Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Do you ever get over losing someone?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie:

lonlinessI know you are also a “Medium” and have talked to many people to help them overcome the loss of a loved one.  My question is: “ Do you ever get over losing someone? ”

Thank you,

Michelle P.


Dear Michelle:

I don’t believe anyone ever has to get over the loss of a loved one.  You do, however, need to learn how to accept it, heal from it and continue living.  When you lose someone that you care deeply about there is a process or stages that you go through. Some people become very angry, others feel isolated and depressed and others carry on with their lives on the outside but on the inside they are crumbling. Usually the final stage is acceptance. It is true that everyone heals and recovers at a different pace.

Death is never meant as a punishment or that God is getting even.  We are all born with a contract that we agreed to before we arrived on earth.  While we do, I believe, have the opportunity to change our contract, destiny plays a large part in the equation.  Death is, in actuality, liberation from the bonds of the human form.  Even after death, the spirit lives on and continues to grow and heal.  I realize that it is difficult for many to accept this truth, but if we could, we would be better prepared to look at the departure of a soul as their liberation and freedom and therefore a celebration.

It is perfectly natural to recall and wish for a loved one to still be with us and you may choose to keep their memory alive.  But it would be helpful to store in your heart your love ones fond memory with the understanding that their departure was necessary in order for you to find your own voice and live your life now for your highest and best good.  We all have lessons to learn from life and death and this is simply a part of the experience.

We may never forget but it would be wise to accept the reality.  This truth is key to helping you build strength and support as you step forward towards a new phase of your life.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie Whelan

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 24, 2009 for a rare, transformational opportunity to speak one-on-one with renowned Intuition Master, Joan Marie Whelan. Come share in the excitement of Joan Marie’s FREE abundance discovery teleclass, which promises to give you a taste of what is to come in her upcoming Strategy Action Recovery Program – designed only for those of you who truly want to become leaders in the art of manifesting wealth, health, and prosperity in every aspect of life.

Do what You Love so You can Love what You do

Posted by Intuition Girl

findingrightdirectionThere are often times in our lives when we reflect on all the things we “could have done” or “should have done” because there’s an emptiness that we begin to harbor when we’re not in the career or line of work we’d choose to be.  Easier said than done, eh?  Well, that really depends on how badly you want to create the life you’d like to lead.  We do, after all, only have one life experience at a time, and if we’re not doing what we love, we can’t possibly realize the love that is all around us.

We must do what we love so we can love what we do.  Even if you’re in an occupation that you really don’t wish to be, you have to find the bright side of the situation so you can find the enjoyment in it.  Do what?  Yes, even in the best and brightest professions, there will be circumstances that may make one feel inadequate or frustrated – that’s perfectly normal in any career.  The difference between many of these professions is that individuals have learned how to “go with the flow” of the experience, learn from it, and move on – that’s acceptance.

“But I hate this job,” you say? What is it about the job you dislike?  Is it the workload?  Is it your relationship with coworkers?  Is it lacking personal satisfaction?  Insufficient pay?  If every grave digger, sanitation worker, short-order cook, doctor, nurse, law enforcement officer, and cab driver decided that they just weren’t “satisfied” with their work, imagine where we might be.  Certainly these valuable members of society have their ups and downs in their careers, but they find the joy in providing essential services to others.  Even when their days aren’t perfect, they manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel by reflecting on what they are doing for others.

Did you know that even the slightest interaction you have with others could make a life-changing impact in that individual’s life?  It’s true.  And did you also know that when you find love in what you do, your job becomes an easier task to perform, and you begin receiving blessings that before may have not been as transparent. When we work in love in spite of the doldrums that we sometimes encounter, we discover new opportunities that suddenly transform right before our eyes.  It’s not magic, though.  It’s a simple calculation of creating and designing the lives that we want to live by leading each day with a renewed sense of hope, a renewed zest for life, and a renewed sense of self pride and worth.  Surprise yourself when you work in love, and rediscover the passion that will drive you to prosperity.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

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Do what You Love so You can Love what You do

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go

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