See the Rainbow in Your Life
Posted by Intuition Girl
Often times, we become so consumed with the misfortunes of life that we fail to see the rainbow that awaits us. When the brisk summer thunderstorm passes overhead, eventually the clouds clear and the brilliant sun begins to peak through… and beyond the sun’s rays and the blue skies dawns the rainbow that seals our bond with the Universal flow of energy. Its splendid array of colors gives us the sacred sign that we are not alone and that there is always a blessing that awaits us.
The rainbow in our life is the promise that our higher source offers us each and every time sorrows rain into our lives. It is the promise that there is yet another blessing surfacing for us to experience.
Have you seen the rainbow in your life? If you have not, you are clearly missing the opportunity for you to start anew. It is that colorful rainbow that allows you to rediscover the joy and love that you may have lost. It allows you to redefine the unique individual you are as you see and feel the signs of hope and new possibilities that await you. It allows you to find the inner peace that, at this moment, you lack.
Metaphorically, your rainbow can be found in nature wherever you may go: It is the bird in the tree, the butterfly perched atop a branch or maybe it circles around your head, it is the breeze whisking through your hair and touching your face, it is the laughter of a child, it is the smile on your grandma’s face, it is the hug from a friend, it is the warmth of the sun, it is the wetness from the rain – because it simply is.
From this day forward, I want you to rediscover the rainbows in your life. I promise that there are many you have missed and it is now time for you to realize that no matter where you go, what you do, who you see, what you encounter… that there is always a new perspective, a fresh beginning, a special bond between you and a higher power that you will survive, you will overcome and you will find happiness and contentment once again. See the rainbow in your life and live your promise today, tomorrow and every day.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
5 Tips to Coexisting in Peace and Harmony
Posted by Intuition Girl
“We are all in the world together and so we must work together for the benefit of the whole in order for all of us to coexist in balance and harmony.” – Joan Marie Whelan
The “whole” in this instance is the “whole” Universe, and the Universal flow of energy. When we work against the flow of Universal energy, we are disrupting harmony and balance in our own lives, the lives of others, and even the kinetic energy from around the globe. We truly are in a transformational movement and now is the perfect time to learn from the inner truth that is ready to reveal itself to us.
While the entire Nation is in the process of recovery from grueling economic circumstances, we are also in a time of transformation and reawakening to what values are most important in our lives. What are your personal and professional priorities? In what behaviors are you engaged? How are you spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially? How you work with the Universal flow of energy determines your strength in matters of stamina, mental awareness, emotional well-being, fiscal stability and intuitive power.
Sometimes, we have to take a few steps backward to make the climb upward. That is how many of our unseen blessings come to us. We are given opportunities again and again to realize our true potentiality in becoming part of the solution to both peace and harmony in even the most difficult times.
Here are five simple tips to coexisting in peace and harmony:
1. Reexamine your ultimate goal and purpose of life, including your economic well-being.
2. Instead of thinking financial recovery, think moral recovery first!
3. Practice compassion, sharing and caring.
4. Learn and apply genuine acceptance of other people’s opinions.
5. Never respond with anger, hatred or ridicule.
Like Michael Jackson’s song, “Man in the Mirror,” the change we would like to see and the change we want to become, must begin on an individual level first.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
5 Intuitive Points for Discovering the Ideal Match
Posted by Intuition Girl
Ever wonder how some couples stay happily married for 50 years or how in love some couples appear to be? Call it chemistry, call it an instant click, or maybe…just maybe there was something intuitive about these relationships that made them work quite as well as they have.
There are a lot of singles in the world seeking that perfect mate…a soul mate for life. The trouble with searching for the perfect match is that perfection is far from easy to find…and sometimes perfection is not at all what we are seeking. Somewhere along the line, we have been tricked into believing that love creates sparks, whistles and bells… a large display of fireworks. And then when we finally discover love, it is not at all what it’s cracked up to be. Bummer.
There is some good news, however. When you use the following five intuitive points to discover your “perfect” life partner, you will find it’s a lot easier to open the lines of communication to get a relationship established.
1. The eyes have it! When you walk into a room (or any place for that matter) and you notice that your eyes meets another’s, do you shy away or do you feel drawn to that individual? The feelings that you evoke at that precise moment are your intuitive powers kicking into overdrive. How you feel and what you perceive from that individual are clues as to whether or not that certain somebody is a match for you. Let your conscience be your guide in this case. More often than not, it can provide you with the hint you need as to whether or not this person is a fit…at least by first observation.
