Inspirational Message – Is there someone you need to speak to
Posted by Intuition Girl
Is there someone that you need to have a conversation with? That you need to hug and honor who they are.
Everyone needs to be forgiven and we all need to forgive.
Holding on and Letting go
Posted by Intuition Girl
Throughout my tenure as an intuitive life coach, I have encountered numerous clients who have difficulties letting go of the heavy baggage that tends to hinder their progress; and more importantly, their overall happiness in life. Sometimes, it is easier to hold onto what we are used to experiencing in our lives. We grow complacent in believing that the emotions we are lugging around with us…bitterness, regret, anger, resentment, fear… are a natural aspect of our living. We begin to think that without these emotions, we would not be who we are; therefore, we painstakingly latch onto these feelings to keep our spirit fired up. That is the misconception, however. As long as we are holding onto these emotions (that do not serve our purpose), we are extinguishing our proverbial fire within our spirits. We are unintentionally draining our life-force and creating a black hole instead of a bright, shining flame.
You need a bright flame to attract all the positive things you want in life, and the only way to reignite that fire in your spirit, is to clear the space from all the empty and negative feelings that have become permanent place-holders in your life. When you think about it, do you really need to continue feeling angry or fearful? What purpose is it serving? Besides keeping you angry or scared, what are you personally getting out of these feelings? Do they improve your day-to-day life? Do they make you feel empowered? No. Each day that you hold onto these unforgiving emotions, is yet another day that you are stripping your own power away from you. In fact, you are giving away your personal empowerment to these feelings every time you succumb to them. It’s not worth it. Believe me — in the long run, you are better off forgiving yourself and letting go of all the past baggage you’ve been harboring in your life.
What’s in a word? Let’s begin with the word, “forgiveness“. To many, it means forgiving others for past mistakes or hurts. In truth, forgiveness begins with you. One cannot forgive another until he has forgiven himself first. It takes genuine effort and a big dose of humility to forgive others, but it takes an even stronger individual to look into the mirror and say: “I forgive you. I forgive you for all the anger you have had in your life. I forgive you for all the emptiness you have felt. I forgive you for all the regrets that you have had. I forgive you for not loving yourself enough.” That is a lot to say to yourself, but perhaps you have just one or two things you need to say to clear the air. A lot of times, the simple act of forgiving yourself aloud gives you the opening to releasing the emotional baggage in your life. Breathe. It’s okay.
Once you have opened the door to positivity and potentiality in your life by letting go of past hurts and regrets, your internal flame that ignites your spirit with the Universal flow of energy will begin to shine brighter and stronger. So much so, that suddenly you begin to feel alive again. You begin to feel empowered and ready to take on the world each and every day with a renewed sense of passion and vigor. Your spirit does not want to have its life-force extinguished. It is begging you to stop holding onto the animosity and sorrow… stop holding onto the disappointments and worry… stop holding onto the fear. It is time to let go …just let it go. Breathe. Look into the mirror right now and tell yourself: “I forgive you.” There. Doesn’t that already feel better? Can’t you begin to feel the emotional baggage from your past being released from your spirit? It has been a heavy load to carry, hasn’t it? Now is the time for you to let it go. Let it all go.
I would love to work with you and help you to clear the space for a new and improved you. Together, we can meet your life challenges with the right intuitive ingredients to create the success and happiness your heart desires. Drop me a line today and let me help you reignite your life force with the passion and greatness that you deserve!
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
This coming February, invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education to Follow your Inner Compass, a five-month interactive mastery program with Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan! If you feel that a program like this will serve you to advance your goals, please click on the following link and learn more about it:
I will also be offering a free teleclass on January 11, 2010 to discuss this forthcoming program. Register Here! I would love to meet with you!
Holding on and Letting Go
By Joan Marie Whelan
Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Forgiveness and Healing go Hand in Hand
Posted by Intuition Girl
WE will be hosting another Forgiveness Program for 4-Weeks in July on Tuesday Nights
For those of you who couldn’t join us before, this is your opportunity to do so now.
“God, Our Universal Source is reaching out to all of us and asking us to willingly release the poisonous emotions that paralyze us.” – Joan Marie Whelan
Yes, the emotions that hold us in bondage and chains are often the most toxic and lethal to our overall wellness. Are you ready to make a useful change in your life? If you are, then for what are you waiting?
It is an inside job that we must all take to task and to heart. It is not as difficult as it may seem. At first, you may be thinking, “Why do I have to learn to forgive? I have done nothing wrong. It is everyone else who has hurt me in the past. Not me.” But in fact, it is you — who have been holding onto these sad and regretful emotions that have been barring you from advancing in your life. It is you, who must choose to live in emotional freedom or live in emotional bondage.
So many of us have been hurt or abused at one time or another, either by our own hand or because of someone else. Anyone who has become a victim and that includes survivors of childhood abuse, political or military imprisonment, crime, relationships or self- abuse due to various addictions must go within and clearly decide their fate…for it is ultimately our decision that will strengthen us and bring forth our healing or it will destroy us and cause our demise.
Are you choosing to remain a victim – of the small child who lost her father; the individual who was accosted years ago; the man who is still fighting the war within; the widow who lost her spouse… how much longer are you willing to hold onto your emotional wounds of the past?
It is an inside job and I want you to know that you have the mental and intuitive capacity to change your frame of mind, body and spirit – right down to your internal DNA! You have the ability to transform your thinking and your lifestyle for more positive, more productive, and more useful outcomes for you. You, brilliant you, are the master of your life and your destiny. Once you understand that you have the courage and power to forgive, you will receive a blessing: a sense of inner peace that is priceless.
That is why I am offering for the second time this 4-Week Program that will:
- alter your life
- bring about an awakening
- open the door to new opportunities
- give you practical tools to use for the rest of your life
- revolutionize your life from the inside out
- Give you downloadable audio of each class to re-listen to upon need
After all, it is an inside job – let me help you help yourself; and together, we can begin the transition from victim to victor!
Forgiveness is an internal process. It is not about forgetting a negative event or emotion
It is freeing—it frees one from the grip of another. If we cannot let go of our strong desire for revenge or obsession, we will never experience true healing
This program is reasonably priced and intended to give you a quick jump-start on your healing process
Classes are scheduled for every Tuesday Evening in July 6PM Pacific Time and 9 PM EST
I’m going to share my gifts and incredible life-altering program!
Don’t let another life-transforming opportunity pass you by! Isn’t your release from shame—blame or guilt worth it?
Sign up now for your opportunity to work with me! Learn more at now!
You can’t take it with you
Posted by Intuition Girl
Recently, a friend of mine attended a funeral of a not-so-distant and humble relative. Like most funerals, the occasion was somber. An older but kindly preacher who personally knew the deceased presided over the reading of the eulogy. As he spoke with a long, southern drawl, he discussed the life of the late beloved. In the midst of his tributary, he stopped and took a lengthy breath. He then told the multitude of mourners how fondly so many had spoken of the departed. In fact, every individual who had been touched by this person talked about what a “good man” he was. But then the preacher said something else…something unexpected. He looked around the parish and as he did, he relayed another important message about the man. He talked about how this individual had throughout his life been repeatedly taken advantage of by friends and family; but each and every time, this same individual would turn right back around and help those same folks regardless of what she or he had done to him. I asked my friend if this was in fact the case, and she conceded that it was the truth. Imagine that!
How many of us journey through life holding onto grudges for the wrongs that people have done to us? How many of us live day-to-day, licking our emotional wounds? For every moment we spend harping on those past hurts and negative feelings, we are one step closer to the demise of our own life force; as some call Chi. We could all stand to learn a lesson from the departed man in this piece. Here was an individual, humble beyond all means – a man who continually gave and gave until he could give no more. And in the end, he left a legacy that not many can call their own. His legacy was one of forgiveness, compassion and honor. Because he honored those around him, he had enough compassion to share his worldly possessions and yet time and time again, forgave them for their transgressions, their lack of return and even their lack of respect. In this individual’s life, he did not allow others’ lack to rule his emotions. In addition, he did not allow his own lack of material belongings control his own state of mind or his life.
Many of us have wealth beyond wealth but we do not see it. How so? Because we have not learned to let go of the past, we have enabled our negative state of consciousness to rule our vision, our emotions, and sadly, every waking moment of our lives. Our regrets, sorrows, anger, resentment, fear, animosity, and other feelings of lack start to creep into our life force. Before we know it, we have salt pouring into an open wound day in and day out. And every time we harp on those negative emotions, we are destroying a little bit more of our life force – that energetic core of our being, our quintessential purpose for living. From this moment on, I want you to reflect on your life and where you are right now. Are you still mad at an old beau? Still beating yourself up for the job you lost? No matter what it is you are dealing with at the present moment, it cannot be more powerful than your life force and your willingness to let go of the past. Forgive your significant other. Forgive yourself. Now. Do not hesitate. Do not look back. Forgiveness is essentially giving back to yourself. When you give back to yourself, you are rebuilding your life force and reinventing the world that you see around you with inspiration, passion and motivation. Stop crumbling in the agony of defeat and begin living in the moment of vitality!
