Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Clearing out the Old

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogLearn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogLearn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

December 20, 2010

Inspirational Message: When bickering ends, solutions begin

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Friends,

Too often lately we have seen how bickering in the political scene has led to bickering within our communities and even within families. Bickering is an angry quarrel that usually leads to pettiness and unpleasant attacks that leave both parties scratching their heads in the end and wondering:  How did we get here?”More often than not, we do not even have all the facts…yet we form our opinions based on what the media says, or a friend believes or even a conversation that was misquoted.

Too many of us bicker all the time…often seeking out an argument because we like to be confrontational…but in the end it results in hurt feelings and often a breakdown in communication.

Practice getting all the facts and information before you form an opinion or make a judgment. A wise person thinks before acting.  A prudent person observes life and its experiences before passing judgment or criticizing another.  A compassionate and loving person tries to look at the other person’s point of view because they realize that continual bickering only leads to crisis; which results in sudden great misfortune.

I hope you think about your behavior and how you respond to what is happening in and around your life.  There is always a solution to all situations and circumstances in life if we are willing to take a step back, breathe and then respond in a cool, calm and controlled manner.

Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Dec 15, 2010

Inspirational Message: Visiting Santa Claus

Posted by Intuition Girl

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An inspirational message is sent to give you a deeper insight into life’s purpose as it also instills some meaning and awareness. Allow this Monday Morning Message sent at the beginning of the week to help set the pace for the next six days in a way that inspires and invites reflection.

To sign up for my weekly Inspirational Messages you can fill out the form on the right hand side of my site.

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogLearn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

December 13, 2010

Inspirational Message: How would you respond?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Friends

I recently read an article about a homeless man in Arizona who found a backpack with $3,300 and a computer inside. He was able to give it back to the rightful owner.  His comment was:  “It didn’t belong to me!”How would you respond and react?  I mean, would you attempt to find the rightful owner or would you keep the money and claim it to be finder’s keeper?  It is so easy to look the other way and believe that you deserve that gift…we often justify our actions and reactions to life’s situations.    We are often seduced by temptation in life because it is so appealing at the onset but often regretted in the end.

PRACTICE looking in the mirror at your Soul and see into the truth of the matter. Your Soul knows the truth and never lies.  In the end, this homeless man received much publicity and many bonuses from others who heard about his good deed.  They rewarded him with gifts of additional money.  In life, a good deed may appear to go unnoticed, but in the end, it is never lost–you are always rewarded.

When you aim high and believe in your ultimate goodness — harmony of mind, body and spirit will prevail and blessings will always follow.

Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

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