Holding on and Letting go
Posted by Intuition Girl
Throughout my tenure as an intuitive life coach, I have encountered numerous clients who have difficulties letting go of the heavy baggage that tends to hinder their progress; and more importantly, their overall happiness in life. Sometimes, it is easier to hold onto what we are used to experiencing in our lives. We grow complacent in believing that the emotions we are lugging around with us…bitterness, regret, anger, resentment, fear… are a natural aspect of our living. We begin to think that without these emotions, we would not be who we are; therefore, we painstakingly latch onto these feelings to keep our spirit fired up. That is the misconception, however. As long as we are holding onto these emotions (that do not serve our purpose), we are extinguishing our proverbial fire within our spirits. We are unintentionally draining our life-force and creating a black hole instead of a bright, shining flame.
You need a bright flame to attract all the positive things you want in life, and the only way to reignite that fire in your spirit, is to clear the space from all the empty and negative feelings that have become permanent place-holders in your life. When you think about it, do you really need to continue feeling angry or fearful? What purpose is it serving? Besides keeping you angry or scared, what are you personally getting out of these feelings? Do they improve your day-to-day life? Do they make you feel empowered? No. Each day that you hold onto these unforgiving emotions, is yet another day that you are stripping your own power away from you. In fact, you are giving away your personal empowerment to these feelings every time you succumb to them. It’s not worth it. Believe me — in the long run, you are better off forgiving yourself and letting go of all the past baggage you’ve been harboring in your life.
What’s in a word? Let’s begin with the word, “forgiveness“. To many, it means forgiving others for past mistakes or hurts. In truth, forgiveness begins with you. One cannot forgive another until he has forgiven himself first. It takes genuine effort and a big dose of humility to forgive others, but it takes an even stronger individual to look into the mirror and say: “I forgive you. I forgive you for all the anger you have had in your life. I forgive you for all the emptiness you have felt. I forgive you for all the regrets that you have had. I forgive you for not loving yourself enough.” That is a lot to say to yourself, but perhaps you have just one or two things you need to say to clear the air. A lot of times, the simple act of forgiving yourself aloud gives you the opening to releasing the emotional baggage in your life. Breathe. It’s okay.
Once you have opened the door to positivity and potentiality in your life by letting go of past hurts and regrets, your internal flame that ignites your spirit with the Universal flow of energy will begin to shine brighter and stronger. So much so, that suddenly you begin to feel alive again. You begin to feel empowered and ready to take on the world each and every day with a renewed sense of passion and vigor. Your spirit does not want to have its life-force extinguished. It is begging you to stop holding onto the animosity and sorrow… stop holding onto the disappointments and worry… stop holding onto the fear. It is time to let go …just let it go. Breathe. Look into the mirror right now and tell yourself: “I forgive you.” There. Doesn’t that already feel better? Can’t you begin to feel the emotional baggage from your past being released from your spirit? It has been a heavy load to carry, hasn’t it? Now is the time for you to let it go. Let it all go.
I would love to work with you and help you to clear the space for a new and improved you. Together, we can meet your life challenges with the right intuitive ingredients to create the success and happiness your heart desires. Drop me a line today and let me help you reignite your life force with the passion and greatness that you deserve!
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
This coming February, invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education to Follow your Inner Compass, a five-month interactive mastery program with Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan! If you feel that a program like this will serve you to advance your goals, please click on the following link and learn more about it: http://www.joanmariewhelan.com/innercompass/
I will also be offering a free teleclass on January 11, 2010 to discuss this forthcoming program. Register Here! I would love to meet with you!
Holding on and Letting Go
By Joan Marie Whelan
Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist