Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Creating Space for Loving Relationships
Posted by Intuition Girl
Question 1:
Dear Joan Marie:
I don’t know where to start; I am with a good man and I love him—the thing is, that we also live with his family, and never have any space or time for us and it is getting to me. I have tried to talk to him but he will not move and get us our own place to live. I have also tried to think of it as a good thing and tried to do and say all the right things but I don’t feel like it is my home. I feel like a prisoner, I stay in my room and I don’t eat all day until he comes home or I go to work and eat there. Maybe you could give me some words of wisdom to get me through this mess.
Dear Cynthia:
I understand that you are in a tough situation right now. My feeling is you and your partner need to sit down and make this a win/win for the both of you. Honest and sincere communication is one of the fundamental traits for a healthy and lasting relationship. It is important that you feel comfortable and accepted in your home environment and if you are both equally in love and wanting to make your relationship work, it will take both of you to commit to a mutual resolution.
I guess my first thought is to work on finding a solution that will satisfy both of you. If this living arrangement is temporary because he is working on saving money for your future home and life together, then you both need to set a time line and work towards that goal. For any relationship to last requires compromise and open communication; however, if he plans to live indefinitely with his family because he can’t see himself separated from them, you need to know that truth so you can find a solution that will best serve you, your heart and your health.
Before you moved into his families home, some of these discussions and points needed to be resolved. But since you are already knee deep into an environment that intimidates and stifles you, you my friend are the one who needs to make wise decisions. Either you accept the situation or change it. The power is within you. This is a great opportunity for you to step up and be a leader over your life. If this is your home too than you can make the best of it and enjoy your surroundings. No one is asking you to hide in your room. Some hard choices will need to be made by you. It definitely takes courage and strength on your part but when you decide to take charge of this situation and equally implement change with your partner, you will feel much better.
2010 is Your Powerful, Monumental Year – Are you ready?
Posted by Intuition Girl
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Are you a serious professional? Join me in my Platinum Mastermind program for 2010 to take your career to a higher level! Participate in one of my free teleclasses on December 7 or December 14 to learn how this program can alter the course of your life for the better! Step out of the mediocrity of average everyday living, by allowing me to work with you to help you learn how to become a real business intuitive and start generating real wealth in all aspects of your life!
You can sign up for the teleclass right here
And learn more about this prominent program at
last chance to sign up for my coaching program, starts tonight!
Posted by Intuition Girl
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Are you up to the task? Are you ready to turn your life course around and start moving in the right direction? If you are, then you are one of the 10 people I’m seeking to complete my 5-Week Strategy Action Recovery program.
During this powerful course, you’re going to learn how to remove the blocks that are keeping you bound; and how to turn those blocks into stepping stones toward real success. We’re going to explore intuitive tips and tools that you can use to heal the inside as well as the outside — and once your flow is in balance, you’re going to see a positive ripple effect start happening in all aspects of your life. Isn’t it time you finally arrived at the destiny you’re supposed to achieve? Let me help you navigate your soul blueprint for living so you too, can begin to receive the blessings you are intended to have in your life! Hurry - my coaching program starts tonight at 9pm EST and space is limited.
Motivate your life
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan,
My life is truly challenged and I am feeling weak, hopeless and depressed. I have always been an independent person who has taken care of myself but lately I seem to be sliding backwards. It is important to me to maintain my financial independence and take care of myself but I need some encouraging words to motivate me at this time. I turn to you because I know you will say the words that will give me a boast.
Thank you,
Vickie J.
Dear Vickie:
An unknown author once said, “When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” Perseverance is key in attaining wealth freedom and happiness.
Achieving financial independence is all about staying focused on the plans we’ve made and following through on those designs. The more strength we put behind our ideals and ambitions, the greater results we achieve in life. You have achieved in this lifetime and you will continue to be successful and secure in your life if you remember to keep your focus and stay disciplined.
Are you blocking your financial freedom and wealth?
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie:
I have accomplished a lot of success in my life but one thing that I have failed to achieve is great wealth. I know I am successful but I don’t feel successful because this one huge desire has not been fulfilled. I don’t know what to do about it. I really would like to get your thoughts as to what I can do to move forward and generate flow—financial flow in my life.
Am I blocking my financial freedom and wealth? I hope you can give me some insight.
Jeannie H.
Dear Jeannie:
Did you know that every time you move into negative feelings of “lack” that you are literally pushing money away from you? Nobody wants to be “poor;” so the best thing any one can do is to rise above the “poor” stigma. When we identify ourselves with being impoverished, chances are that we will remain in that mental and financial state.
What can you do at this exact moment to improve your financial situation? Some people might say, “I don’t know what to do,” or worse, “I can’t do anything about it.” First things first: You words “don’t” and “can’t” are sabotaging you and your outcome. Stop using any words that connote negativity. Throw them out with the rest of the negative mental trash you’ve been hoarding in your mind. Now that we have that out of the way, say aloud, “I can improve my financial situation. I deserve to be wealthy and I accept great wealth into my life now.” Next begin to believe that you are saying.
Did you notice the profound strength in this short but meaningful statement? You see, when you truly believe that you can improve your fate, you will. The positive seed has now been planted in your mind. Since you’ve tossed away the negative feelings and thoughts of yesterday, and you no longer use the words “can’t” and “don’t,” you will be amazed at the remarkable transformation that you have just now enabled in your life.
By enabling your mind to be more focused on positive and meaningful thoughts, you are subconsciously beginning a new and prosperous direction in your life. You have also opened the floodgates to the positive flow of energy. Suddenly, your deeds and words follow your positive, prosperous thoughts and with prosperity comes genuine happiness.
The mental, positive seed that you’ve planted in your mind must be nourished. This means that you must believe that you can attain wealth; and you will attract wealth just by repeating this mental note in your mind on a daily basis—10-20-30 times a day. Instead of pushing money away, you will attract money to you. Remember, you possess all the mental tools to attract wealth when you use your intuitive mind to become part of the solution.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 14, 2009 for a rare, transformational opportunity to speak one-on-one with renowned Intuition Master, Joan Marie Whelan. Come share in the excitement of Joan Marie’s FREE abundance discovery teleclass, which promises to give you a taste of what is to come in her upcoming Strategy Action Recovery Program – designed only for those of you who truly want to become leaders in the art of manifesting wealth, health, and prosperity in every aspect of life.