is helping me a great deal.  I have actually increased my salary many times over.  The one thing I am still having trouble with is understanding my own value.

Can you please explain deeper what do you mean to value yourself?

Thank you for all that you do!

Suzy P.


Dear Suzy,

Thank you for listening to and investing in the Manifestation Method Program.  I am delighted to hear that it has helped you grow in many ways.

To answer your question, in order to truly value yourself you first must understand your own worth.   It is so important for you to appreciate who you truly are and what experiences you would like to bring into your life.  Do you believe that you are a good person?  Do you believe that you are here living and adding value to others’ lives?  Are you taking care of you?  Do you respect and love you and can you stand and walk tall feeling your power and strength?

We all want to help others and tell others how they can remove the pain or discomfort in their lives but before we can truly help someone else grow and live in peace and harmony, we must make sure we are integrating all of our stuff and living the life that will bring us that same peace and harmony.  Most people have a lot of baggage—pain and discomfort that we are carrying around in our hearts and on our back.  By doing your own work, going within and getting to the root of your emotional blocks—your pain, you will begin to heal and when you begin to heal you will, at the same time, begin to accept all those pieces that make up your whole being.

Do you believe you are worthy enough to receive your hearts desires?  An important point for each one of us to remember is we must be in alignment with all of ourselves—with our mind, body and soul.  When that happens, we become the vessel through which the Universe can operate and bless us.  As I have mentioned so often, do the mirror exercise.  Look in the mirror at your image and hold a conversation with self.  Ask yourself the questions that I stated above.  That is a powerful exercise and one that will help you come to a better understanding and appreciation of yourself and what you value.  When you accept all of you and love you just the way you are, you are loving and valuing all of  you at the same time.

It sounds to me that you have made great strides with your life and this last piece will bring you to greater awareness.  Congratulations on your success.

Many Blessings,
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies, please go

Following your dreams

Posted by Intuition Girl

Hello Joan Marie,

mandreamingMy friends and I were having a discussing about following our dreams.

Some say that your dreams are nothing more that your fantasies, like pipe dreams or a fairy tale that never comes true yet I thought that my dreams were signs that I should take seriously.

Am I being foolish?  Can you give us some clarity on this subject?  We hope to hear from you soon.

Daniel Rusnick


Dear Daniel,

George Bernard Shaw had a remarkable revelation when he noted, “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’”

Shaw had the correct frame of mind to conceive that when you dream, and you believe that you can achieve the seemingly impossible, that nothing is impossible.  That is also my belief.   In other words, when you believe in yourself and you concentrate on achieving greatness in life, you can…and you will manifest your goal.

We are the creators of our destiny.  Effort begins by imagining and designing the roadmap of which you’ve been dreaming.  I encourage you to dream big dreams.  Begin by visualizing the dreams you’ve conceived and follow through on the design that you’ve developed to fulfill those dreams so that you can create the life you’ve always wanted to lead.

As Shaw proposed the question, “why not?”  So should you.  Do not limit yourself by thinking negatively and believing that you cannot accomplish your dreams. We are all only bound by the limitations that we set upon ourselves. And I encourage you not to listen to the limitations that others place in front of you either.

Ever heard the expression, “the sky’s the limit”?   There is no ceiling.  Your dreams can be achieved; and they begin with you.
Keep dreaming!

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies, please go

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