Finding your Niche
Posted by Joan
Has anyone ever asked you if you have discovered your niche? Since I was very young, I knew that one day I would be using my talents to help others in life feel better about themselves. The path that I took was far different than what I envisioned but the outcome has been fabulous!
Once you realize what your niche is, it is like being a child who first learns how to link the alphabet together to form words. It is an awesome feeling finally being able to unfold the treasure that you have had available to you all along but were not quite sure what it all meant or how to successfully use it.
The same holds true to those of you who have struggled throughout your life because of missed opportunities. You work hard day in and day out; and by the end of the year, you look back and wonder where all your money has gone, where the time has gone or perhaps why things keep happening to you over and over again. I promise that misfortune is not out to get you. What is happening, however, is the fact that you have locked away your niche and are not using it to your best potentiality. A good example of that is in one of my past clients. As the proverbial “starving artist”, he had worked retail management jobs for the better part of his life until he wanted to make a full-time career out of his “hobby,” that is, of painting beautiful structures on canvas. “I want to be a renowned artist like Michelangelo or Picasso,” he said. His satisfaction came from the recognition of his artwork. By the time he completed my one-on-one lifestyle coaching program, he had discovered his niche and re-discovered his passion. He was ready to take his ability to the next level, but it was not nearly what he thought it would be. Let’s call him Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith decided to take night classes to finish his degree in the arts and became a teacher where he now teaches architecture and landscaping. Not only is he recognized for the great work that he does with these young adults in the community, he also gets to show others how to facilitate their own gifts to create their own useful works of art as they enliven their lives.
There are countless others, who have turned one, two and even more numerous gifts into something useful, joyful and gratifying in their lives. Like Mr. Smith, they possess a unique niche but have neither discovered their gifts, nor have they sought other avenues to further their prospects with those gifts. But I can say that it is never too late to start a new venture on your journey toward your greatest joy. Sometimes individuals become so focused on an idea that they do not see other paths they can take to fulfill their life’s dreams. This also applies to acquiring things and even people in our lives. Maybe we are trying so hard to make sure that our present life works that we miss the bigger picture of exploring other possibilities that are more fulfilling.
I know people who are trying so hard to meet the love of their life that they lose sight of what might just be right around the corner for them. From this moment on, I do not want you to focus so much on trying to get everything at once, or just get one thing – rather, I want you to say to yourself: “Everything is as it should be.” Remember, all things happen in life to help us to grow emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even professionally. When you learn to let go and let God steer your way, or simply allow the flow of the Universal Energy to enlighten your path, you unexpectedly will discover the niche you were intended to enjoy in order to fulfill your life’s journey.
I have a great deal of information and articles on my website that will help you grow and fulfill your highest best good. Don’t waste another day doing something that is low energy as it causes you to miss your fullest. Make the time to find your niche and enjoy the richness for your life today.
Posted by Joan
How do you see life?
Do you see the magic that surrounds your life or are you caught up in the doldrums of daily living? Too often we tend to make our lives more difficult by adding on high levels of stress and anxiety mixed with rage or anger and even discontent. We are living the so-called fast paced life-attempting to keep up with everyone and everything else that we soon lose our way as to what really matters in life and why we are here.
Sometimes all we need to do to get our thoughts on target is to look at the beauty of nature and the simple joys that surround us daily. There is magic in a sunrise and a sunset. There is magic in the twinkle of someone’s eye, in the giggle of a baby and in the softness of a pet who is coming to snuggle with you. How do you see life? Are you able to smell the fragrance of a beautiful flower and hear the chirp of the birds that fly in the air? All this can bring a smile to your face and help you to slow your mind down so you can simply enjoy the moment. A moment that allows you to breathe in slowly, enjoy a deep sigh or even possibly close your eyes for a minute to just smile and be with yourself.
