Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Growing into your Extraordinary Self

Posted by Intuition Girl

There is a song often sung by Kermit the Frog on the popular children’s network, Sesame Street, “It’s not easy being green.” It is one of those simple songs that is often passed off as a child’s melody, but in actuality, it teaches you a useful lesson in self-confidence. In the lyrics, Kermit initially talks about how it is not easy being green and how he might rather be more colorful so he could stand out among the crowd. But as the tune progresses, he realizes that he does not have to limit himself to what he is, because, “…I am green and it’ll do fine, it’s beautiful and I think it’s what I want to be.” All too often, you can easily get caught up in your self-imposed limitations:

  • “I would love to be successful but I keep falling into dead-end jobs,”
  • “I hate my job but I don’t know anything else except assembly line work,”
  • “I would love to be rich but I never have the time or resources to go back to school,”
  • “I hate being lonely but I can’t be in a steady relationship because work is just too busy,”
  • “I hate being everyone’s doormat but I just can’t say no;”
  • “But…but…but…”

Remind you of anyone you know? If you are the king or queen of excuses, then you need to learn how to grow into your extraordinary self.
If you are quite content with the life you have then that is perfectly fine. This means that you are already living in your extraordinary self, and you enjoy happiness and contentment. But if you are like so many who want to get more out of life, are unhappy with your current lifestyle, or if you simply just want to feel like you are fulfilling your life purpose, then this article is for you. Like Kermit, becoming extraordinary is right there within your reach. You must practice self-realization and self-actualization.

There is more to life than what you have, and you can achieve wealth, prosperity, health and happiness when you are ready to start receiving blessings in your life. No, it will not happen overnight. In fact, any success takes self-confidence, commitment and willingness to be open to new challenges to bring you where you need and want to be. Does it mean that I am going to have to work harder, you ask? You bet your bottom dollar you are going to have to work harder. But you will also need to learn how to work smarter. No end goal falls into your lap just because you desire it to do so. If you want a better job, you will have to network and apply yourself and any resources you have to attain it. If you want a loving relationship, you must set aside time to meet that special someone and make it happen. If you want to switch careers, you must seek training and educational opportunities so you can achieve career change.

If you find that your life is becoming a cycle of endless repetition, the problem is you. You reap what you sew…you attract the fruits of your labor. But remember this, the same holds true for those of you who are working harder and smarter to achieve prosperity and happiness. You too, will attract the fruits of your labor. Before you know it, you will be whistling, “It’s not easy being green,” with the realization that nothing is impossible once you step into yourself and understand that your extraordinary self has been there all along.

Inspirational Message – Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s Inspirational Video reminds us: The more you focus on gratitude and blessings, the more you expand.

Inspirational Message – Gratitude and Blessings

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s Inspirational Video reminds us: No matter where you are and what you want to achieve still achieve in this lifetime, focus on the gratitude and blessings.

Feel Empowered

Posted by Intuition Girl

You are empowered, whether you believe it or not, to create success in every aspect of your life. You must first choose to be happy in your own state of mind. “But I’m not happy,” you say? Why not? No one is making you unhappy. In fact, no one or nothing has the power to make you feel any certain way. If you are blaming others for your feelings of lack and regret, then truly you are wallowing in your own pity pool. Step away from the anger, rise above your feelings of injustice and turn those powerful emotions into something inspiring, motivating and productive. You see, if you are going to harp on past hurts, you might as well use that energy for something that is not so counterproductive. It is not as elusive as you may think.

Is this you? “Life is NOT fair. I am sick and tired of everyone else getting ahead and all I seem to do is get stuck in the mud, why?” If this mirrors your perception and reality, perhaps you need to look to those who are getting ahead and follow their lead. Maybe it is not so much because they do more work than you but they may work smarter, and maybe they have a brighter attitude and outlook on life. When you notice that others are getting ahead of you and becoming successful in their own respective fields, then it is time to conduct a gut check on your own perception and the approach you have been taking to make progress in your own life. If you have a negative mindset and you keep believing that you are incapable of achieving those same successes, truth of the matter is that you are as good as it gets. “Yeah, but they were born with a silver spoon. They did not have it as bad as I had,” you say? If I had a nickel for every time someone used that crutch to excuse his or her own lack of motivation to get ahead in life, I would be one of the wealthiest people in this country. Stop it!

Life is NOT fair. No one said it would be. The beauty of life is that we are all born the same way: we are all equally born naked. Which means that we have the equal capacity to achieve the greatness we are destined to achieve. What this means is that we must approach life innocently and “naked” to receive the subtle messages that the Universe is attempting to send to us. If we block ourselves with negativity and hardened hearts, then we have no one else to blame for our failures but ourselves. If you are ready to attract prosperity, success and happiness in your life, then you must genuinely play the role. Stop dwelling on your emotional baggage by forgiving yourself and freeing yourself from the woes you have carried with you far too long. Remember, you are as good as you think you are!

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle strategist for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners as well as large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Inspirational Message – Does your past define you

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s Inspirational Message Video discusses the question: Are you living your life for you or living your life the way someone told you it’s supposed to be?

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