Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Inspirational Video – Belonging

Posted by Intuition Girl

Every Single one of us belongs here. Honor you. Love, Joan Marie

Inspirational Video – Happy New Year

Posted by Intuition Girl


Time travel and building your future

Posted by Intuition Girl

During the 1980s, Michael J. Fox captured millions of audiences with his Back to the Future Trilogy. In his theatrics, he allowed viewer imaginations to run wildly seeing how one small action of the past could alter the future. Truth be told, you are a time traveler right now at this very moment. Every time you actively make a choice for yourself, you are ultimately changing your destiny and your history. Believe it or not, you have the innate ability to foresee your future if you have taken the time to learn from the lessons from your past.

But how can I see my future, you ask? You predict your own future by using your intuition. You can begin to realize your full potentiality once you understand that your past does shape your future. How you use past experiences to shape your future is equally important as knowing what those past experiences were. How so, you ask? During your journey, you will experience both negative and positive events in your life. You get to choose what the criteria is to categorize these events as either negative or positive. Now, once you have lumped these events into their respective categories, I want you to think of the results of those events and how they have affected your life.

Sometimes I received a flash, a thought or an inspiration about something that could possibly help me in my career or personal life and I let it pass right through me never to be remembered again until sometime latter when I realize that if I slowed down to pay attention, I could have been in a much better position to succeed.

Your intuition uses your historical building blocks to shape your present and future. When used properly, your intuition can effectively guide you and give you the proper insight to aid you in making the right choices. Take a couple of minutes to reflect on a choice you made in your recent past and how it affected your future. We are coming to the end of another year—whether it was successful or filled with pain and regret, I am here to tell you that you still can make a difference in your life’s journey if you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to plan prudently and with a strong sense of determination. We all receive messages for our health or career on a regular basis but it is how we react and act upon those messages that will determine your future success.

From the largest choices and decision to the smallest and often thought least important, we are constantly making choices that affect our lives. Yes, we all know that 2014 is around the corner but before you turn that corner and move in one direction or another, I invite you to consider the new 5-Month Program that I am offering to you. Your intuition is a valuable tool that when utilized wisely will most definitely improve the quality of your life and show you the right direction to follow.

Knowing that you are empowered to make intuitive choices based on your history, you can be successful and prosperous in any endeavor you choose to pursue. As a time traveler, it truly is entirely up to you to create the future you want.

CLICK HERE to learn more about How your Intuition can and My New Program will help you build a future to be proud of.

Blessings to you,

Joan Marie

Inspirational Message – Sharing Joy and Transformation

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s Inspirational video is about the joy of transforming: Every single day we have the opportunity to make a new decision. Use this time as a lift off for the new year!

Inspirational Message – Do you feel stuck in a box

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s Inspirational Video asks the question: How long have you been stuck in a situation that you have been feeding into?

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