Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Wake Up and Feel the Rush of Your Soul Power!

Posted by Intuition Girl

Were you aware that you have the spiritual power to tap into your intuitive mind? That’s right — hidden within the core of your authentic self is the Divine inner wisdom that empowers you to go above and beyond your heart’s desires. And when you explore and facilitate your intuitive power, you are able to manifest your dreams, your goals, and your life destiny.

Before you go to sleep at night, do you take the day’s baggage with you? If you are, then you need to awaken your soul power to release the negativity of your mind and allow yourself to re-emerge with an anticipated excitement of what you will be able to create and accomplish in the ensuing day.

Your soul power is what drives your authentic self, and can awaken your life purpose. But you must first know how to tap into your intuitive mind to define what it is you are truly seeking; and what it is that you need to achieve success in all aspects of your life.

With proper guidance and preparation, you can ultimately design your destiny and create the reality that you would like to live. Reach your full potential of success when you meditate and concentrate on achieving clarity in life.

What is it that you really want out of your life? Is it losing weight? Getting a new house? Or perhaps you want to find that special someone? Whatever the case may be, it’s important to plan out your goals by designing your mind map and following through on your intuitive wisdom. This is where your soul power is particularly helpful — it is that higher source of knowingness that paves the way to the appropriate course of action.

When you rest at night without excess thought-baggage, your soul power begins working for you and through you as a continual flow of Universal energy. This positive energy attracts more of what you are searching for, and establishes a connectivity to the greatness that you are destined to achieve in life. Aren’t you ready to wake up and feel the rush of your soul power?

Allow me, Joan Marie, to help you explore your soul power and what it can do for you today.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, your Intuition Expert

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