Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

When is enough, enough?

Posted by Intuition Girl

There is so much chaos, anger, jealousy and need to hurt others surfacing around the globe that it has caused me to think that it is time for each one of us to step up and say:

“Enough is enough!”

A good example to take to heart was the situation with the 33 miners in Chile who were trapped for 69 days under ground.  That could have been a catastrophic situation but it wasn’t!  Have you wondered why?  These are the simple people of the world who haven’t forgotten their basic common sense values.

It seems to me that these 33 men made a conscious decision to work together, to strengthen each other and to express concern and compassion for one another.  There was no tyranny, no fighting for food, no obvious breakdown of the individual even though I am sure, they all were faced with their own fears, concerns and sense of desperation.  My point here is that these men collectively cared for each other.

Yet every single day we see through the news and social media that individual girls and boys and men and women spend their time insulting, hurting and belittling their fellow man for their personal distorted gratification.

So again I ask you…”When is enough, enough?” When are we going to step in and claim that those who deliberately harm another are viewed as immoral, and lack decent values and principles?  I do not profess that we put them in prison or have that type of punishment because I do not believe it resolves anything.  I do believe, however that we need to step up and say, we do not condone that behavior, we will not accept it or allow it to continue and those who want to foster those negative and toxic traits should be removed from their schools, places of employment and revealed as bad examples.

No one has the right to harm another person.  We should not need laws or rules to follow…only our hearts.

We were all born as good people and we must begin to believe that we can all help each other overcome obstacles and difficult times if we work together, strengthen each other and express concern and compassion for each other.

For it is you and me, the simple people of the world, who need to remember our basic common sense values.

What are your thoughts?  I would love to hear from you.

Many Blessings,  Joan Marie

Enough is Enough

By Joan Marie Whelan

Copyright – ALL Rights Reserved

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Finding Light and Hope in Transition

Posted by Intuition Girl

From the moment we are born into this world, we are in the process of what I’ll call “transition.”  Transition in life is constant; and it guarantees that we will always be transforming throughout our lives — even in death.  Remember that energy never dies — it transforms; this is how we as human beings “transition.”  We change from one form to another…sometimes in more subtle ways with regard to personality, and in physical forms through growth and even weight loss.  Nonetheless, all are forms of transition.

Due to a recent news story, there is even more hope and light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  According to the article, Ms. Claire Sylvia, a 47-year old woman who was dying from a lung disease, found new inspiration and took on new characteristics after she received a new pair of lungs and heart from an 18-year old boy.  Some skeptics may say that Sylvia may have been experiencing a sudden rush of life and exhilaration from the transplant, but I beg to differ.

After receiving the miraculous gift of life, Sylvia began having new cravings for beer (a drink she never liked), and other food items.  Not only did her taste buds change, Sylvia also began taking on certain traits that only the young man had had in his living years.  While these may be subtle personality changes, the transition that Sylvia experienced was more than just short of a miracle.  The life-changing event that Sylvia encountered some 20 odd years ago has definitely had a positive and spiritual impact on her life — and on the lives of the young man’s family.  Though traditionally, donor names are kept secret; (but in the case of Sylvia) she didn’t have to look further than her own dreams, where the donor name was revealed to her.  Coincidence?  Since that time, Sylvia has established a long-lasting relationship with the donor’s family; and I’m sure, both parties have found solace in this transition.

While this true story may not be exactly like the fantasy ones in “Heaven can Wait,” starring Warren Beaty; or Chris Rock’s “Down to Earth,”  the uncanny nature bares similar characteristics to what we would all love to see and comprehend in life.  We all know that life and death are both guaranteed to us — the day we are born and the day we die.  But when we understand that life, like energy, transitions from one form to the next; we begin to see a bigger picture, a brighter future into what will ultimately become of us.

Though we may not all be so fortunate to see the value in life as Claire or the young man’s family have, the story gives us a glimmer of hope — a glimmer of life that continues to grow and transition…even through death. While some of us may become part of the everlasting energy to recreate and revitalize, some may go onto new beginnings, new awakenings, or a new spiritual plane altogether.  The fact of the matter is that life is part of the Universal flow of energy; and as long as energy flows like the ever-revolving cycle of life, there will always be a new beginning to every ending…even in transition.

Until we speak again, I am                                               

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved

Finding Light and Hope in Transition

By Joan Marie Whelan

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching

21st Century Woman – Finding Healing and Self in a Complicated World

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s dynamic woman manages the household, has a full-time career, and in her spare time attends soccer games and school plays. She is witty, sexy, smart, quirky, articulate, knowledgeable and the ultimate super mom wrapped in one package. She’s a no-nonsense gal with a professional and personal background to match her multi-tasking skills and she doesn’t waste a moment sweating the small stuff. But she’s also got a sensual side. She’s tender — she’s loving; and she can compete with the likes of Angelina with just the right touch of makeup and a little lift to her hairstyle.

Like most women, however, the female body and mental disposition can shift with the moon’s phases. She experiences a wide array of emotions and mood swings from day to day that can leave others in wonderment as to what is running through her mind. Some of these emotional shifts may be related to physical, chemical or metabolic imbalances (or a combination of the three). There are revealing studies that examine the chemical makeup of women (and men) and the importance of stress reduction in relation to balancing these inequities.

According to an article in Insight Journal, anxiety problems are linked to a number of factors including learned behavior (on how to deal with stress), personality traits, trauma and mental and emotional states. But were you aware that there can be energy imbalances as well? Joan Marie Whelan, renowned intuitive counselor offers the following advice on how to contend with stress to harmonize mind, body and spirit to become harmonized with yourself and the universal flow of energy, “In order to acquire balance in your life you must first and foremost become grounded in your body,” says Whelan, “One can become grounded through meditation.” Whelan states that this exercise helps reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm and even anxiety. She went onto elaborate, “to be grounded – I often tell people to visualize themselves as if they are a big golden oak tree…. Your legs (are the trunk) that go deep into the earth – As you feel into this image; you will actually experience strength and power. This can and will help bring you stability in your life… the symbolism is powerful–the upper parts (of the body) are the branches… you may swing and sway with your challenges but you do not need to fall down because you are so grounded in the earth that you feel empowered.”

In this new millennium, we discover that more individuals are turning to noninvasive CAM therapies to alleviate daily stress and common health disorders. Some of these complementary and alternative medicines like Tai Chi have effectively demonstrated their abilities to help in healing mind, body and soul. Other complementary therapies like meditation and visualization are actively being studied by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine to determine how exactly these mind-body-spirit therapies can assist in reducing stress, improving concentration and focus, and in pain relief, among other health issues.  In addition to the meditation techniques mentioned earlier, Whelan told me about one of her own exercises that she frequently facilitates for health and wellness — visualizing the sunlight within her core being, “If you can focus and visualize the golden sunlight within you, you will begin to experience it and a sense of calm and peace will gradually flow within you.  As you are placing yourself within the sunlight, think and feel loved.  No negative energy can live in the light.  Ask your Source to fill you with love.  The experience is awesome,” she said.

In addition to health issues, women throughout the ages have sought their rightful places in society. From daughter, to sister, to mother, to wife and beyond, women play integral parts on the stage of life. But how does one truly find her “authentic self”? Whelan explained why discovering your authentic self is essential to leading happier, healthier lifestyles: Your Authentic Self defines the real you, the true essence of who you are – your soul energy,” says Whelan, “When you discover your authentic self, you gain wisdom and strength and you awaken to a deeper sense of whom you are and why you were born.” Whelan added that when individuals discover this form of healing and soul awakening enables the opportunity “to get to know you at a deeper level of your being, your soul—complete with all of your inhibitions and vulnerable threads.”

We’ve all heard about women’s intuition, but what makes intuition a valuable aspect to everyday living and in problem-solving techniques? Whelan explained how innately intuitive we actually are. She said, “Our intuition is also known as our conscience; our gut feelings — our inner voice that shares valuable and basic common sense answers and guidance to our daily living. We are making choices all the time.  Some are helpful and others cause us pain.  If we could only slow down our human-ness and live more in our heart, we would hear the soft, quiet voice of our authentic self share words of wisdom.” She adds that stress, anxiety, frustration, resentment, confusion and anger pressure us beyond our limits.  Her thoughtful advice to women (and men) is: “When we are living in the present moment and allow our actions, attitude and behavior to bring forth messages that express compassion, sharing and caring, we change our body language and our physiology and positive experiences spring forth.  But the reverse is also true.  I am continually asking my inner soul, my little child within together with my spirit guides to help me through the day to give me the courage and strength to see the larger picture and to stay grounded in love and light.”

21st Century Woman – Finding Healing and Self in a Complicated World

Guest Post By CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd – Social Media and More


Insight Journal – What Causes Anxiety

Citizen Times – Benefits of Tai Chi move beyond the physical

NCCAM – Meditation: an Introduction

Soul Discovery: 9 Principles for Revealing Your Sacred Gifts

2012: Prophecy or Potential?

Posted by Intuition Girl

There has been a lot of chatter on the Web, on TV programming and in open discussion about the year 2012. Propagating Mayan Prophecy further was the film debut of 2012, which held viewing audiences captivated with its spectacular and alarming scenes of a cataclysmic event.

Throughout the ages, man has reveled in the shadows of prophecy and ancient texts. We have looked to the stars for answers, we have dove into meditation to seek answers from within, we have been to our churches and synagogues; and beyond that, we have listened and watched what others have said and sermonized. What it boils down to is that we are a spiritually-hungry people who desire that part in us that we have somehow lost along the way in our journeys in life.

The doomsday phenomena is the town talk… it is all about how solar cycles are going to peak on or about December 21, 2012 – December 23, 2012 during the winter solstice.  And this just so happens to coincide with ancient Mayan prophecy. There are many unanswered questions that remain in our hearts and minds in regards to the 2012 phenomena. The question, however, that we should all be asking ourselves is: “Must we live beneath an umbrella of fear and discontent?” There are many factions in this country and around the world, which will use the doomsday scenario to place fear in the hearts of the willing. I say walk away from those fears. What we will can and will ultimately become the end result in all things that we aspire to be and do.

Hysterical history…

Before the turn of the century, people throughout the United States and abroad were fearful of the Y2K bug. Do you remember that? What in the world would we do if all the computer systems failed?  But they did not. Prior to the 2000 bug, there were several doomsday cults whose self-fulfilling prophecies terrified followers (and leaders) into unthinkable acts. The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments (among others) was such one of these groups that convinced its followers that the apocalypse was going to occur in the year 2000. With the entrance of the new millennium, the group began to unravel because the “apocalypse” did not transpire as they had prophesized to their followers. In early spring of 2000, movement leaders were losing their control. By late March, authorities discovered a mass murder* of over 700 group members. Self-fulfilling prophecies can only come true if we enable our unbalanced emotions to override our human intuitive will and individual power of the mind-thought.

Now we fast-forward to 2010.  We live in an age and time where science is broaching genius. We are learning things so fast that our minds can barely keep up with emerging news, innovations, inventions, data and science, of course. At the same time, we attempt to lead normal everyday lives where we go to work, come home, spend time with our loved ones, go to sleep, and start all over again. Our minds and bodies are working in automatic over-drive. This leaves little time or room for us to truly process the information that is disseminated to us day in and day out. Because our mental status is preoccupied with so much clutter, the only space that we leave open is for the “flight or fight” response. Trigger words, thoughts, ideas, people and events can springboard us into a negative downward spiral. And that, my friends is how fearful “prophecies” and notions can get us into hot water rather quickly.

You’re so intuitive – then you tell us what’s going to happen in 2012…
The uniqueness of the 2012 phenomena is that the future is always changing…always transforming by thoughts, deeds and actions. The butterfly effect of human nature is that while the potential exists of a cataclysmic event, and that while a potential exists scientifically that these things will all come to pass, and that while a potential exists that the interpretation of the Mayan prophecy is exactly that…we must stop to think in what direction we are now going (personally and as a people) to fully grasp the power and potentiality of our human will. That is the beauty of a future paradox… we can always change that what has not yet happened.

Human willpower combined with the power of the mind-thought, is one of the Divine’s greatest gifts ever given to mankind. How and what we do with that power, will ultimately shape our destinies. There is still time to change our fate for the human race. But it depends solely on our ability to transcend negative energy and animosity to create a healthier, more conducive environment for the flow of positive Universal energy. When we, as a human race, have overcome our ego minds with the stillness that our authentic self offers us, then only can we use our intuitive will and talents to determine the best overall outcome. Sixties idol, Jimi Hendrix could not have said it better: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” And that, is the same concept that you must use in your life today and everyday to deal with your fears, your animosities, your transgressions, and the information that you receive when you least expect it.

The world will be watching as 2012 fast approaches. That means we, as the human race, have roughly two years to gear our minds toward more positive thinking. It is time to awaken to our true potential. The joy-filled possibilities are waiting to be born.  We must let go of the fears riding our backs and weighing us down into the abyss of cyclic anxiety. Human intuitive will is a powerful force when used in proper alignment with the universal flow of energy. Let go of the fear. Breathe. Today is a new day, tomorrow has not yet begun…and the rest of our future will be played out exactly in accordance to what our intuitive will encourages us to do both individually and as a collective community.

Until we speak again,
I am, Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

My upcoming 2010 Platinum Mastermind program

Posted by Intuition Girl

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“What makes Joan Marie special is her ability to really look in your soul”
– Brian Mason

What are you lacking in your life? Are you seeking health, wealth, success, a better relationship with your friends, family and co-workers? What is it that you really aspire to achieve in 2010? What’s stopping you? Hear what one of my recent clients has to say about the work that I do and how I might be able to assist you in your quest toward an extraordinary lifestyle…better still, how you can manifest the lifestyle that you’ve always wanted.

“I was impressed in a way that was relatable to me.”

You no longer have to be bound by invisible barriers that you’ve created for yourself. Life isn’t about standing in the same spot and not moving an inch forward…instead, life is about stepping up to the plate and meeting and exceeding challenges – rather, opportunities that may come your way.

I sincerely want you to succeed. You know you can, and I know you can… so for what are you waiting?

Review my upcoming 2010 Platinum Mastermind program at or call 949-760-0044 today! Timing is everything, and 2010 is a power year for those who are hungry to learn how to create and manifest real wealth in their lives. My program is about that and I want you to benefit in 2010 like so many others already have –Hurry – space is limited!

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