Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

5 Intuitive Points for Discovering the Ideal Match

Posted by Intuition Girl

Ever wonder how some couples stay happily married for 50 years or how in love some couples appear to be? Call it chemistry, call it an instant click, or maybe…just maybe there was something intuitive about these relationships that made them work quite as well as they have.

There are a lot of singles in the world seeking that perfect mate…a soul mate for life. The trouble with searching for the perfect match is that perfection is far from easy to find…and sometimes perfection is not at all what we are seeking. Somewhere along the line, we have been tricked into believing that love creates sparks, whistles and bells… a large display of fireworks. And then when we finally discover love, it is not at all what it’s cracked up to be. Bummer.

There is some good news, however. When you use the following five intuitive points to discover your “perfect” life partner, you will find it’s a lot easier to open the lines of communication to get a relationship established.

1.  The eyes have it! When you walk into a room (or any place for that matter) and you notice that your eyes meets another’s, do you shy away or do you feel drawn to that individual? The feelings that you evoke at that precise moment are your intuitive powers kicking into overdrive. How you feel and what you perceive from that individual are clues as to whether or not that certain somebody is a match for you. Let your conscience be your guide in this case. More often than not, it can provide you with the hint you need as to whether or not this person is a fit…at least by first observation.

2.  Pay attention to hand signals! Now that you have made an eye-connection, observe the individual’s body language. Body language can intuitively tell you how the person might react to your advancement. Rather, if the individual may make a move toward you. If the person is open handed and relaxed, that individual may welcome dialog with you. If the individual is sitting with legs or arms crossed, s/he may not wish to engage in a conversation.

3.  Smile or frown? When you see an individual, you can usually intuitively pick up on that individual’s emotions. Sometimes these feelings can run a gambit and may be covered by a wincing smile or strained laugh. Study the individual for a welcoming smile or any other facial expression. Watch body movements (shifting, toe or finger tapping, etc.) too, because these are usually closely tied to facial expressions. The woman pictured on the right, for example, is saying, “Hi. I would really like to talk to you but I am shy.” (Notice the hands crossed resting beneath her chin.) The smile however is genuine.

4.  Nervous habits. If an individual is steadily tapping his or her fingertips upon a desk, table, or other platform, it means that the person is in a rush or may be a very impatient person. If you are a more laid-back individual, you will find that patience and impatience do not always go together. Intuitively and physically, you can also pick up on subtle habits like fidgeting with hair, tugging on ear lobes, or eye movements. When an individual is speaking with you, pay attention to which direction his or her eyes are shifting. If the person looks you straight in the face or slightly shifts her eyes to the right, she is being truthful. If the individual shifts his eyes overtly to the left, the person is often being dishonest. Also signs to look for which may or may not mean anything at all are eyes that ride the floor. Many times, when individuals are shy or aloof they may dread direct eye contact in fear of being “shut down” or “shut out”.

5.  Voice. An individual’s voice also plays a pivotal role in how we perceive that person. Fast, high-pitched voices may be annoying to some individuals. In some cases, slow, monotone voices can be likewise boring. Using your intuition, you will find that your voice octave often matches a prospective match. It’s a matter of listening to your potential counterpart and determining if that individual is a good match. Also note that certain octaves are more ear-pleasing to one another, so while our octaves may not be perfectly in sync, our intuitive attraction is.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Inspirational Message: The Art of Communicating

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

Are you a Control Fanatic?

Posted by Intuition Girl

If you are, you might be hindering your advancement as well as the progress of others. It is okay to want things and to acquire success, but sometimes, we allow our personal goals and ulterior needs and motives to get in the way of overall growth. How, you ask?  Just look around you, we are experiencing pain and suffering all around the world because people, individually and collectively are not making choices based on the overall good of the masses.  We have compromised our values and principles. The simple resolution to this and other situations requires us to take a look at the following possibilities.

  1. Always put people before profits. It does not matter in what profession you practice. Whether you are a mechanic, a doctor, a politician, a foreman, a counselor or an attorney – you must always think of the people that work for you, work with you, and those for whom you work. When you put others first, you are paving the road to success with compassion and passion – and that is the core factor to achieving overall health, wealth and happiness.
  2. Plan ahead. Someone once told me that we must have the right preparations and ingredients to run any business. That means that if you are willing to go the extra distance, you can create a long-term map for success.  Sometimes that means that we have to commit ourselves to longer hours and more motivation but always it means that we must maintain integrity. Proper preparation is everything.
  3. Do NOT use short cuts. Sometimes when we travel, we are tempted to use short cuts to get somewhere faster or cheaper. In business, shortcuts often create shortcomings.  Speed does not usually create the best results; accuracy and careful attention to details by those who specialize must be recognized and acknowledged.  Putting your efforts into those specific areas where you excel will enable you to create quality workmanship in all endeavors.
  4. Cooperation. When professionals work together, each brings his own vital insight and wisdom to the proverbial dinner table.  Each has his own unique technique and vantage point that somehow creates a powerful mix of not only diversity but often the best solution.  You might want to re-evaluate how your lack of cooperative efforts have fallen to the wayside and possibly caused complacency. When we cooperate in harmony, we are all giving and receiving quality “input” to produce a more creative array of wealth and productivity.
  5. Communication. This is the simplest, most transparent yet often forgotten component to business success. We often encounter situations where there are plenty of sheriffs but not nearly enough deputies. Everyone has something to say, and in the cross-fire of the chatter, nothing gets accomplished and nothing of importance gets heard.  We must learn to speak with our cohorts and not at or down to them. When we understand that working together for a common goal is beneficial to all concerned, we soon discover the sweet feelings of success, a sense of peace of mind and the wonderful taste of victory.
  6. Complacency breeds neglect! All too often we easily become accustomed to doing things in a certain manner or completing tasks a particular way. Sometimes, we have to step off the beaten path and bask in the newness of innovation. Learn to listen to what others might offer you in advice—look at their comments and remarks as possible clues or leads to follow. It certainly helps if you can learn to listen to your gut feeling. Sometimes you have to re-evaluate your methodologies to jumpstart a more effective model for both your professional and your personal life!
  7. Invest in your future successes! Put time and money aside for improving knowledge and information.  It is so wonderful to experience our successes but it is vital to our future success for each one of us to place money and time aside to for continual education.  I encourage you to continually improve your success, one must improve their knowledge and understandings of information that will help us continue to grow and improve our techniques as we ultimately realize our full potential and future and continued successes.

It is important to remember that you can always seek help from a professional life coach, who can assist you in manifesting success in all areas of your business and personal life.  Becoming a winner is just a phone call away – let me show you how to properly use your business savvy by combining your intuition and your zest for success to create the successful lifestyle you have always wanted.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

You can’t take it with you

Posted by Intuition Girl

Recently, a friend of mine attended a funeral of a not-so-distant and humble relative. Like most funerals, the occasion was somber. An older but kindly preacher who personally knew the deceased presided over the reading of the eulogy. As he spoke with a long, southern drawl, he discussed the life of the late beloved. In the midst of his tributary, he stopped and took a lengthy breath. He then told the multitude of mourners how fondly so many had spoken of the departed. In fact, every individual who had been touched by this person talked about what a “good man” he was. But then the preacher said something else…something unexpected. He looked around the parish and as he did, he relayed another important message about the man. He talked about how this individual had throughout his life been repeatedly taken advantage of by friends and family; but each and every time, this same individual would turn right back around and help those same folks regardless of what she or he had done to him. I asked my friend if this was in fact the case, and she conceded that it was the truth. Imagine that!

How many of us journey through life holding onto grudges for the wrongs that people have done to us? How many of us live day-to-day, licking our emotional wounds? For every moment we spend harping on those past hurts and negative feelings, we are one step closer to the demise of our own life force; as some call Chi. We could all stand to learn a lesson from the departed man in this piece. Here was an individual, humble beyond all means – a man who continually gave and gave until he could give no more. And in the end, he left a legacy that not many can call their own. His legacy was one of forgiveness, compassion and honor. Because he honored those around him, he had enough compassion to share his worldly possessions and yet time and time again, forgave them for their transgressions, their lack of return and even their lack of respect. In this individual’s life, he did not allow others’ lack to rule his emotions. In addition, he did not allow his own lack of material belongings control his own state of mind or his life.

Many of us have wealth beyond wealth but we do not see it. How so? Because we have not learned to let go of the past, we have enabled our negative state of consciousness to rule our vision, our emotions, and sadly, every waking moment of our lives. Our regrets, sorrows, anger, resentment, fear, animosity, and other feelings of lack start to creep into our life force. Before we know it, we have salt pouring into an open wound day in and day out. And every time we harp on those negative emotions, we are destroying a little bit more of our life force – that energetic core of our being, our quintessential purpose for living. From this moment on, I want you to reflect on your life and where you are right now. Are you still mad at an old beau? Still beating yourself up for the job you lost? No matter what it is you are dealing with at the present moment, it cannot be more powerful than your life force and your willingness to let go of the past. Forgive your significant other. Forgive yourself. Now. Do not hesitate. Do not look back. Forgiveness is essentially giving back to yourself. When you give back to yourself, you are rebuilding your life force and reinventing the world that you see around you with inspiration, passion and motivation. Stop crumbling in the agony of defeat and begin living in the moment of vitality!

Don’t forget to check out my upcoming 5-Week Program on the topic of “Forgivenesss.” During those 5 weeks, we will be tackling many of the thoughts, beliefs and inner turmoil that we often experience while we are feeling hurt, angry or simply blocked against any one or any thing that will helps us heal and flow. I invite you to take a look at the site that will go into greater detail this 5-Week Program on Forgiveness.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Inspirational Message: Believing in yourself

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

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