Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Professional Coaching: Overcoming Career Obstacles

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 1

Hello Joan Marie:

I wanted to thank you for the interesting information that was presented in your “Coaching Collection” CDs. I am learning a lot and hope your advice can help me in my life.

Joan Marie, please let me know if you can get any feelings regarding a home based business I just got into recently called ACN. I am working with a man named David. I know he wants to help further me in this business, but he can be very pushy, overpowering, and difficult to work with. He doesn’t listen to what I am telling him. I really needed his help to get this one person into my ACN business, but he was intimidated by her because she was so much better than him, and I finally lost her as a potential partner.

When I discussed the situation with him, he felt he was not at fault. He did ask me how I would feel if someone came into the business who was better than me. I told him I felt it would be an answered prayer and that I would be very appreciative of any knowledge that person could share with me so I could strengthen my marketing and presentation skills.

Do you see me able to get this business off the ground with him or not at all? Am I just wasting my time and money or do I really need to get out of this business while I can? I am also looking for work as a home health nurse and wanting to take courses and obtain certification as a medical billing and coding specialist. I am sending out my resumes whenever employment makes itself available. I am on the internet, phone, or going to different companies and asking if employment is available.

I have learning disabilities which is making it even harder to stay focused and concentrate. Only God knows how hard I am trying to improve my life and find happiness.

Please let me know about David. If I am misreading him, I need to know that. Do you see me working with him presently or in the future? There is another ACN group here in Arizona I can go to, but I don’t think they will be open to coach me in this business because they have their own team to recruit and teach. I was invited to come and learn with them and have gone to a couple meetings. But I am still trying to determine if this is the right place and right business I need to be in for passive residual income. I hope that you will see that employment is coming very soon, as my savings are decreasing as we speak.

Any advice or help from your intuitive heart would be sincerely appreciated. I welcome your comments and hope you will see the best for me in the coming weeks and in 2010.

Thank you, Joan, for all your help. Here’s wishing you all the success, joy and happiness in the New Year.

Blessings, Linda B.


Dear Linda:

Thank you for your email. I have never heard of ACN Group so I Googled it. It appears as though it is a pyramid program and some articles do not speak favorable about it. The best thing you can do is research them- investigate them and talk to the groups you are meeting with now and see who is making money, how much; and if this company is a good partner to help you to grow and succeed.

It sounds like to me that David has a strong Ego problem and feels insecure with strong women. Having said that, he may not have been the best person to assist you. You are creating a great deal of energy fighting with him instead of producing together. I would recommend you exploring other options and if you believe in this company and its potential, call the Company headquarters and let them know you are hungry to grow but you need a teacher and mentor to get you started because you wish this to be a win/win for all parties.

I would not spend too much more money with them but I would see who is there to help you grow and make back the money you put out and more if possible.

I do see you working and I like the idea of going back to school— you are a hard and honest worker. Please remember that it is important for you right now to keep your options open and let the Universe know you want to flow. Whatever emotion is creating struggle in your life right now needs to be released so you can be in better alignment for positive flow.

Keep listening to the Coaching Collection Series. It is packed with a plethora of information. The more you listen to the various topics, the more you will grow and learn; and your own personal confidence will get stronger.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

2012: Prophecy or Potential?

Posted by Intuition Girl

There has been a lot of chatter on the Web, on TV programming and in open discussion about the year 2012. Propagating Mayan Prophecy further was the film debut of 2012, which held viewing audiences captivated with its spectacular and alarming scenes of a cataclysmic event.

Throughout the ages, man has reveled in the shadows of prophecy and ancient texts. We have looked to the stars for answers, we have dove into meditation to seek answers from within, we have been to our churches and synagogues; and beyond that, we have listened and watched what others have said and sermonized. What it boils down to is that we are a spiritually-hungry people who desire that part in us that we have somehow lost along the way in our journeys in life.

