Tapping into the Power of Your Source
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question 1
How do I tap into the power of my Source so I can, as you say, dance my way through life? I have been fighting most of my life but I do not want to fight any longer? I guess I am looking for peace in my life? If you can answer this question, I would be most grateful.
Samuel J.
Hi Samuel:
The greatest statement you said is “I am looking for peace in my life”. The truth is you have peace inside of you; all of us do. All we have to do is remember how to tap into that gift. So often we ignore peace by focusing on the things that are not working or what we do not have. Many times as a default we tap into our confusion, or our fear or panic and we forget what is really inside of us.
In order to tap into your Source you must be able to see the light within you. I often call it the sunlight. Get clear on what it is you are fighting for; in order to know peace you must surrender to where you are, and stop the fight or battle within.
The Source inside of you is a well of Eternal Love and Peace waiting for you to drink from its plenty. What all of you need to do is sit in the sunlight with your heart open to receive the peace you are longing for. If you do this exercise often, you will feel the difference.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Girl
Moving forward in life with purpose and meaning
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question 1
How do I honor who I am and follow my life’s purpose? I am a 60 year old woman who has a job but I have no security so how do I move forward with my life, its purpose and meaning?
I guess I am hoping to discover my soul’s purpose and my future while I am on this planet. I am not sure how to begin. If you can give me some insight I would be most grateful.
Heather W.
Answer 1
Dear Heather:
It is about your soul discovery. I think you are too focused on your Ego Mind, which is well intentioned however, out of ignorance it is focusing on fear and worry which is actually tripping you up and preventing you from bringing flow into your life. To unblock it means that you have to do your work, which does take conscious intention, willingness and commitment. We all have the opportunity to choose feeling blocked or feeling the flow. Which are you choosing? Please take a look at yourself and see what frequency you are marching too—your self-observation will be most helpful.
You have powerful thoughts and you are the solution, so I suggest that you move away from fear or insecurity. You can flow but it is about the frequency that you are identifying with. So again I emphasize, you must begin to decide how you want to live and where you want to put your focus. What you dwell on all the time will materialize your outcome.
One of your life lessons is for you to learn and understand why you have needed to be in the place you are in. This is not a punishment. It is a wake-up call. Also, allow yourself now more than ever to create clarity on what you want your life to look like. What is it you want to bring into your life? I have said it before and I will say it again, I wrote my book: “Soul Discovery to help people like you. If you sincerely want to discover the answers that you are seeking, you will reach out for the tools that will guide your journey.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift intuition girl
Overcoming paralyzing fear
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question 2
Dear Joan Marie:
Every time I want to move forward in life I get severe anxiety attacks and I become paralyzed with fear. Will I ever be able to heal this?
Thank you,
Samantha Tucker
Answer 2
Dear Samantha:
This is a powerful question and one I deal with often with my clients. What seems to be happening is conflict between your Higher Self (your soul) and your Ego. It is really important not to force anything. Your child within is scared and you need to get to the bottom of it with her and find out why through your self-observation. Your Ego Mind actually believes that it is protecting you by bringing up your fear but in truth it is preventing your forward movement as you focus on your limiting beliefs.
I always recommend to my clients to ask their emotions to speak to them. Sit with your anxiety and fear- they have a voice- go beneath the words of what is there and allow the emotions to lift so you can let them go. By observing our Ego thinking, we can become aware of those beliefs and feelings that are holding us back. It is important to learn how to create a continuous flow of love energy. Any of my meditation CD’s will assist you with this. The Forgiveness and Healing Program will help tremendously as you change your feelings and dwell on that which brings you joy.
Our Ego is actually a gift to us when utilized in the right way. It reveals to us all those emotions that we need to let go of so we can grow and heal.
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
What are you masking?
Posted by Intuition Girl
Are you wearing a mask to hide your sadness or identity? Isn’t it time you removed the facade to let your light shine through? Like the great pumpkin, you must cut away the layers of waxed skin to create a brightly-lit jack-o-lantern.
But let’s not forget that autumn is more than a time for trick-or-treating; in fact, it’s the perfect occasion to harvest the abundance that awaits you if you’re willing to realize your potential.
I can’t do it!
How many times have you thought that you just can’t go any further? How many times have you questioned your own abilities to create happiness and prosperity in your life? How often have you asked yourself, “Why should I even try?” If you’ve asked yourself any of the aforementioned questions, then it’s time to unveil your authentic self so you can rise above life’s circumstances to initiate real forward motion.
Here are a few tips to start your inner-healing process:
1. Stop beating yourself up. When you begin to over-criticize yourself, you plant negative seeds in your mind. Once these seeds take sprout, the roots of pessimism begin to implant themselves in every cell of your body, mind, and spirit. This type of thinking results in stress, anxiety, and even physical illness.
2. Replace negative thought patterns. Reinvent the way you think. Instead of focusing on everything that went wrong, I want you to concentrate on everything that can go right. Don’t say, “I can’t.” Instead, say aloud to yourself, “I can.” When life begins to get you down, throw a boomerang of happiness. When you project happiness, it comes back to you. Break here
3. Visualize your success. I can’t stress this enough. In order to start creating prosperity in your life, you must imagine the success that you can achieve. Figuratively speaking, you need to get down to the nitty-gritty details of what it is you want so you can embrace it fully. If you’re unhappy with your mundane career and are interested in pursuing a more exciting one; for example, in seeking a rewarding position as a firefighter, the first thing you need to do is imagine yourself in uniform. Imagine yourself dressed in yellow. Visualize the red fire truck, and you’re driving it to the fire scene. Whatever the career of your dreams is, you have to taste it, feel it, see it, and focus on it – every single day until you get it. In doing so, your intention transforms into action. Action results in the outcome you want.
That same methodology works well with anything that you are presently seeking. Doesn’t matter if it’s a job, a home, a relationship, health, wealth or prestige…whatever it is that your heart desires can become a reality when you remove the mask and start listening to your intuition and redefining your future.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
What are you masking?
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
Are You Fighting Two Sides of You?
Posted by Intuition Girl
How to overcome your inner battle
We’ve all been at various points in our lives where we fight our inner demons to determine which way to turn to achieve success. These inner battles are actually quite necessary because they are what lead to both a spiritual healing and emotional healing process of the mind, body, and spirit. While you may not think it’s important to use meditation to develop your intuition at these times in our lives, quite the opposite is true. In fact, when you are battling the “two sides of you,” it is the perfect time to promote healing through meditation.
When I talk about the “two sides of you,” I’m referring to the inner struggle of the mind and soul – one side of you truly wants to manifest success in all areas of your life; the other side of you feels like giving up on your dreams because of current economic situations, past emotional traumas, physical health conditions, or relationship problems, among others. On which side are you presently focused?
To better explain the “two sides of you,” there’s an old story, where a man tells his grandson about two battling wolves that dwell within our spirit. One wolf is gentle and good-natured; while the other wolf is filled with anger and other negative emotions. Each metaphorical wolf wants to dominate the individual’s spirit. The grandson, in his amusement, asks his grandfather, “Which one wins?” To which, the grandfather replies, “The one you feed.” This simple story relays how intuition and emotional healing can play a vital part in bringing about success in one’s life.
If you want success stories like the rich and famous, you must use your intuition to positively feed your spirit. Like chicken soup for the soul, you must fine-tune your intuition by practicing daily meditation.
Even if your spiritual healing meditation is just five minutes each day, you will amaze yourself with the results you achieve. It’s not just about feeding your positive thoughts and emotions; it’s about properly training your mind and soul to become the person you want to be. Your success depends on how you draw from your intuition to manifest the lifestyle you want to have and lead in life. Remember, happiness is what you make it; which side of you wins the battle is entirely up to you.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Are You Fighting Two Sides of You?
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies , please go to:www.joanmariewhelan.com