Don’t forget to check out my upcoming 5-Week Program on the topic of “Forgivenesss.” During those 5 weeks, we will be tackling many of the thoughts, beliefs and inner turmoil that we often experience while we are feeling hurt, angry or simply blocked against any one or any thing that will helps us heal and flow. I invite you to take a look at the site that will go into greater detail this 5-Week Program on Forgiveness.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
5 Tips on the Art of Forgiveness
Posted by Intuition Girl
Are you stuck in a rut and cannot seem to find the end of the tunnel? Did you ever think that you might possibly be preventing yourself from moving forward by holding onto past hurts and other emotional baggage? In my practice, I have met so many clients who truly want to change the course of their direction but simply have no clue on how to proceed. I have found that the initial step to creating wealth and prosperity in life is to first learn the art of forgiveness. Don’t laugh. I mean it. We all hold onto resentful feelings and guilt. We let these emotions take over our daily living and even our entire lifetimes. It’s not easy carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders when you’re trying to climb a mountain.
Let’s discuss five tips that can help you learn the art of forgiveness so you too, can begin to enjoy the fruits of your labor without the added stress of that heavy load you’ve been shouldering. From here on out, I want you to remember the acronym: SILLY
- Strategize.
With any successful encounter, we have to plan a strategy that works best to benefit our individual lifestyles. What do you really want out of life? If you are trying to climb the corporate ladder or just want to find peace with a significant other, then you must gear yourself up to meet the task at hand. That means you need to come to terms with your emotions and draw out a plan of action to put those monsters to rest. First, write out all the feelings you’ve been harboring: guilt, anger, frustration, malaise, intimidation, inferiority, low self-esteem, hatred, sorrow… you name it, write it down. Now, look at that list. One by one, I want you to try and recreate each feeling associated with the word you have written. Can’t do it, can you? Good. Next, cross off each word on your list. Breathe in. Smile. That’s the first step.
- Implement. Since you’ve crossed off your list of negative emotions, you’ve already made a major step toward realizing your potentiality through forgiveness. Let’s take that and run with it… say aloud to your self: “I forgive myself for ___________ (fill in the blank). My emotions no longer have control over me. I am in control of my life. No words or feelings can stop me from moving forward from this moment onward.”
- Learn. We’ve all had past encounters that weren’t always the best experiences. The good news is that when we allow forgiveness in our lives, we are forgiving ourselves and releasing all the negative energies that have infiltrated our daily routines and relationships. Know from your experiences that learning forgiveness is fundamental in creating happiness in life. Whether it’s an old supervisor who seemingly drove you to the brink of insanity, or a past love that may have broken your heart… only you have the power over your emotions. Your boss didn’t make you insane. Your significant other did not break your heart. In all actuality, it was your emotions getting the better of you. So let’s learn from those experiences and know that only you can determine your feelings and the outcome of those feelings.
- Love.
Ah, love is such a simple four-letter word but it holds such deep and profound meaning in itself. When you forgive yourself, you are honoring yourself and replenishing the love within you. Just as a beautiful rose bud opens to full blossom, you too will open to your full potential when you learn to love and forgive yourself so that you can become the beautiful rose among the thorns that life may toss your way.
- You. You are a magnificent living thing. When you focus on yourself and learn that you have so many powerful and wonderful things going for you, you begin to understand the nature of life and how to better cope with negative events and encounters. When you breathe, are you intentionally working to breathe or is your inherent life force doing that for you?
Your life force is the central, most significant aspect of your daily life. It keeps your heart pumping, your lungs breathing, your eyes seeing, your nose smelling, your ears hearing… and somewhere in the mix of all these actions is your intuitive consciousness that allows you to see beyond the realm of your physical constitution. Your intuitive consciousness is also a constant. It never waivers. It never falters. But it is there for you and with you. It is that essence of “You” within that when released from the burdens of negativity becomes the abundant source of your very beingness. And it all begins with the art of forgiveness.
Isn’t it time to become SILLY, bask in your uniqueness and just let forgiveness back into your heart so you can be the best you can be? Let me help you take your life journey to the next level by joining me on my upcoming Program on Forgiveness…you have nothing to lose and opportunities to gain!
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
5 Tips on the Art of Forgiveness
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist