Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Posted by Intuition Girl

Certainly you’ve heard the phrase, “making lemonade out of lemons,” and for good reason — life often hands us circumstances that are beyond our control and we can’t always pick our adversaries; so we have to make do with the resources that we do have.

What resources, you ask? Each and every one of us has more resources than we could ever imagine. To begin with, we all have a level of mental intelligence that allows us to look at situations with a logical perspective. But, we also have spiritual and emotional intellect that enables us to see beyond the impeding object or circumstance.

When we channel our intuitive resources to create an alternative route to achieving goals, we find strength and resolve to move forward in life. Yes,making lemonade out of lemons is what it takes to succeed in every aspect of life.

Marie Curie comes to mind when I think of this statement. Here was a bright, young woman with high aspirations, and a life path destined for greatness. Even when she was denied admission to a regular university (because she was a female), she made lemonade out of lemons and worked as a teacher while she gained an underground education through the “Floating University.” Imagine had Marie allowed this roadblock to stop her from attaining her education…she would have simply faded into history as just another Polish citizen. She demonstrated that her life force was much stronger than life itself, and went on to not only becoming the only woman to win two Nobel Prizes, but the first person to win or share two Nobel Prizes in the field of science.

Of course Marie Curie is not the only individual in history who made lemonade out of lemons. Another young man from Tupelo, Mississippi was born in a small, two-room house. He was harassed during school by his classmates, and suffered from a stuttering speech. Later, he grew up in public housing; and fellow students didn’t recognize him as anyone special, nor did they think he’d ever amount to much in life. The young man of whom I speak is none other than the late, great Elvis Presley. He could’ve listened to all the folks who made fun of him, or he could have allowed his impoverished life to bring him down — but he didn’t. And, that made all the difference.

Are you ready to make lemonade out of lemons? Life will throw some strange things our way, but when we take what we have and create a life worth living, and a life full of opportunity, we can transform destiny and manifest success in the most unlikely places. :)

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie Whelan, Intuition Girl

Your Extraordinary Lifestyle Expert for Everyday Living

P.S. Get a FR*EE, sneak peek into my all-new Manifestation Method program March 26th… You don’t want to miss this opportunity to start your journey to manifesting your heart’s desires!

One Response to “Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – Turning Obstacles into Opportunities”

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    mbt trainers Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – Turning Obstacles into Opportunities | Intuition Girl

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