The doomsday phenomena is the town talk… it is all about how solar cycles are going to peak on or about December 21, 2012 – December 23, 2012 during the winter solstice.  And this just so happens to coincide with ancient Mayan prophecy. There are many unanswered questions that remain in our hearts and minds in regards to the 2012 phenomena. The question, however, that we should all be asking ourselves is: “Must we live beneath an umbrella of fear and discontent?” There are many factions in this country and around the world, which will use the doomsday scenario to place fear in the hearts of the willing. I say walk away from those fears. What we will can and will ultimately become the end result in all things that we aspire to be and do.

Hysterical history…

Before the turn of the century, people throughout the United States and abroad were fearful of the Y2K bug. Do you remember that? What in the world would we do if all the computer systems failed?  But they did not. Prior to the 2000 bug, there were several doomsday cults whose self-fulfilling prophecies terrified followers (and leaders) into unthinkable acts. The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments (among others) was such one of these groups that convinced its followers that the apocalypse was going to occur in the year 2000. With the entrance of the new millennium, the group began to unravel because the “apocalypse” did not transpire as they had prophesized to their followers. In early spring of 2000, movement leaders were losing their control. By late March, authorities discovered a mass murder* of over 700 group members. Self-fulfilling prophecies can only come true if we enable our unbalanced emotions to override our human intuitive will and individual power of the mind-thought.

Now we fast-forward to 2010.  We live in an age and time where science is broaching genius. We are learning things so fast that our minds can barely keep up with emerging news, innovations, inventions, data and science, of course. At the same time, we attempt to lead normal everyday lives where we go to work, come home, spend time with our loved ones, go to sleep, and start all over again. Our minds and bodies are working in automatic over-drive. This leaves little time or room for us to truly process the information that is disseminated to us day in and day out. Because our mental status is preoccupied with so much clutter, the only space that we leave open is for the “flight or fight” response. Trigger words, thoughts, ideas, people and events can springboard us into a negative downward spiral. And that, my friends is how fearful “prophecies” and notions can get us into hot water rather quickly.

You’re so intuitive – then you tell us what’s going to happen in 2012…
The uniqueness of the 2012 phenomena is that the future is always changing…always transforming by thoughts, deeds and actions. The butterfly effect of human nature is that while the potential exists of a cataclysmic event, and that while a potential exists scientifically that these things will all come to pass, and that while a potential exists that the interpretation of the Mayan prophecy is exactly that…we must stop to think in what direction we are now going (personally and as a people) to fully grasp the power and potentiality of our human will. That is the beauty of a future paradox… we can always change that what has not yet happened.

Human willpower combined with the power of the mind-thought, is one of the Divine’s greatest gifts ever given to mankind. How and what we do with that power, will ultimately shape our destinies. There is still time to change our fate for the human race. But it depends solely on our ability to transcend negative energy and animosity to create a healthier, more conducive environment for the flow of positive Universal energy. When we, as a human race, have overcome our ego minds with the stillness that our authentic self offers us, then only can we use our intuitive will and talents to determine the best overall outcome. Sixties idol, Jimi Hendrix could not have said it better: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” And that, is the same concept that you must use in your life today and everyday to deal with your fears, your animosities, your transgressions, and the information that you receive when you least expect it.

The world will be watching as 2012 fast approaches. That means we, as the human race, have roughly two years to gear our minds toward more positive thinking. It is time to awaken to our true potential. The joy-filled possibilities are waiting to be born.  We must let go of the fears riding our backs and weighing us down into the abyss of cyclic anxiety. Human intuitive will is a powerful force when used in proper alignment with the universal flow of energy. Let go of the fear. Breathe. Today is a new day, tomorrow has not yet begun…and the rest of our future will be played out exactly in accordance to what our intuitive will encourages us to do both individually and as a collective community.

Until we speak again,
I am, Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Intuition and Marketing: Creating $$ with Strategic Visioning

Posted by Intuition Girl

If your goal is to manifest wealth and success in your business, then you must mentally prepare yourself to achieve what it is you want.  In order to reach your true potential for prosperity, you need to use strategic visioning to develop a healthy and productive atmosphere.  But what exactly is strategic visioning, and what does it have to do with your intuition?  Allow me to elaborate:

If you are a business professional, or are in the process of establishing your entrepreneurial venture – it is time to learn about strategic visioning so you can create a rich environment for yourself.  Adapted to the Universal flow of energy, your intuition is an excellent resource to create abundance and professional success.

When you absolutely desire prosperity, strategic visioning is an essential instrument to fulfilling your heart’s ambitions.  Drawing on past and present experiences, likely tendencies, and strengths and opportunities to form an intricate plan in climbing the ladder to financial freedom, is what strategic visioning is all about.  Not only do we apply analytical conclusions to developing our outcome, we must also rely on our intuition.  Why? Our intuition is in direct alignment with the Universal flow of energy that dictates our destiny.  When we listen to our inner wisdom to gain knowledge and inclinations for our appropriate plan of action in combination with strategic visioning, we are using our mental and emotional awareness to its fullest potential.

How does strategic visioning and intuition generate $$?  Good question.  In order to accumulate wealth and prosperity in life, you must plant the seed of creativity in all you do.  When you tap into your intuition, you are tapping into a powerful source of information.  Imagine walking on a tight rope with a balancing pole.  Your rope is about 30 feet in the air.  If you look back or down, you might get dizzy. However, your balancing pole is what keeps you level as long as you look straight ahead and focus on meeting your objective at the other side.  Your intuition is much like this balancing pole.  It is your guide to keeping you in-tune with your intent and your focus.  And when you’re walking a literal or figurative tight rope in life, you can’t turn back or look down because it takes your eye of the mark. Your ”rope” is your support system or lifeline, and part of your strategic vision to accomplishing your goals. You can reflect on past experiences and use them as a challenge to overcoming obstacles; but you should never retreat or look down upon yourself, as you will certainly become unbalanced.

How far along are you on your tight rope of life?  Are you using your balancing pole (intuition) and are you grounded on your rope (strategic vision)?  These are key to creating the success you desire, and gives you the ability to corner the market for wealth and prosperity.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Expert

PS - Discover how to transform your lifestyle and create positive changes through the Manifestation Method - a life-changing tool that can help you in your quest.  To learn more, visit me, Joan Marie at

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Intuition and Marketing: Creating $$ with Strategic Visioning

By Joan Marie Whelan

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan and Intuitive Counseling

How an Intuitive Coach helps read between the Tea Leaves

Posted by Intuition Girl

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all see into our own futures? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if we had someone cheering us on along the sidelines telling us what direction to take and how to take it? Well, in a way, that is what professional intuitive coaches do for their clients. A reputable intuitive coach will be able to streamline client goals and whip them into professional shape to create genuine and sustainable success in life without all the extra baggage that’s been carried around for way too long.

Metaphorically, reading between the tea leaves is how an expert intuition coach can provide accurate insight and wisdom in the how-to’s of manifesting goals and in achieving real life transformation. It’s not that individuals aren’t capable of improving their overall lifestyles; in fact, many of us are fairly capable of doing just that. It’s in many cases, however, where people have come to a crossroad and they’re not quite sure how to proceed; or in some cases, where individuals have so many emotional issues that their minds are clouded with negativity. That’s when an intuitive coach can help people open their minds to different thought processes and alternative perspectives.

In addition to teaching clients how to excel in areas of life that are lacking, a professional life coach can get the creative juices flowing to help individuals overcome past emotional baggage and everyday problems. There are a number of mental tools that experienced intuitive coaches use to assist clients in personal and professional development, and emotional and spiritual growth. Some of the common techniques that intuition and life coaches facilitate include NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, journaling, past life regression therapy, inner child retrieval and healing, meditation practice, visualization, and one-on-one intuitive counseling, among others. A number of well-known life coaches also offer a compilation of meditation CDs, self-help books, journals, and home meditation exercises intended to help in the self-healing process.

Life is quite the journey from beginning to end. And while tea leaf reading can sometimes interject a shot of excitement and anticipation in our lives, tea leaves don’t always give us the precise answers and resolutions we need to create real forward motion in our lives. That’s what an intuition coach does – she can read the proverbial writing in our mind’s eye and keep us on track toward success without all the extra additives. Leave the tea leaves for drinking, and let the professionals do their job at snapping you back into a winning position in life!

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan and Intuitive Counseling

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