2. Pay attention to hand signals! Now that you have made an eye-connection, observe the individual’s body language. Body language can intuitively tell you how the person might react to your advancement. Rather, if the individual may make a move toward you. If the person is open handed and relaxed, that individual may welcome dialog with you. If the individual is sitting with legs or arms crossed, s/he may not wish to engage in a conversation.
3. Smile or frown? When you see an individual, you can usually intuitively pick up on that individual’s emotions. Sometimes these feelings can run a gambit and may be covered by a wincing smile or strained laugh. Study the individual for a welcoming smile or any other facial expression. Watch body movements (shifting, toe or finger tapping, etc.) too, because these are usually closely tied to facial expressions. The woman pictured on the right, for example, is saying, “Hi. I would really like to talk to you but I am shy.” (Notice the hands crossed resting beneath her chin.) The smile however is genuine.
4. Nervous habits. If an individual is steadily tapping his or her fingertips upon a desk, table, or other platform, it means that the person is in a rush or may be a very impatient person. If you are a more laid-back individual, you will find that patience and impatience do not always go together. Intuitively and physically, you can also pick up on subtle habits like fidgeting with hair, tugging on ear lobes, or eye movements. When an individual is speaking with you, pay attention to which direction his or her eyes are shifting. If the person looks you straight in the face or slightly shifts her eyes to the right, she is being truthful. If the individual shifts his eyes overtly to the left, the person is often being dishonest. Also signs to look for which may or may not mean anything at all are eyes that ride the floor. Many times, when individuals are shy or aloof they may dread direct eye contact in fear of being “shut down” or “shut out”.
5. Voice. An individual’s voice also plays a pivotal role in how we perceive that person. Fast, high-pitched voices may be annoying to some individuals. In some cases, slow, monotone voices can be likewise boring. Using your intuition, you will find that your voice octave often matches a prospective match. It’s a matter of listening to your potential counterpart and determining if that individual is a good match. Also note that certain octaves are more ear-pleasing to one another, so while our octaves may not be perfectly in sync, our intuitive attraction is.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Spring Cleaning: Ridding the Clutter from your Life!
Posted by Intuition Girl
Ah, the allure of spring… isn’t this the perfect time to get all the dust out of the nooks and crannies of your house? Springtime is also the perfect time to take a long look at your personal and professional life to fine-tune your mind, body and spirit! In order to de-clutter your house, you have to start from the ground up and work your way out the front door. A lot of times, this means having to throw out all the pack-ratted items you’ve been saving from the garbage bin, dusting all the top shelves that you didn’t have time to dust in the past, and clearing out the closet from all the old winter clothes you no longer wear. That’s about what it takes to de-clutter your material life as a whole. It takes honest-to-goodness effort, hard work, and persistence to rid yourself from all the “stuff” that no longer serves you or is useful to your life and well-being.
I believe that it is also time to rid yourself from all the negativity and old baggage you’ve been harboring in your mind. Often times fear, anxiety, blame, sense of lack, unworthiness or indifference becomes our captor…and subsequently, our punisher. These ugly little emotions can build throughout the years creating a mountain of emotional debt that overrides your sense of purpose, confidence, direction, and future success in life.
When the waste-bin of your cluttered mind has grown to such tremendous heights, it starts blocking your view…your perception…your creativity. Before you know it, there is so much clutter in sight that you can’t even begin to see the horizon to where you are today or where you’re going in the future.
The big question is: “Why hold onto these burdensome mental triggers?” Unfortunately, we frequently do so more than we’d like to admit. It’s sort of a like an old song from our past. We tie it to an event, place, person, or feeling and every time we hear the song, it triggers an emotional response. In effect, like the song, we become mentally attached to our negative feelings like a crutch. If something goes wrong, we can blame it on that old nasty feeling we have or on the event to which it’s tied. It’s easy to blame something else or even someone else instead of ourselves.
That’s why you must set some goals for yourself today to start a whole new mental de-clutter program, that is, working from the inside out so that you begin to energize your mind with positive and worthwhile thoughts that will bolster your life.
How do I make room in my life for a more positive flow to come forth?
- The first step is to overcome your biggest fears in life and start to transform your story…your history.
- The next step is to transform your current lifestyle to another, more creative-thinking one that will garner the success you want to achieve in life.
- Modify your game plan so you can start generating real forward momentum in your life!
- Simplify your life by gaining greater understanding of how your mind works to build your platform and restore balance.
