Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Create Healthy and Wealthy Lives with Intuition and Determination

Posted by Intuition Girl

As I was rummaging through my latest emails, I came across an inspirational quote, “A matter of success is often not a matter of talent but a matter of tenacity.” Let’s think about that sentence for a few minutes…how very true this is. In reality, we can achieve and manifest health and wealth prosperity by applying this simple sentence towards much of what we think and do. Practicing to become your own intuitive expert takes dedication and tenacity, and when we commit ourselves to raising ourselves a level above the bar, we can achieve most anything.

We all have our dreams, ideals and philosophies of a Higher Power, but did you know that you possess that Source within you? Ever heard the saying that “all things are possible through God?” God is the perfect Divine intuitive expert that resides within us all. This is what gives us the innate expertise to manifest wealth and happiness. What wealth is that, you ask? That depends on the eye of the beholder. As an intuitive expert, you begin to unfold the many possibilities that exist within arm’s reach. Perhaps increasing wealth to you means having a loving relationship, a better career opportunity, or maybe just having the ones you love around you more often. To some, manifesting good health is the ultimate goal; or perhaps your intuitive expert seeks to watch future legacies grow and prosper. Each definition of increasing wealth is determined by only what your mind’s eye can imagine and how far you’re willing to allow your intuitive expert to guide you. Read the rest of this entry »

Wealth Freedom: Do You Have the Midas Syndrome?

Posted by Intuition Girl

There are many individuals who have a false sense of perception as to what achieving wealth means. For a number of people, having millions upon millions of dollars would simply not be enough to satisfy their every desire. This was sort of the case with the Greek mythological King Midas. Though a kind ruler, he had a tendancy to be absent minded. Especially when he was granted one wish by the god Dionysus. Not giving any serious thought or clear intention as to what he truly wanted, the King simply replied, “I wish for everything I touch to turn to gold.”

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Create Healthy and Wealthy Lives with Intuition and Determination

Posted by Intuition Girl

As I was rummaging through my latest emails, I came across an inspirational quote, “A matter of success is often not a matter of talent but a matter of tenacity.” Let’s think about that sentence for a few minutes…how very true this is. In reality, we can achieve and manifest health and wealth prosperity by applying this simple sentence to much of what we think and do. Practicing to become your own intuitive expert takes dedication and tenacity, and when we commit ourselves to raising ourselves a level above the bar, we can achieve most anything.

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Wealth Freedom and You is What You Make of It!

Posted by Intuition Girl

Wealth Freedom and You, is a Joan Marie Live Community Forum, dedicated to bringing together ideas, philosophies and resources to help you create and manifest a life filled with happiness, health, wealth and real prosperity that you can touch and see.

When we choose to commit ourselves to achieving positive life transformations, it is simply remarkable how wealth freedom liberates us from otherwise trivial nuisances. Friendships are easier made, businesses are run more proficiently, physical constitution is improved – and more over, love and opportunity find us even when we aren’t looking.

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