Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

3 Ways a Life Coach can Help You get Results

Posted by Intuition Girl

As an intuitive master and life coach, I’ve assisted countless individuals in becoming and staying focused on the outcome they want to achieve by helping them gain greater insight into their dreams. I’ve also shown individuals how to streamline their goals so they can achieve professional and personal success in life. But there are some elemental ways that an expert life coach can really expand your horizons to create a strategic life plan which will help you master your life and career:

1.    Quality life coaches can lend a hand to you so you can stay on top of your vision and direction. This is crucial to developing and manifesting the life you want to lead. Whether for personal or professional growth, you must “keep your eye on the ball” to pursue and attain the results you want. Some of the many ways I aid entrepreneurs in achieving life dreams is by sharing the exclusive Manifestation Method, uplifting meditation routines, self-journaling products, hypnosis, NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) and more.  It is important to stay accountable and my ‘Get-results’ life coaching in-depth skills will give you the right amount of balance to propel you to greatness in all aspects of life.

2.    Experienced life coaches can assist you in gaining clarity into your life, both personally and professionally. Where would we be if we didn’t have the clarity to see where we need to go? Life coaches may come and go in this intricate field, but only distinguished coaches can actually demonstrate effective ways to help you gain precision in creating the life you want to lead. In order to manifest wealth in your life, you must have the clear vision to see through hazy areas that seem to block your passage.  Seasoned life coaches can help you transcend the rigors of daily life to restore balance and mental clarity; and to attain a higher level of consciousness that enables you to positively transform your life.

3.    Skilled life coaches teach you how to develop positive habits, and how to discard negative emotions and past hurts. Many times, individuals dwell on emotional blockages from the past; which tends to disrupt the natural flow of positive energy into their lives. You must toss the mental plaque that’s built up in your system to elevate intuitive powers. Inadvertently, individuals become their own iconoclast when it comes to fulfilling life dreams.  That’s where intuitive life coaches can really have an impact on your personal results. By teaching clients how to overcome mental weights through positive reinforcement and healthy life habits, individuals are empowered to turn ordinary lives into extraordinary ones.

That’s why I’ve designed an eight-week program for strategy, action, and recovery so you can reap the blessings that you’ve been missing in your life. As an intuitive life coach, I want you to discover the potential that exists in you, and how you can use your innate gifts to achieve greatness in your career, your relationships, and most importantly, in yourself. Allow me, Joan Marie, the intuitive master to jump start your dreams and aspirations by working with you to create a custom-designed strategic action plan that can and will work for you.

Until we speak again,

I am,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go

Training the Trainer – Motivational Method to keep you inspired for Greatness

Posted by Intuition Girl

There are those special few, who’ve chosen career paths as teachers and mentors.  I have a lot of good things to say about teachers because they’re the ones who give us the basic life skills to survive and succeed.  Unfortunately, our “life trainers” are human beings just like the rest of us, and can quickly experience burnout just like anyone else.  In fact, recent studies found that teachers suffer from anxiety for a number of reasons, including the shifting roles in the educational field; and the frustration of trying to cope with the ever-changing responsibilities in the educational system.  Religious leaders and psychologists, I’m sure, must contend with the weight of the world.  Could you imagine having to be a constant source of educational, spiritual and emotional enlightenment to patrons of your community?

So how do you keep a traditional “motivator” motivated?  Here is a unique way you can help reconstruct your value system and learn how to accept your special place in society without losing your heart and soul in the process:

balancingUse the Manifestation Method The Manifestation Method is a unique system designed to help you stay on top of your game.  It is especially developed for people who desire to maintain balance and achieve happiness in life.  Through this innovative program, individuals learn how to effectively use intuition to stay focused and to succeed in all areas of life.

“Training the trainer” to know when to listen to his gut, when to act and when to hold off are some of the key elements to rediscovering and maintaining a healthy, satisfying personal and professional lifestyle.  All people, especially the teachers and counselors in our lives, have the exceptional gift to achieve extraordinary success in life.  Unfortunately, however, stress and other factors of life can sometimes trigger an emotional meltdown of sorts that bury these unique talents.  But, through the Manifestation Method, you learn how to reawaken your intuitive powers that will allow you to manifest inner peace and greatness in your life.

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Harness the Power of Manifestation

Posted by Intuition Girl

In this week’s edition of Straight Talk with the Intuition Girl, Joan Marie helps a new business owner discover the power of manifestation.

Hey Joan Marie

I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I attended one of the workshops you had here in Palm Desert. I have opened my Real Estate business, appropriately named American Dreams, and I don’t quite know where to go from here. The action has been like zero to nothing most of the year. I ” Believe” there are GREAT days and times ahead, I just don’t know when or how long I can hold on waiting for them. Is there anything you can tell me to help me keep going? I listen to the “GOLDEN FLAME Meditation CD” quite regularly, and it helps me get through the day thinking positive thoughts.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m sure you know where I’m heading, but I’m not quite sure how to get there.

La Von J. , California

Dear La Von,

I do remember you and actually just thought of you recently. I know you had at least one child in the military and you are very passionate about your company. Please know when you are listening to the “Golden Flame CD” it is not just about positive thoughts. What that CD does is to help you manifest. Therefore, it shows you how to feel the desired result within your very core so it will begin to be apart of your sub-conscious mind.

What I feel you need to do is think outside the box. Your imagination and creativity is calling you, and unfortunately, you are not utilizing it.

You are also not comfortable with things going your way. Therefore, you are actually setting yourself up for struggle and not for success. There is a missing link for you and I believe it is in you. I see you reaching out to the community, see if anyone can either partner with you or work together so you both benefit. I guarantee if you focus on the feelings inside of you and heal the struggle that you are unconsciously accepting, you will heal and grow your business. Truthfully, the “Manifestation Method Program” will assist you greatly.

Blessings, Joan Marie the gift. Intuition Girl

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Empowering Yourself and Becoming a Leader

Posted by Intuition Girl

Sign of the Times

Posted by Intuition Girl

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