Never look back on the mountain of collective “stuff” again! It is time to rid yourself of all the negative emotions you’ve clung to for so long and get back into the business of being a clutter-free, goal-oriented, success-driven person you are intended to be! Come on… energize your mind and watch your entire perception change. It is time for you to feel free and content as you set your sights on bigger and brighter things –the miracle of your new mind dynamics!
Let me, Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan assist you in your journey of re-awakening as you explore your clutter-free life. Learn more about my upcoming five-week program on de-cluttering your life today and you too will enjoy a new way to triumphant living.
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Spring Cleaning: Ridding the Clutter from your Life!
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
5 Tips on the Art of Forgiveness
Posted by Intuition Girl
Are you stuck in a rut and cannot seem to find the end of the tunnel? Did you ever think that you might possibly be preventing yourself from moving forward by holding onto past hurts and other emotional baggage? In my practice, I have met so many clients who truly want to change the course of their direction but simply have no clue on how to proceed. I have found that the initial step to creating wealth and prosperity in life is to first learn the art of forgiveness. Don’t laugh. I mean it. We all hold onto resentful feelings and guilt. We let these emotions take over our daily living and even our entire lifetimes. It’s not easy carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders when you’re trying to climb a mountain.
Let’s discuss five tips that can help you learn the art of forgiveness so you too, can begin to enjoy the fruits of your labor without the added stress of that heavy load you’ve been shouldering. From here on out, I want you to remember the acronym: SILLY
- Strategize.
With any successful encounter, we have to plan a strategy that works best to benefit our individual lifestyles. What do you really want out of life? If you are trying to climb the corporate ladder or just want to find peace with a significant other, then you must gear yourself up to meet the task at hand. That means you need to come to terms with your emotions and draw out a plan of action to put those monsters to rest. First, write out all the feelings you’ve been harboring: guilt, anger, frustration, malaise, intimidation, inferiority, low self-esteem, hatred, sorrow… you name it, write it down. Now, look at that list. One by one, I want you to try and recreate each feeling associated with the word you have written. Can’t do it, can you? Good. Next, cross off each word on your list. Breathe in. Smile. That’s the first step.
- Implement. Since you’ve crossed off your list of negative emotions, you’ve already made a major step toward realizing your potentiality through forgiveness. Let’s take that and run with it… say aloud to your self: “I forgive myself for ___________ (fill in the blank). My emotions no longer have control over me. I am in control of my life. No words or feelings can stop me from moving forward from this moment onward.”
- Learn. We’ve all had past encounters that weren’t always the best experiences. The good news is that when we allow forgiveness in our lives, we are forgiving ourselves and releasing all the negative energies that have infiltrated our daily routines and relationships. Know from your experiences that learning forgiveness is fundamental in creating happiness in life. Whether it’s an old supervisor who seemingly drove you to the brink of insanity, or a past love that may have broken your heart… only you have the power over your emotions. Your boss didn’t make you insane. Your significant other did not break your heart. In all actuality, it was your emotions getting the better of you. So let’s learn from those experiences and know that only you can determine your feelings and the outcome of those feelings.
- Love.
Ah, love is such a simple four-letter word but it holds such deep and profound meaning in itself. When you forgive yourself, you are honoring yourself and replenishing the love within you. Just as a beautiful rose bud opens to full blossom, you too will open to your full potential when you learn to love and forgive yourself so that you can become the beautiful rose among the thorns that life may toss your way.
- You. You are a magnificent living thing. When you focus on yourself and learn that you have so many powerful and wonderful things going for you, you begin to understand the nature of life and how to better cope with negative events and encounters. When you breathe, are you intentionally working to breathe or is your inherent life force doing that for you?
Your life force is the central, most significant aspect of your daily life. It keeps your heart pumping, your lungs breathing, your eyes seeing, your nose smelling, your ears hearing… and somewhere in the mix of all these actions is your intuitive consciousness that allows you to see beyond the realm of your physical constitution. Your intuitive consciousness is also a constant. It never waivers. It never falters. But it is there for you and with you. It is that essence of “You” within that when released from the burdens of negativity becomes the abundant source of your very beingness. And it all begins with the art of forgiveness.
Isn’t it time to become SILLY, bask in your uniqueness and just let forgiveness back into your heart so you can be the best you can be? Let me help you take your life journey to the next level by joining me on my upcoming Program on Forgiveness…you have nothing to lose and opportunities to gain!
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
5 Tips on the Art of Forgiveness
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist