Its time for massive change in your life
Posted by Intuition Girl
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Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
November 7th
Are you interested in becoming your own Master Intuitive? Joan Marie has an upcoming 5-Month Intuitive Life Coaching Program beginning January 16, 2013. Call the office (941)-954-9001
Stop Reading between the Lines!
Posted by Intuition Girl
It’s the writing on the wall that we often do not wish to see – especially when it comes to relationships. When you have held onto a relationship with certain people, behaviors, material things or emotions for a long time, you become comfortable and complacent – even if the relationship is no longer warranted, harmful or desirable. You must admit that when you continue to stay in these situations that you are reading between the lines, seeing a mirage of a vague hope for a miracle or a change – but not the actual “writing on the wall”. It’s the in-between lines that keep you hostage. Are you sitting perched upon your wall oblivious to what is actually happening in your life? Why? Is it because you feel that you do not deserve better or that you cannot do any better than where you are?
To move forward in life, you must remove the blinders from your eyes. Look at what is right before you. You must stop placing the person or situation in your life on a pedestal. Remember, you must first love yourself in order to share that love with others. It is not selfish to step back from a relationship to get a bird’s eye view of the actuality of it. When you begin understanding what the writing is literally speaking to you, you can say, “no more.”
There is an old adage that says, “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.” That is the way you must shape your mind and your heart. I know it’s difficult sometimes separating the two. They sort of melt together and get mixed up along the way. You do not have to “fall out” of love in a relationship, but you must learn to “fall in” love with yourself so that you can recognize what is healthy and helpful in your life and what is unhealthy and harmful to you.
You are a remarkable individual, perfect and beautiful in every single way. This is how the Higher Power created you. This is not a revelation; this knowledge has been with you all along. Read the writing on the wall. Listen to what your gut feeling is telling you. Look at the relationship from all sides. Ask yourself, “Is this relationship helping me or is it hurting me?” Once you stop seeing your own misconceptions and start seeing the reality and the truth of the matter, you will be free from your self-imposed captivity.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie – your Intuition Girl
© Stop Reading between the Lines! – 2012
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
5 Intuitive Signs to tell if He is Mr. Right
Posted by Intuition Girl
When it comes to matters of the heart, your hormones tend to take over your consciousness and you do not always see, nor do you want to see the red flags that show up right before your own eyes. It is difficult fighting the battle between your passion and your intuition. The two do not always mesh well.
When you first start dating someone, you enter the euphoric phase where you truly want the potential for the two of you – your hopes, your dreams, your future, your legacy. Beyond the veil of physical appearance and your raging emotions, your blinders are often on to the most obvious signs that are foreboding of a rough road ahead.
Remember, you must always keep your head in check when it comes to love and passion. What you see on the surface may not always be what is bubbling just below. Put aside the love trinkets (flowers, jewelry, candy hearts), put aside the physical intimacy, and put aside the euphoria for just a few minutes and take these five intuitive signs to heart when it comes to determining whether or not he may be Mr. Right:
1. How does he interact with members of his family? Is he respectful and courteous to his parents and siblings? If he exhibits signs of hostility or antipathy, he may be harboring baggage that can and will affect your prospective relationship sooner or later. There is an old adage that says, “How a man treats his mother is how he will treat his wife (or girlfriend).” Now that goes without saying that no man should be so clingy to his mother that he has issues of insecurity.
In a recent interview with Michelle Obama conducted by Glamour Magazine, the First Lady gave the following advice: “Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. Look at how the guy treats his mother and what he says about women. How he acts with children he doesn’t know. And, more important, how does he treat you? When you’re dating a man, you should always feel good.” Smart advice. If you keep your intuitive radar on, you will be able to spot Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong a mile away.
2. Does he shower you with affection or material gifts? Intuitively, you know that affection goes a long way. As long as he is not smothering you, love and touch demonstrate that he is into you and how much you mean to him. If he is purchasing you a lot of expensive and lavish gifts it may be flattering at first, but what’s in it for him? Is he doing it to impress you or is he doing it to be in charge of you? Ask yourself, “what does he want in return?” Or worse, does he associate love with material gain and fancy you as yet another material object? A small trinket here and there is fine, but if it is all the time, read your intuition.
3. How does his personal home or office appear? Is it in order or is it in disarray? If he has a clean but lived-in home he is comfortable in his own skin. But if his environment is chaotic, overly-messy or cluttered, you may want to rethink your relationship. This is a warning sign that suggests he may not care about his livelihood or is looking for someone to pick up after him. Notwithstanding spring cleaning, Mr. Right should have a welcoming personal space that is both clutter-free and clean. The same holds true if he is a neat freak. If you open the kitchen cabinet and his drinking glasses are in perfect alignment, as are every other item, he may have an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Intuition, ladies, intuition.
4. Addictive behaviors. Speaking of OCD, have you noticed any addictive behaviors that may be sending a red flag? What I mean by that is pay attention to the places that your significant other wants to go and the things that he finds entertaining. If you find yourself always going to the local bar scene with him, he may have an alcohol addiction. Or if all he wants to do is play video games with you, he may be suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. There is nothing wrong with a few nights out at the club or playing a game or two along the way, but if it becomes an unhealthy pattern, listen to your gut feeling and understand that this may become the daily norm if you choose to stay in the relationship.