Just turn on the news reports around the world and you will be getting your fill of the dark side of life, the emotional seesaw that captures out attention. The news makes up a large part of our lives. It feeds our minds, heart and soul with information that can either fulfill us or drag us down. We all see and experience those dark emotional scenes that fill our culture and environment on an increasing and alarming pace. We, as a Human species, are prone to imitate what we see and hear on a regular basis. If you doubt what I am saying, just look around you because no matter where you turn, violent acts and negative behavior is becoming more of an epidemic in the world. Add all of that to your own personal emotional struggles and you start to experience a breakdown in your own personal psyche.
If we want to experience a happier and healthy lifestyle for ourselves and the world we live in, we need to wake up and shift our focus and our attention from those experiences that breed conflict and darkness and start building up your courage and strength so you are better prepared to face your core issue(s)-the root of your sadness, unhappiness and discontent. It takes effort and a conscious and open heart to welcome the beauty and magic that surrounds us daily.
When we are out of balance and harmony, we open the channels where negative and dark cells come alive and start to take over our lives. Those dark cells can show up as cancer, heart disease or many other variables. If, we individually want to live a life more fully, we need to make room and space within our core where health and healing energy can thrive, be nurtured and live to its fullest. I encourage you to take a look at the direction you have chosen to follow for your life. The power lies within you to bring forth the change, the healing energy and the shift that is needed if you want to experience a more whole and perfect existence. Our website and facebook fan page offer daily inspirational messages that can help uplift you and your outlook. If you and all of us sincerely want to experience a strong sense of inner peace and joy in this lifetime, each one of us need to work at it. True consciousness doesn’t just happen-it needs to be feed, cultivated and worked at daily. Then and only then can you sincerely look at your life and see the magic that is right in front of you.
Life is a process— stop fighting it!
Posted by Joan
Too many people seem to think that they go to school, get an education, pass all the tests and the rest should be easy. Unfortunately, that thought process is false. The whole of life from the moment of conception to the moment of death is a learning process and somewhere in between we suffer from the growing pains and trials. Our growth process is comprised of a series of creative ideas, skills and talents and a lot of determination and right choices.
I believe we are always in the state of becoming. We go in one direction, follow a path which ultimately will lead to another pathway and door. We are constantly opening and closing doors and that is the way it should be.
During my lifetime, there have been some roads that I’ve traveled that weren’t easy or comfortable yet in the end I realized that they were needed for me to travel so that I could get to a better place, a better experience that was waiting to be revealed to me. I have discovered that if I want to enjoy inner peace and contentment, I needed to let go of those experiences or obstacles that were holding me back so that I would be able to grow and soar.
If you are a seeker of greater joy and happiness then you, too, must be open and willing to release the past, forgive all those who have done you wrong and forgive yourself, too, for the emotional baggage that has weighed you down and slowed down your progress. Too many people love holding on to their old ways because they are comfortable, familiar and feel safe yet once you become vulnerable and open to new possibilities, you soon realize and discover that all that old stuff was only wearing you down, making you sick and unhappy and most of all stopping you from realizing your best life yet. I often wonder why we fight so hard to hold onto the old when the freedom of realizing the new is liberating and fulfilling.
I encourage you to make time for yourself to reflect on your process of life and begin to examine the direction that it is taking. Are you on the right path or are you fighting change, the process and the journey that has been designed for your highest and best good and in the highest and best way? I have said often: “We all make choices daily-some are positive and healthy and others cause us to suffer. I encourage you to choose wisely!
God-can you hear me?
Posted by Joan
Some of us have had this conversation with God wondering if He/She is listening. Maybe you call on your Creator because you simply want to express your thankfulness and gratitude for the blessings in your lives; but more often than not, you find yourself in some sort of predicament or difficulty and you are compelled to connect with a power greater than yourself. Connecting with God is comforting but it can also be frustrating because you are not getting answers to your various concerns. For me, I can say that my conversations with my Higher Source, my God are rewarding and refreshing because I gain a renewed sense of strength and courage that helps me reboot my energy and gain clarity for my endeavors. I sense that soft Voice that whispers, “Hold on tight, you can see through this.”
