Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Help me to see through my fears

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 2

Joan Marie, your newsletters have truly inspired me and I wanted to reach out at this time in my life when I am seeing a big boulder sitting right in front of me. I push people away and I am resistant to great advice and suggestions when they are presented to me. Please help me see through my fears so I can understand why I push people and opportunities away. I am so grateful for your help.

Karen H., Chicago


Dear Karen:

Thank you for your beautiful note. So many of us push away our many gifts and opportunities without even realizing it; however, your awareness is a blessing and a chance for you to flow more easily. Pushing people away is a form of protecting yourself from getting hurt. Please look at all the people that hurt you and see the patterns you have created. Have you put yourself in a box hoping to keep everyone else out? That is your protection mechanism so you will not get hurt. It is almost as if you are walking around wounded and saying I won’t let anyone hurt me again.

I also encourage you to look at your need to be right or maybe you unconsciously feel that “I know it all.” The greatest opportunity for all of us is to become a student and listen to others suggestions and/or critiques. If you honestly believe that a suggestion does not feel right to you than yes, by all means respect that. However, my feeling for you is once you open up your heart to receive a helping hand many more opportunities will come your way.

Life is about giving and receiving—allow yourself to be in alignment for both and watch the flow of blessing come to you.

Many Blessings,

Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuitive Coaching Specialist

How do I deal with rude people?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 1

Hi Joan Marie:

Thank you for your newsletters…I really enjoy them and always find them helpful. I was wondering if you could offer any advice for dealing with a problem that I’ve confronted many times in my life. I’m generally a very gentle and kind person, but when I run across rude people I often feel the need to confront them, whether their rudeness is directed toward me, a friend of mine, or even a stranger. It’s not that I want to fight or argue with anyone, but I guess I feel that if I call them on their behavior that maybe I will be able to say something that will resonate with them and make them see how wrong they are. I know it’s not my job to try to change people’s behavior, though (and of course, calling out rude people on their behavior usually just makes them even more angry).

What’s the best, most positive way to deal with those sorts of situations? Confronting people has not usually proven to be constructive, so how can I learn to save my sanity and not take other people’s bad behavior to heart?

Blessings to you, Mary Scott


Dear Mary:

In life it is important for us to remember that we are all mirrors of each other. Therefore, if someone is being rude the best thing you can do is to take a step back and see where in you does this resonates. I am sure you are surprised by my answer and maybe even shocked but the truth is if someone is bothering you it is because you have unfinished business within yourself that needs to be dealt with. The Universe has a clever way of getting our attention.

In life it is healthy for all of us to become observer’s of others and not necessarily participants in someone else’s movie. One thing I can offer is for you to have loving, compassionate conversations with those you feel are rude and talk with them about it, that is, talk about their tone and what they are saying and how it affects you. After all that is who you are really talking about. Once you heal that aspect within yourself, rude individuals will not affect you.

Many Blessings,

Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuitive Coaching Specialist

Waking up to 2012

Posted by Intuition Girl

It appears all over the internet—fear, worry and concern about the coming of 2012. We are all hearing the doomsday messages across the board.  We hear about Mayan prophecies, we hear about Nostradamus, we hear about climate change, we hear about solar flares…and we have not even gotten started on all the earth changes that have been happening around us!    It is true that 2012 will be here soon and so much hype has already be spun around this year…but how we perceive it in advance and what we do as we encounter the possible change, can and will create the difference between peace and happiness, and fear and distress. We are all hearing the doomsday messages across the board.  I encourage you first—do not panic. Take a breath. Calm your nerves. Now, breathe again and get grounded.

For just a few minutes, I want you to reflect on the here and now. The year is 2010. We are at a pivotal time in history where we have the choice to decide our destiny. We can follow the lead of what terrible fate some are predicting or we can choose to live in the moment of now. Who in your life has meaning to you? What in your life has meaning to you? You see, you are all that you are. Your intuitive nature wants you to attach yourself to positive energy and go with the gentle flow of the universe. The more you let go and let God, the more you find that you can live in the present moment of inner peace, enlightenment, and the free spirit that resides within you. It is not necessary to live in state of constant paralysis because no matter what happens, you will find the strength and inner wisdom to overcome all things great and small.

We still have two years to get our acts together. Now is not the time to be running around like Chicken Little screaming “the sky is falling!”  We have too much to live for in the moment of now. Make your awakening in the here and now so that you can choose your destiny…program your life to become one of greatness and happiness. You can have the inner peace that you desire if you so resolve to pursue that path…but if you choose the latter – to live in a state of alarm and anxiety, it will lead you down a negative, winding path that will only bring you grief and misery.

