Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

You might just be intuitive

Posted by Intuition Girl

4  signs that you may be intuitive

Have you ever wondered how psychic people are able to “see” events before they happen? Or why some individuals instinctively know  how to pick the right numbers on a lottery ticket? Is it science or is it just luck? Being intuitive means that you have reached a higher level of dynamic consciousness that allows you to pick up on things around you before they happen. In some individuals, intuition comes naturally. In others, intuition is an art that requires practice, meditation and complete focus. In either case, to use your intuition effectively, you must restructure your thinking patterns and behaviors so that you can manifest your strengths and energy source to your highest potential. But you may already be intuitive and you may just not be aware of it.  Here are five signs that may reveal your innate intuitive abilities:

1. Reaching out and touching someone? Five minutes before the phone rings, you know it is going to ring. Not only do you know that the phone is going to ring, but you know the specific person that is going to be calling you. If you have this ability, you might just be intuitive.

2. Are you a sensitive person? Do you bask in your atmosphere? Do you perceive things, events or other situations based on your gut feeling or instinct? Are you perfectly content living in the vision of tomorrow? Do you dislike the mundane and are always searching for the new and potentiality? If you have these insights, you might just be intuitive.

3. What lies beneath… Sometimes, individuals have a natural perception of what people are thinking. Commonly referred to as mental telepathy, individuals are able to “hear” the thoughts of others both in the immediate vicinity and afar. Another word for this is empathy. When we see or hear from certain people, we sometimes are adept at picking up on what the individual is feeling or thinking simply because we are all synonymous in thought in the Universal flow of energy. It is that oneness that supplies us with the information that “lies beneath” what is immediately present to us. A good example of how empathy and telepathy work hand in hand is to look at a major earth-shattering event like the tsunami in 2004. While you or I may not have physically been there, we could feel the pain and suffering of those who were. The reasons we can feel those emotions is because we are Universally connected. If you have these types of abilities to feel empathy or telepathy, you might just be intuitive.

4. Oh, Baby! Did you know that the bond between mother and child is so strong that nursing mothers will sometimes come into milk when her child is hungry — even if that child is on the other side of town? In a lot of pregnant women, the telepathic bond between mother and womb becomes stronger as the trimesters wear on, allowing the in vivo infant to pick up on mom before he has even made his grand entrance. If you have ever felt a psychic connection to your infant, you might just be intuitive.

Whether or not you have the aforementioned abilities, please note that you have the power to re-discover and fine-tune your intuitive talents. Each and every one of us has the ability to hone in and tap into our natural gift of intuition if we are only willing to practice the art of meditation and concentration to put us in proper alignment with the universal flow of energy. Once we achieve that harmonic balance between ourselves and the dynamic energy that exists in us and all around us, we will actually awaken our intuition and our higher conscience to achieve happiness, peace and prosperity in all aspects of life.

Let me show you how to tap into your intuitive powers today! I am offering a dynamic 9-Week Program starting September 21, 2010 or you can purchase separately my workbook and CD course and learn how to tap into your intuitive powers.  Check it out today at:

Learn more how Professional Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Coach and Intuitive Specialist can help you unlock the key to your power!

Practice the Power of Intuition in your decision making

Posted by Intuition Girl

Your Intuition can make you a much more effective decision maker…

When you connect your heart and mind together, you actually are able to bring greater clarity to your concerns, wishes and doubts.

Steve Jobs said” Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition…everything else is secondary.

Sir Richard Bronson said: “I rely far more on my gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.”

I am a life Intuition Coach and an Intuitive Master.

Allow me to help you

Open your Mind – Heart – and Spirit

so that you can be in complete alignment in all aspects of your life. It is time for you to move out of the darkness of not knowing and into the light and peace of sixth sensory wisdom.

I am offering a New 9-Week Program on developing your Intuitive Abilities.

Beginning September 21, 2010 — Tuesday Evenings 6 PM Pacific time, 9 PM EST

To discuss this program, I am offering a Free Teleclass
Wednesday Night–September 8th 6 PM Pacific time–9 PM EST


Take a look again at my testimonials on the sales page
and learn more about this 9-Week program or
call the office to discuss at (949) 760-0044


I want to help you target what it is you are seeking

Your Intuition knows the truth…Isn’t it time to learn how to Tap into your Intuitive Abilities?

My 9-Week program is reasonably priced and intended to give you a quick jump-start on your life this fall.

This is an awesome value and opportunity!

There will be a downloadable audio of each class–don’t worry, if you miss one class, you will have instant access to the calls and you will be able to listen to them over and over again at your pace.

You can sign up for the program right here and choose from 3 payment plans


How to Tap into Your Intuitive Powers will:

  • Develop your ability to awaken your intuitive gifts
  • Grow to a higher and deeper level
  • Sharpen your awareness to what is happening around you
  • Have a better grasp of life’s challenges
  • Raise your vibrations to manifest easier (lt’s just that ability to hear clearly, letting life work for you instead of you working against life.)
  • Clean and fine tune the energy fields around your mind, body and spirit
  • Learn how to step into the sunlight {through meditation}

Don’t eat the yellow snow! Winter tips for creative living

Posted by Intuition Girl

Remember when we were little and the older kids would tell us that we shouldn’t eat the yellow snow? Sometimes, the older we get, the wiser we get. That — and experience tells us what we should and shouldn’t do for our own sake and our own health. But there’s always that one individual that no matter how many times he’s been told to not do something, he does it anyway. Every time that individual repeats his actions, he beats his head against the wall and wonders why he did it again.

Don’t eat the yellow snow! It’s right there in front of you. You’ve been advised not to eat it. Yet you continue to eat it again and again. That’s kind of what happens when you keep repeating the same actions to acquire a different result. Stop it!

In order to achieve the best possible outcome, (besides not eating the yellow snow) one must take a long look at how she’s approaching her challenges and go beyond the norm, and go beyond the measures that she’s taken in the past. Sometimes, we have to tackle the one problem we have with different insights and ideas. It’s not that difficult; especially if you’ve digested some rather unsavory ramifications time and time again.

Winter tips for creative living

Intuition and Meditation:

Use your intuition and experience to work for you and not against you. If you’ve battled the same battles, then you’re not in the right mindset. That means that whatever thoughts are spinning in your head must be tossed to the wayside. Start fresh. Start thinking power and empowerment. Don’t become your worst own enemy by continuing to do the same negative things to achieve success and wealth in your life. Look back at your life and see what has worked and what has not worked. Hold that thought. Now, take a deep breath and relax your mind totally. Ask yourself, “What can I do to attain_____?” (Fill in the blank.) Take another breath. Close your eyes and imagine beyond all that you’ve ever thought about in your life. Go deeper. Deeper still. Where are you in your mind? What windows of opportunity do you see affront of you? Do you see any ideas that can help you achieve what it is you want to reach? If you’re not seeing them, you’re missing the ball. You have got to get right with your mind, your body, and your spirit in order to balance the creative flow and energy in your life…and in your livelihood. You don’t have to go through life eating the yellow snow and hoping it’ll taste better the next time around. You are ready to move beyond that spot, and move forward to play and enjoy the beauty and wonder of winter (and your life) to build that igloo, build that snowman, or just to frolic in the white powdery crystals that grace our view.

Listen to your inner child

Winter is the season of reflection. It is during this time that most of us take time to muse at the wonders and events of our childhoods, our relationships, our dreams, our hopes, and our futures. Now is the perfect time to grab the reigns of your sleigh, set a course for adventure, and take in the beauty that is life and what it has to offer us. You are a part of that integral fabric of nature that makes this world a much more beautiful place to be…and what you do in this life can affect your destiny in a number of positive (and negative) ways. Isn’t it time, you listened to your inner voice… your inner child to retrieve the magic of what it means to be alive and to simply be here at this moment? When you’ve taken the steps to reflect in meditation and thoughtfulness, you will rediscover that magical feeling again. And when you do, you are on the right path toward overcoming mistakes of the past to create a bright new future for yourself and for the ones you love.

Fire dancing

Ever watched a flame in your fireplace? The flames dance in rhythmic and hypnotic sync. You can hear the wooden logs crackling and hissing as the flames grow. There’s a whole lot of energy in that fireplace. So much energy, that you can feel its warmth and vibration. That’s how you need to mold your mind. Create a spark of fire in your mind and keep the flame ignited with intuitive thinking and insightful thoughts on how to move forward every step of the way. You might still run into some hiccups but that’s okay. We all do. The important thing to remember is to always keep your flame alive, and never let it be diminished by negative thinking or by re-hashing the same mistakes of the past.

PS. Please don’t eat the yellow snow

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her much anticipated first book, “Self- Discovery: The Nine Principles to Reveal Your Sacred Gifts” will be published later this year. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: and click on membership programs.

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