I have learned to take one day at a time. That is a blessed way to live and be in the world and I find that that mindset allows me to release the burdens that are weighing me down and creating stress in my body. Many of the great athletes of the world are like Hercules, the divine hero in classical mythology, they have to depend on their inner strength and wisdom more than their physical strength to win and to overcome challenges. It is actually their innate ability to overcome fear and obstacles that have enabled them to achieve the greatness they are recognized for in the world. Likewise, it is imperative for you to always reach within your soul to find strength and a renewed sense of power so that you, too, can defeat your fears, sorrows and challenges in life. You must remember that wherever you are, that too is where God is.
How do I know God even exists? Do you have a box of matches? If so, carefully take the match-stick and strike it against the box to light it. Now, I want you to think about what you just did. You lit a flame with just a stick and a simple box. No one did it for you. It did not cost you anything to perform the action, yet you were still able to create a flame by exerting just a fragment of effort. If you think about it, that is how God works within you.
The tools are already inside you. All you need do is go within to feel that presence and strike the match so that your inner light shines brighter.
You see, God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps the difficulties or challenges you are facing are simply lessons you must learn in order to achieve your greater good. It is not that you are being punished, nor tossed to the wayside. Au Contraire, these are the times that God is pleading with you to rediscover the love and care that is meant just for you. It is through your trials and tribulations when you find the strongest sense of self and worth. You slowly learn that even in the face of tragedy, you are able to overcome and grow to be a greater, stronger and more self-sustaining you. God will not let you down if you have truly believed in yourself.
The next time you share a dialog with God, ask for strength and a brighter inner light to help you see and hear the wisdom to guide you from the darkness. It is often in your darkest hours when you discover just how strong and capable you truly are. You can do amazing things and even seemingly “impossible” things when you genuinely believe that God is by your side. Truth of the matter is, you only falter when you give into your fears and lack of faith. Trust that anything is possible with the power of God – especially when you are “at the end of your rope” — and you will see that miracles really do exist.
Many Blessings,
Your thoughts really matter
Posted by Joan
The reality that you are living right now can talk you out of your hopes and dreams for your tomorrow. They can cause you to move into fear and doubt and begin yelling at God or even wondering whether or not He even cares about you? But I am here to tell you that when you believe in the Power of God and believe that all things are possible with Him and through Him, God will change your outcome. For me, just the knowing that what looks impossible with man is not impossible with God is most comforting.
God has never let me down, and in fact, He has always taken care of my needs. I may not have all the wants that I am seeking but I do believe in the right time, I will experience my greatest joy. If you are a believer and a seeker for all that your heart desires, it would behoove you to release the problem, the situation to God and know without a doubt that there is a better way and that GOD knows what He is doing. Even if you don’t see a way, God has a way and He can give you a miracle, because He is not limited by the facts that we humans see or experience daily. Continue to say: “Nothing is impossible with God.”
If you are fighting a sickness or addiction or anger and hatred over your life situations, maybe even resentment that you haven’t found your significant other yet, I encourage you to move away from the logic and facts that are dictating your life and believe that one favor from GOD can change everything. DARE TO BELIEVE! You can be victorious and free from your doubt and fear but yes, it takes faith-trust and belief that God can change anything.
Stop focusing on the facts that are staring you in the face and start believing that God can and will make it happen if you truly believe in his Power, His clues and His messages. I know that often in the natural world, things look bleak and impossible but if you believe in the supernatural God and know that His power is greater than any force in the material worldyou will get His attention and His favor. Your job is to shake off the doubt, the limiting beliefs and know that God is in control. Your mission is to consciously focus your thoughts on having strong faith, trust and belief mixed with a strong sense of hope that God has a brilliant plan just for you. When you walk in that knowingness, you will win and you will receive God’s best for your life.