Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Unlocking the Code to your True Self

Posted by Intuition Girl

You do not have to feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Realize that you can achieve the success you want in life, but you must first discover your true self. Through this journey into self, you are able to shape your life into whatever it is you seek.

While you are here on this earth, it is important for you to know that you are equipped with all the necessary navigational tools to survive and thrive. The problem is, however, that you are not always making good use of these tools because you have scattered your energy and cluttered your thinking.

The best approach for a successful and prosperous life almost always includes the most essential ingredients. If you lose one or more along the way or even if you do not realize that you have these ingredients, or believe you are capable of having these ingredients, you will certainly set yourself up for failure. But, once you fully understand that you have had them all along and they are there for the taking, suddenly all things come full circle and you automatically start setting yourself up for success.

When you are willing to open yourself up to unlocking the code that you have kept tucked away in your soul being, you will begin to see and embrace the truth of who you are; and you will also begin using your true self to your own benefit. But isn’t that selfish, you ask? Absolutely NOT! One of the most selfless acts anyone can do is to find the truth within yourself so that you can better your own life, and consequently the lives of others. But how do I do it, you ask? We begin by helping you to discover your true self and teaching you how to steer your inner compass in the direction you want to go.

It is a process. The more you dig beneath the surface of your outer core, the more layers you begin to peel away to find out what ignites the passion and motivation inside you to become a winning leader in your life. As a professional, you have already acquired most of the know-how to get to where you are…but that is not nearly enough to truly create the reality you want. That is why learning how to navigate your journey through your internal compass is key to doing exactly that. You have the power. You are in control. To what level do you want to take your journey in life?

This coming June, invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education to Follow your Inner Compass, a five-month interactive mastery program with Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan! If you feel that a program like this will serve you to advance your goals, please click on the following link and learn more about it:

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Shifting your Powerful Internal System
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Your Beliefs

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogLearn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

April 18, 2011

Shifting your Powerful Internal System

Posted by Intuition Girl

To become a skilled driver of your life, you must first identify your true nature and your passion. By now you are probably aware that pursuing the appropriate path in life is not at all times particularly clear; however, when you reach the end of your journey, you quickly discover how rewarding your efforts truly have been. This is where shifting your powerful internal system comes into play.

Making the Shift…

Imagine a high-performance automobile. While you may have been driving all your life, there are certain routes you take day in and day out. That’s simple memorization. The vehicle is a no-brainer. You step in, you put the key in the ignition, you put it in reverse or drive and you go wherever it is you need to be. Now imagine your body as that vehicle. Inside your vehicle are numerous parts that make you function properly. Some are automatic for you, such as your beating heart, your lung function, etc. Others, you must do by learning from the time you were born, like breathing, for example. If you forget to breathe, you will pass out but eventually it comes naturally to you…like memory.

Still other functions, like speaking, walking, running, jumping, or other physical movements are done so with ease by the want. So if you are sitting on one side of the room and you decide that you want to walk to the other side of the room, your brain instantly follows your mental choice and signals your legs to get up and do the physical work for you. In other words, your parts all work together in unison to create a specific action (or actions) for you. Now think for a moment, if you are stuck in one gear. Maybe it is stuck in reverse. Or worse, it is glued to neutral and you cannot move forward or backward. All you are doing is stagnating where you are. The same holds true internally in your own body. Like an automobile, you must make the necessary modifications to correct the mechanics of your motion.

So how do you shift your powerful internal system? You assess the problem, identify what it is you need to repair to do to the problem, make the needed adjustments and now you can get back on track. Sounds easier said than done, right? Nope!

Here is the good news: Like many new vehicles, we are already equipped with an internal GPS and a computerized, well-oiled machine. Even if we hit a roadblock, run into detours, or sometimes wind up on a dead-end street, we can pretty much use the bonus tools we are fitted with–born with—like our inner compass to locate where we are, the direction we are going, and tap into the right people and places to go to at the right time every time.

In other words, you have the power to shift into the right mode every time when you allow your inner compass to guide your journey. As always, you get to decide if you choose to simply idle away your life or put it into gear and climb that mountain with momentum and speed. Which path are you taking, and how are you planning to get there? Think. Breathe. Know. You have the innate power to transmute your roadblocks, detours and dead-end streets into something more lucrative, more rewarding, more mentally charged so that your pathway to your final destination is clear and accurate. It is possible. You know this to be true, so for what are you waiting?

I invite you to take a look at my new 5-Month interactive mastery program which will start this coming February. Hopefully this is the year when you feel called to invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education as you Follow your Inner Compass. If you feel that a program like this will serve you to advance your goals, please click on the following link and learn more about it:

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Shifting your Powerful Internal System
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

What’s in a Birth Day?

Posted by Intuition Girl

We all have birthdays, but have you had your annual “Birth Day”? What I mean by that, is have you set aside a day in the week, month or year that is your day to get reacquainted with yourself, your Inner Child? Birthdays are something we all share in common and are often celebrated among friends and family so they do not leave much room for “me time”. I want you to give yourself a “birth day” — does not matter which day you decide to have it (the sooner, the better of course) — and own that day for yourself.

Use this day as a time when you can recollect your thoughts and aspirations — and rejoin the living. I’m already alive, you say? Are you really? Being alive and living day in and day out are two different things altogether. When you awaken yourself to a renewed sense of purpose and drive, you are living “alive” and not simply going through the motions. That is what having a birth day is all about. It gives you the momentum to create and fulfill the dreams that your heart and Soul Being desire.

Do any of you remember the film, “Groundhog Day”, starring Bill Murray? Murray plays a disgruntled weatherman who to his dismay, replicates Groundhog Day over and over again until he is forced to revisit his life and the things that matter the most in his life. Obviously not too many people would want that to happen in their own lives. However, it is usually when we are forced to come face to face with ourselves that we begin to realize who we actually are and what we need to do to transform ourselves. It is much easier when we reserve a special day to do just that.

Do not wait for that instance when you are suddenly hit with a backlash of emotions; because these subdued energies can take you out if you let them. Make your “Birth Day” one of awakening… a time to reflect on the importance of you, who you are and how far you have come. Get in touch with your Inner Child… feed your Inner Child with love, compassion and understanding. Hold that Inner Child and let it know that together, you can overcome all things great and small. The end result is the opportunity for you to grow in all of your relationships – financially, personally, professionally, family, friends, spiritually, emotionally. Remember, one energy relies on another to keep you alive, happy and sound in life

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
LisWhat’s in a Birth Day?
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Give life your best shot!

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Friends,

I recently read an article about a young basketball star from James Madison University, Dawn Evens who has an incurable kidney disease. She is the Nation’s leading scorer and she does not allow her condition to dictate her life in any way.  She said:  “I just decided I am not going to lie down and let this take over my life like it can.”

When she walks out on the basketball court she moves as though she owns the floor – she commands the situation.  My question to you is:  “What life experience are you currently going through that has stopped you in your tracks and immobilized you?”

PRACTICE taking responsibility for where you are right now. Gather strength from your problems and give your life your best shot.  Each one of us has the power within us to muster up the strength, courage and passion to push through whatever life has presented to us.

Don’t allow a problem or misfortune to control you.  Own the floor – command the situation and seek a solution.  Do not let your problem take over your life like it can.  Seek out role models to follow and encourage you – pray and ask the angels to support and help you and remember to never give up!

Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

March 23, 2011

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