Release your anger
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie
How does one release anger about what is happening not only in the economy but also in the world?
Thank you for your help,
Joanne S.
Dear Joanne:
This is a powerful question and yes there is a lot of anger floating around during these times. If there is a great deal of anger coming up within you right now, I ask you to acknowledge it. Your anger has a voice and it is coming up because you are most likely ready to deal with it and clear it out of your life. The truth is the anger coming up right now might possibly be anger that has been inside of you for a long time and the state of the economy and the world is helping to bring it to the surface. Know you are not alone. Many people are feeling the same emotion, in fact, that is one of the reasons why anger is so prevalent in the world today.
Our individual internal anger and negative energies are being expressed globally and is therefore spilling out into the world. The truth is, the world only reacts to what it is feed. I believe that it is important to clear out the anger from your body. All of my meditations are clearing meditation’s that will assist you with your emotions especially “The Power of Forgiveness and Healing” series. It can assist you a great deal during this time. In fact, I encourage you to pass it on to your family and friends. If we want balance and harmony in our personal lives, we must spread this message to everyone in our sphere of influence. With time, we will heal as a world when enough of people take the time and energy to make it happen. It begins, one person at a time. I hope you are willing to take the first step in your journey towards inner peace and happiness.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
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Manifesting Your Dreams during Crisis
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go
Balance Your Life and Attain Inner Peace
Posted by Intuition Girl
How do you achieve balance in your life? Imagine a weight scale: on either side we must place equal parts of our life to balance out the scales. Too much of one portion, and the equilibrium is offset. Having an uneven balance can potentially tip and topple the scale. Having too little on the scale won’t give it any weight at all. BUT, when we put just the right amounts on each side of the scale, we find a force that is both strong and balanced — that is much like life.
The center of our scale is our physical being, and in each arm we hold the keys to intuition, spirituality, emotional perseverance, knowledge, and vision. When we put all the essential keys together to form perfect balance, we find that inner peace is the result. Read the rest of this entry »
Inner Peace and World Peace go Hand in Hand – It Begins with You!
Posted by Intuition Girl
Have you ever heard the expression, “Become the change you want to be”? This motivational statement should be the foundation to not only promoting peace, but to achieving peace – both internally and in the world around us.
When you “become the change you want to be,” you are creating an environment for positive transformation for yourself and for humanity. Easier said than done? If you’re seriously committed to challenging yourself and setting goals for achieving inner peace, you will in fact discover that YOU have the energetic resources to fulfill your true life destiny. Read the rest of this entry »
A Recession Shouldn’t Rule your Life – 5 Tips to Overcome Your Feelings of Insecurity
Posted by Intuition Girl
While our economy may be experiencing a recession, it doesn’t mean that your mind and spirit need to fall into a slump as well. I know it’s difficult sometimes; especially if you’re a worry wart, who constantly tunes into the six o’clock news to get status reports on the state of the Union. Put that aside for a moment. I want you to focus on you. Throw away the external components of the world and take a long look at your life. What are you doing to make your life more bearable; and beyond that, what are you doing to create happiness in your life? Following are five tips to overcome your feelings of insecurity in these sometimes stressful times:
1. Don’t make mountains out of mole hills. Many times, we become our worst own enemy because we begin to exaggerate our challenges. It’s easy to do when you allow yourself to become overwhelmed to the point of no return. I imagine Chicken Little felt that way when he automatically assumed that the sky was falling. Before you jump to extreme conclusions about your situation, you need to take a step backward and put your mind on rewind for a moment. Relax. Take different perspectives of your present condition. Ask yourself:
- What options do I have at this point?
- What talents, tools, or skills do I have at my disposal?
- What are my goals?
- What goals are achievable?
- What plan of action do I have to achieve these goals? Read the rest of this entry »
Being claustrophobic
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie Whelan,
My name is Debbie, and I’m 43 years old, and I have question for you re: being claustrophobic.
For a bit of background, when I was somewhere between maybe 7-8 (?) I was over at a friend’s house playing upstairs. We got bored, and so my friend,whose name is also Debbie, suggested we play a particular game she made up.
There was a hope chest upstairs, and her idea was that each of us would go inside the hope chest while the other sat on it, but when the one inside knocked on the chest, she would be let out. She said that she would go first. She got in, stayed there a second or two, knocked on the chest, and I opened it immediately. That looked easy enough, so I got inside. The only problem is that she didn’t let me out when I knocked. She locked the chest and went downstairs! I have no idea how long I was in there, my only guess is that it was just a few to five minutes at the most, but who knows.
I have visual memory of before we started the “game” up until I get inside the chest; I don’t remember ever getting out, though obviously, I did. I don’t know if she let me out or her mom, or how I felt once she did let me out – I know nothing!
So fast forward to the present. I am having to wean off a certain medication (anti-depressant of 17 years) because it was causing blood pressure issues. Well, one of the things I experience when weaning off meds is that my anxiety goes through the roof. Everything becomes centered around claustrophobia. I feel it throughout my entire body, not just emotionally or mentally – I feel terrified that if I walk down the street and fall down or become unconscious, I will wake up in the hospital, unable to move because of some contraption I have to be in for medical reasons.
In my book, one does not experience claustrophobia if they have the power to let themselves in or out of whatever the confined place may be. I had to have traction for my hip years ago, and the moment I realized I was totally dependent on someone else to get me out of that set up, I FREAKED and had to get out of there. However, weeks later, one of the nurses showed me how I could let myself out if I got scared. Well, that’s all it took. I was no longer afraid because I had the power to let myself out if I needed it; I didn’t have to rely on or trust anyone else.
So anyway, I am freaking out about everything and anything related and not related to claustrophobia, and I’m tired of it. I NEED help overcoming this debilitating fear! I don’t normally feel these feelings intensely like this; I do realize that it’s primarily because I’m not on a therapeutic dose of meds, but even still, if those fears weren’t in there, they couldn’t come out – realistic or not!
Do you think there is hope for me to overcome this HUGE fear? I don’t want to just be able to meditate to calm down in the present, but I want something that is going to truly bring healing so that whether I think about a scenario or are actually in one, I won’t freak out anymore.
Do you have any kind of help to offer? I’m desperate!
Thank you