Wake up to 2012 so that you will be prepared for the greatness that you are destined to achieve in your life. Wake up to 2012 and leave the fear and stress of what may or may not lie ahead of you. Your very life depends on it. If you live in anxiousness your physical health can and will deteriorate. When you live with inner peace… with the knowingness that all will be well, you will prevail over anything that you may encounter. Breathe. Relax. Know that you are in the right place at the right time; and whatever comes will not be an ending to a means, but a beginning to a new phase in your life.

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

I’d like to teach the world to sing…

Posted by Intuition Girl

In perfect harmony… Remember that old jingle by Coke? Imagine if everyone sung in unison – we could all work and live in harmony in such a way that would be conductive in making the world a better, happier place.  That being said, I want to teach you how to sing in harmony with your authentic self. You have so much to offer this world and yet you have not yet manifested your true being to its full potentiality. You, wonderful you, hold the key to unlock the mystery of the secret of life. You have the essential tools right within you to discover the magic that awaits your journey – if only you are ready to receive.

As an intuitive master, I have learned how to fine tune my intuitive skills to become the person that I am; and will continue to hone in on my intuition to create a sustainable life of happiness and prosperity because I choose to do so. Life will hand us extraordinary challenges and opportunities. Determining which way to proceed is the quintessential solution to opening the doors of possibility. That is why it is critical that you become reacquainted with your authentic self so that you too, can begin to reap the blessings that life has to offer you. It is like singing in harmony with your mind, body and spirit. And when you are in balance with all of you, then you can begin to sew the benefits from the map you have laid out for yourself and your life journey.

I want to teach you how to sing in harmony with your authentic self. In my line of intuitive work, I have shown individuals who are hungry to learn what it is they need to do and perceive to create a lasting foundation of success and wealth. It is not a matter of just thinking, it is about acting upon those intuitive inclinations that you feel from within your authentic self to realize your life’s worth and potential. We do this by daily meditation, visualization, and the innate understanding that all things are possible when only we believe and set our minds on the goals that we want to achieve. In doing so, we find ourselves in alignment with the Universal flow of energy. That alignment is what puts us back in touch with our authentic self, and is what gives us the necessary push to move forward into a joy-filled life.

Allow me to help you along your journey. Together, we can sing in harmony to make your life the best life it can be!

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Opportunity comes fast and furious

Posted by Intuition Girl

Have you ever noticed that when opportunity arises, it’s never in “our time”? Rather, it comes at sometimes the most “inopportune” times – meaning that we’re often not prepared to receive it and use it to our advantage.

Here’s a great example: An individual I know (we’ll call him Dan) had a fairly-good career, but he was pining to move to another part of the country to be near the rest of his family. Dan had begun submitting resumes to different employers for a couple of months, when he suddenly got a phone call. In a twist of “unexpected” fate, he was offered the position he’d been trying to attain. Now Dan had to reshape all his current plans because the opportunity came so quickly. It took Dan a few days to make his decision to move, but only after he was caught so off guard. But was he really? You see, Dan had made the active decision months earlier to pursue another career. The intention was planted, and as time unfolded, his actions ruled his outcome – those actions transformed into his acquiring the job he sought.

Many times, we plant seeds of intention…unintentionally. What I mean by that is sometimes we start thinking about what we want; except when we do, we have planted a seed of intention. Intention turns to action, and action results in an equal reaction.  The same holds true for ill thoughts. Unlike Dan, there are some people who bring negative results into their lives because they plant unhealthy seeds in their minds. If you can think it, it can happen. The whole point of the matter is that whatever you think, you become. So if your true intention and desire is to land the job of your dreams, you will subconsciously begin acting on that thought’s behalf. The same holds true for pessimism and procrastination. If you think that you “can’t” perform a certain job, or “I’ll never own a house,” or “I can’t get that promotion,” etc. — then guess what? You won’t.

Opportunity always comes fast and furious but we have to be ready to receive it. When we plant the seed of intention – for whatever that may be – we must realize that it will come. It may not magically appear overnight, but when opportunity does come knocking at life’s door, you’ve got to be mentally and intuitively prepared by opening your mind to the potential and blessings that are ready to come into your life.

What are you thinking at this moment? If you’re like Dan, you’re ready to acquire prosperity, wealth, and happiness. You can’t afford to not be prepared for opportunity. You know that whatever it is that your heart desires that you can attain it. But it begins with a seed of intention, and that intention requires action on your part. How far are you willing to go to land the job you’ve always wanted? How deep are you willing to dive to find that buried treasure? How long are you going to keep stopping yourself from achieving success? It really boils down to you. You are a walking billboard indicative of your life. What you project is just as important as what you take into your mind’s eye. When your perception of life is in tune with your focus of intention, you begin to rapidly increase your chances at opportunity. Go ahead – plant your seed for opportunities today. I know you can, and so do you.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

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