One Million and One Choices
Posted by Intuition Girl
Do you really know what it means to be a winner in life? I am sure you have heard others speak about folks who appear to have it all – a happy marriage, a great home life, a solid career, good friends, a nice home. When you notice that some people have such comfortable lives, does your heart pine to have a similar lifestyle?
It all boils down to the choices that you make in life. Each day, in fact, you make countless decisions of which you do not give a second thought. For example, when you wake up in the morning, take a shower, eat breakfast, drive to work, do your job, go shopping and then come home, you have made six choices already. But it is all the in-between decisions that sometimes have the most impact. The thing about these choices, too, is that there is an underlying reason or purpose as to why you do all the things that you do. What determines your choices, actions, behavior and end results is the motivating factor or drive. What convictions do you have about the life you want to lead? If you are simply going through the daily motions of “living” but not loving life, you may not truly have or achieve the lifestyle you deserve.
To become a winner in life, you must have a winning attitude of gratitude. The more you learn to appreciate the blessings in your life, the greater chances you will reach greatness in everything that touches your life. “I am grateful, but I am simply not going anywhere,” you say? What choices can you make today to jumpstart the road to your individual success? You must take a look at the motivator behind what you do – the seed you have planted to grow your abundance. Is the seed just a withering way to get by and make ends meet, or is the seed being nurtured with a strong and productive strategy to go beyond the average and into the extraordinary life you want to have? Do not “pine about” what you could have. Instead, take action steps. Make every choice count for something. If you are stuck in a dead end job, and you know that it is a dead end job, why are you still there? The same holds true for relationships. If you are in a negative relationship, or if you do not have the love of your life in your life, then what are you doing about the situation to
rectify it? Look at your past, your present and your future. Where have you been, what choices have you made, what choices are you making today, and what choices do you need to actively make to achieve the end results you want? If you are making the same decisions that you have made 10 years ago, isn’t it time you switched strategies?
You have one million and one choices (and beyond) to create a joyful and prosperous life of individual freedom. Plant the seed of success in your heart, your mind, and your spirit. Give it wings to fly by following up on lifestyle-changing choices so you too, can soar to greater heights. Until we speak again, I am
Joan Mare, your Intuition Girl
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One Million and One Choices
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Forgiveness: it’s all about you!
Posted by Intuition Girl
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What’s that you say? There’s no one you need to forgive? Forgiveness is a powerful topic that so few even dare to talk about but the truth is every one of us needs to take the time to go within and look at the word “forgiveness.” FORGIVENESS is actually about giving to yourself. It’s about giving love and nurturing and creating freedom. In my upcoming free teleclass I’m going to give you great tips and tools to help you go within and just give. Give what you need for yourself at a much greater level than you ever thought imaginable. And during that free teleclass, I am going to share information with you about the five-week teleclass series that I’m offering on forgiveness. Isn’t it time to peel away the layers to get to the core of understanding, compassion, friendship of self, and who knows what’s possible from there…
Go to to learn more and register
Until we talk on the call, blessings on your life journey
Joan Marie
Where are you putting your energy?
Posted by Intuition Girl
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Often times, we put so much energy into past hurts that they prevent us from moving forward in our lives. The only true way to move beyond this negative control is to forgive so we can free ourselves from the emotional baggage that we have been carrying around for way too long.
In my upcoming program, I am going to show you how to forgive and heal yourself. As an intuitive master, I do that every single day with clients from around the globe. Part of my service to you is to help you to release all those negative feelings so you can free yourself for bigger and brighter opportunities in your life! Join me on my free teleclass where I will be giving you more details on the program as well as a time for sharing and receiving the blessings of freedom and the celebration of life that awaits you!
Go to to learn more and register
Until we talk on the call, blessings on your life journey
Joan Marie
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie,
We spoke for a half hour back in February. I contacted you out of a certain desperation. I hated my life, and hated my situation. You said you saw a relationship for me very soon, and in fact when the weather turned warm, saying spring or summer. It’s freezing outside and I am still single and very lonely. I have been on some unremarkable dates with people who turned out to be dull and ultimately unbearable, so it’s not like I’m not ‘putting myself out there.’ I am; there’s just no one to put myself out there *for*. I have been laid off from two jobs and can’t find another one. I apply and apply everyday and nothing. I can’t pay my rent or bills.
My life is terrible and hurtful. It’s gotten far worse. It’s nothing but suffering, loss, agony, or at best, boredom and meaninglessness. I try really hard and think positive but nothing ever changes. 3 years ago my father died and the love of my life left me for someone else. I am almost 30 and feel like my dreams have passed me by. The point is, I am not ‘being negative’ and I am not ‘holding myself back’. I am absolutely positive in every way I can be, I visualize, meditate, imagine, journal, read self help books, and do EVERYTHING I’m supposed to, but there are no opportunities and no men. I wonder if you can tell me something, ANYTHING positive will happen soon. I don’t need to be told to think positively or to look at things in a different way. I already know all that.
I need assurance that something good will happen to me soon-and not some cheesy self-help thing like I’ll think positive. I already know all that. I already do all that. I already love myself and am working on my goals. But that’s only the first half. Thesecond half is to have something and someone on the other side. I mean an external event that occurs and gives me money or love (another person, not just self love) please advise.
Marie Krueger