Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Conflict Resolution in Relationships
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question # 1
Dear Joan Marie:
My husband is ALWAYS mad at me. It seems that I am the blame for everything wrong in his life and in our relationship. If I submit, it’s never enough and if I don’t, I never doing anything for him (talk about a catch 22). According to him, I run around for everyone else and do nothing for him. We’ve been together for 13 years and married going on 6. Our relationship has always been rocky and we’ve gone to marriage counseling and I even went to individual counseling to work on my personal baggage but it seems as if even when things change they stay the same.
I am NOT perfect by far, but I have done a lot of compromising to accommodate his complaints, but even that goes unnoticed. Every time I change something about myself he has a new complaint about me.
There are things that I believe in and since he doesn’t he calls them bull. For example, I used to light candles and pray for people, he called it black magic, so I stopped. I still pray for people but now I don’t use candles.
The whole situation is getting to the point of “why bother”. I’ve changed, compromised, communicated and it’s as if I’m beating a dead horse. Sometimes I feel like what he really needs in a wife/partner is a robot (someone who can be programmed to accommodate his needs only and have none of their own).
Thanks for the shoulder!
Dear EH:
Recently, when I was on the radio in NYC I spoke with a woman who was very dissatisfied in her marriage. My suggestion was to write down a list of things she wanted her husband to say to her on a consistent basis and then share that list with him. Likewise, he was to do the same thing. The purpose of this exercise is to communicate your feelings, wants and needs with each other in a healthy manner.
Communication is the key ingredient here. From your comments, it sounds like you and your husband are not even on the same page! My wish is for you to sit down with him and share what it is you wish to experience in your marriage and what it is you are looking for.
He just might not be capable of giving you what you need. From what you said, it appears that he is a very unhappy person and quite possibly his anger and unpleasantness has nothing to do with you. Unfortunately, you are the one who is most visible to him so you get the brunt of his pain. It is not your job to change him. That is something he must do for himself.
You can only continue to work on you so that you will heal and grow. If he is not willing to look at his own “baggage” and his own need to heal and grow there is nothing you can do about it or your relationship. There is going to come a time when you will need to decide if you can continue to life with these issues because if he is not willing to work with you and the benefit of your relationship, you will need to look at why are you allowing yourself to be in a unhealthy situation.
Take your power back and make decisions that will benefit you. It is time you put you first. Balance and harmony is what we all seek.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift
Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Financial Healing
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question # 2
Hi Joan Marie,
I would just love for someone to intuit what my blockage is with money. However, because of it, I have no resources (including no credit). Sometime ago, I wrote about how scared I was because of my money situation.
I hope you are open to helping me out, I would be forever grateful.
Thank you,
Dear Denise:
Please know that your money situation is not just related to “Money or Currency.” It goes far deeper than that! You need to look at all areas in your life and question what is flowing and working for you and what is not because it seems to me that you have blockage in other areas as well which you have been ignoring.
It might be helpful for you to look carefully at your relationships and those with whom you spend time. How do people around you make you feel and do they also experience lack in their lives?
How do you feel about you? Is your life consistently moving in a specific direction and flow or are you going against the grain?
The most important question you need to be asking yourself is: “Do I value myself?” And if so, what does this mean and look like to you? I also encourage you to examine your relationship with money not only today but in the past? Has it always been a struggle for you and where is the root of the problem stemming from?
The only way for you to heal your money issues is to study all areas in your life that are not in harmony? I encourage you to believe and also to feel with all your heart as though money belongs to you and at the same time, it is important for you to be open to receiving money into your life.
It is a Universal Law –“What you continually think about is what you will create”; therefore, you cannot put energy out into the world that you are desperate and you are always in need of money because that is what you are creating.
It is time for you to stop running! I encourage you to sit down and create a plan of action that will work for you and that you believe is possible if you desire to create consistent flow in your life. Release what is not working so you can make room to bring in what can work for you today. By the way, this does not take money! It takes discipline and persistence.
Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift
Inspirational Message: Be Spontaneous
Posted by Intuition Girl
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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.
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Inspirational Message: Choices
Posted by Intuition Girl
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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.
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Inspirational Message: Changing Patterns
Posted by Intuition Girl
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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.
To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.