5. Balance. This is the toughest part of the equation. In your relationship, do you find yourself laughing more than crying? Do you find yourself enjoying sensual encounters, or do you feel like you’re practicing a duty? Do you both share similar dreams and convictions, or do you have to ask him, “What the heck are you thinking?” Can you have a sensible conversation with his family and he with yours? Do you both share a sense of oneness in both private and in public? Is there an equal amount of give and take or are you the one doing all the giving? Intuitively, you know what is the right choice for you. In matters of the heart, you may have to overlook some habits or behavioral patterns that you can live with - but if you feel in your soul that eventually some of these behaviors will compel you to run away, then now is the time to revisit your feelings and get in check with your intuition.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie Whelan – your Intuition Girl
©Copyright–All Rights Reserved
5 Intuitive Signs to tell if He is Mr. Right
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Teach Me how to become a Giver of Love
Posted by Intuition Girl
Giving and receiving love are two of the most beautiful feelings on Earth. When you are the receiver of love, you experience the joy and passion that is not only revitalizing, but it is equally intoxicating. Once you receive it, you want more and more of it. To receive love, however, you must become the giver of love. The giver of love is one who gives it unconditionally without strings attached.
This means that you must also learn how to forgive. You can only truly become a giver of love once you learn how to forgive others as well. That is sometimes easier said than done. After all, many of us carry around a lot of emotional baggage from past hurts and haunts because we believe it is too difficult to let all that sorrow and anger go. We would rather hold onto it because it emboldens us whenever we are angered. It makes us feel powerful when we get mad, upset or want to rehash old feelings. Then when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, and dumped upon, we dig up and recycle all those negative emotions and relive the sorrow and pain as we fall back into our rabbit hole. Sound familiar?
Let me teach you how to become a giver of love. You, too, can become an individual freed from the chains of your emotions. You have the innate ability to give and receive love without condition. No more resorting to old and negative feelings because now you are ready to move forward without the attachment of the old abusive feelings from your past. Just knowing that can remove those unwanted emotions and grief is already a freeing feeling, isn’t it?
The truth is, in order to be able to give love, you must truly feel safe inside of you and become comfortable being vulnerable. This is truly not an overnight process but rather one that may take you a while to achieve, yet it is truly worth the journey. All of this is an inside job and has nothing to do with another person. What you need to do in order to feel safe inside of you is to connect and love all the pieces in you that you feel are wounded. You also have to learn to trust yourself and realize you are the driving force in your life. Do you trust that you can put yourself in good, positive situations that serve you? This is something very important to look at and heal for you.
Allow me to assist you in your path to learning how to forgive and to become a giver of love. Once you have the keys to unlocking the chains that bind you, you will be able to finally rediscover the joy and love that has been missing from your life. And that, my friends, is the first step to leading a joy-filled life. Let’s connect!
I am here to help you learn to love yourself unconditionally.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl
©Copyright–All Rights Reserved
Teach Me how to become a Giver of Love
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Filling the Cornucopia of your Life
Posted by Intuition Girl
In my life, Thanksgiving brings a sense of renewed hope, love and reflection. I take this time to honor the people and events in my life, which have given me the inspiration, motivation and support to be who I am.
Do you see the beauty and bounty in this simple yet nourishing horn of plenty? I do. When I look at the cornucopia filled with an array of fruits, flowers and nuts, I appreciate the wonder and miracle of Nature’s harvest. Moreover, the cornucopia is the promise of blessings to come; and if you put just a little motivation behind your short-term goals, you will eventually achieve your long-term aspirations.
How plentiful is your cornucopia? If you are so fortunate to have family and friends to share your turkey-day feast, consider yourself very lucky. But before the main event… before you chow-down on delicious pumpkin pie, sultry turkey and egg nog – I want you to reflect on all the gifts in your life. Really take a few minutes to think about all the things that have gone right in your life. There must be something or someone that has been a blessing to you. Whether it is a close friend, who is always there to lend a hand – a warm home to call your own – the pet that never leaves your side, or the job that has paved the way for all the material things you own, now is the time to give thanks for all those things you often take for granted.
But I am struggling, Joan Marie – how can you expect me to be thankful when I have nothing to be thankful for, you say? There is always a positive flame burning for you if you only seek it. Inside each and every one of you is an abundance of wisdom that you can use to step into affluence – affluence of health, wealth and joy. You only need to make the choice to pursue happiness and prosperity. Once you do, you are well on the way to filling your metaphorical cornucopia. Remember, your horn of plenty can only become plentiful once you begin adding to it. If you continue to see a barren placeholder for the things that you want out of life, it will continue to remain empty. Start seeing the beauty and wholeness of who you are and the blessings will begin to flow.
Until we speak again, I am
© Filling the Cornucopia of your Life
November 2011
Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist