Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Don’t eat the yellow snow! Winter tips for creative living

Posted by Intuition Girl

Remember when we were little and the older kids would tell us that we shouldn’t eat the yellow snow? Sometimes, the older we get, the wiser we get. That — and experience tells us what we should and shouldn’t do for our own sake and our own health. But there’s always that one individual that no matter how many times he’s been told to not do something, he does it anyway. Every time that individual repeats his actions, he beats his head against the wall and wonders why he did it again.

Don’t eat the yellow snow! It’s right there in front of you. You’ve been advised not to eat it. Yet you continue to eat it again and again. That’s kind of what happens when you keep repeating the same actions to acquire a different result. Stop it!

In order to achieve the best possible outcome, (besides not eating the yellow snow) one must take a long look at how she’s approaching her challenges and go beyond the norm, and go beyond the measures that she’s taken in the past. Sometimes, we have to tackle the one problem we have with different insights and ideas. It’s not that difficult; especially if you’ve digested some rather unsavory ramifications time and time again.

Winter tips for creative living

Intuition and Meditation:

Use your intuition and experience to work for you and not against you. If you’ve battled the same battles, then you’re not in the right mindset. That means that whatever thoughts are spinning in your head must be tossed to the wayside. Start fresh. Start thinking power and empowerment. Don’t become your worst own enemy by continuing to do the same negative things to achieve success and wealth in your life. Look back at your life and see what has worked and what has not worked. Hold that thought. Now, take a deep breath and relax your mind totally. Ask yourself, “What can I do to attain_____?” (Fill in the blank.) Take another breath. Close your eyes and imagine beyond all that you’ve ever thought about in your life. Go deeper. Deeper still. Where are you in your mind? What windows of opportunity do you see affront of you? Do you see any ideas that can help you achieve what it is you want to reach? If you’re not seeing them, you’re missing the ball. You have got to get right with your mind, your body, and your spirit in order to balance the creative flow and energy in your life…and in your livelihood. You don’t have to go through life eating the yellow snow and hoping it’ll taste better the next time around. You are ready to move beyond that spot, and move forward to play and enjoy the beauty and wonder of winter (and your life) to build that igloo, build that snowman, or just to frolic in the white powdery crystals that grace our view.

Listen to your inner child

Winter is the season of reflection. It is during this time that most of us take time to muse at the wonders and events of our childhoods, our relationships, our dreams, our hopes, and our futures. Now is the perfect time to grab the reigns of your sleigh, set a course for adventure, and take in the beauty that is life and what it has to offer us. You are a part of that integral fabric of nature that makes this world a much more beautiful place to be…and what you do in this life can affect your destiny in a number of positive (and negative) ways. Isn’t it time, you listened to your inner voice… your inner child to retrieve the magic of what it means to be alive and to simply be here at this moment? When you’ve taken the steps to reflect in meditation and thoughtfulness, you will rediscover that magical feeling again. And when you do, you are on the right path toward overcoming mistakes of the past to create a bright new future for yourself and for the ones you love.

Fire dancing

Ever watched a flame in your fireplace? The flames dance in rhythmic and hypnotic sync. You can hear the wooden logs crackling and hissing as the flames grow. There’s a whole lot of energy in that fireplace. So much energy, that you can feel its warmth and vibration. That’s how you need to mold your mind. Create a spark of fire in your mind and keep the flame ignited with intuitive thinking and insightful thoughts on how to move forward every step of the way. You might still run into some hiccups but that’s okay. We all do. The important thing to remember is to always keep your flame alive, and never let it be diminished by negative thinking or by re-hashing the same mistakes of the past.

PS. Please don’t eat the yellow snow

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her much anticipated first book, “Self- Discovery: The Nine Principles to Reveal Your Sacred Gifts” will be published later this year. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: and click on membership programs.

Sharing the Truth with your Ego Mind

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 2

Hi Joan Marie:

Thank you for blessing all of our lives. It has been a great privilege to have been directed by the Universe to you. I still do not know the exact direction my life is going but I am working on it. I need to take better care of myself so that I don’t continually sabotage my outcome. I know I have a lot of work to do on myself and I would really love to truly believe in my possibilities and myself.

I know for a fact that I have huge potential; I just do not have the sight you have or see exactly what my future life will be. I would appreciate if you would share some thoughts with me as to how I can keep my energy high so that my ego will no longer take me down for not having the money to move forward or the self talk that stops my forward movement.

Thank you for your assistance,

Jackie K.


Dear Jackie:

This is a great email. The ego is a tricky part of us. On one hand the ego is acting as our protector and wanting to keep us from harm when the truth is most times it is keeping us from succeeding and creating what we need in life.

What is helpful to do is first give your ego a job. When you become aware that your fear or the feeling of lack is surfacing within you, be aware that is the ego trying to keep you small. I would like you to say to your ego: “why don’t you come to the other side of the road with me.” Share with your ego the truth of whom you are and that this is the path you are now taking. Let the ego know that she/ he can also participate and help you on this new path.

Once you give your ego a job and a purpose it will join you on the other side of the road. It would also serve you to have a game plan for yourself and be prepared to have several discussions with your ego mind. This way when your ego wants to take you out or it challenges your decisions, you can so “No Thank You,” that is not true–this plan is my plan to propel me forward. Then again invite your ego mind to please join you.

One last suggestion–I would also like you to understand your relationship with money and bless money with gratitude.

Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Girl

→ Special Notice: Speak to me about the opportunity of receiving your Professional Intuitive Life Coach (PILC) certification at no extra charge through this program. To read more about this Certification–CLICK HERE

Teaching Children: You are Enough

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 1

Dear Joan Marie:

I have a friend whose 12-year old child just had a serious accident. He injured himself while playing with friends. In his short life, he has injured himself several times and has ended up receiving stitches, having a concussion and now injuring his eyes. I was wondering if you had any insight into this child and his situation. I believe that he subconsciously is seeking attention but the results always seem to cause him and his family great pain.

I would really like to hear if you can give me your thoughts on this situation and child.

Thank you, Terry W.


Dear Terry:

Thank you for your email. I do feel that this child is unconsciously craving attention. I believe that deep within himself he is feeling very insecure and is seeking extra attention. The best advice for this child and all of us who are seeking outside approval is to learn that you are enough. I want to repeat that statement: “You are enough.”

How we teach a child this is that we ourselves as parents need to feel whole within as well. The best thing this family can do and anyone who relates to this question is to have in depth communication as a family. In today’s world, we are all too busy rushing and doing things just to keep busy and consequently, we do not spend enough of time simply being and feeling. This state of contentment can only happen when we slow down and actually observe our lives and the lives of those that we are intimately connected to. It is important for all parties to feel safe so they can open their heart and express what is going on deep within their core.

Understanding that you are enough—is a learned art, and is as equally important as loving and appreciating all of you. If each one of us would understand that we alone are enough the world would be a much better place.

Enjoy the blessings of being you,

Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Girl

Special Notice: Speak to me about the opportunity of receiving your Professional Intuitive Life Coach (PILC) certification at no extra charge through this program. To read more about this Certification--CLICK HERE

5 Tips on how to live in Happiness

Posted by Intuition Girl

“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you; but if you turn your attention to other things, it comes and sits softly on your shoulder.”

The anonymous author who wrote this passage had his heart in the right state of mind. Happiness truly is like a butterfly. Too many times, we lose our vision because we’re too busy trying to become content, when contentment has been there all along. I’m going to give you five tips on how to live in happiness so you, too, can catch your own metaphorical butterfly of bliss:

1. Get physical. Remember the old grade school song where the music teacher would sing, “If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”? Well, you don’t have to physically clap your hands (unless you want to) — but to make your body feel healthier and free your spirit from daily rigors, a brisk walk, an impromptu happy dance, or a good physical workout can boost your immunity and improve your mental clarity. So go ahead, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and get your body moving!

2. Meditate. You don’t need a Guru to whip you into a meditation routine, but you must be committed to practicing daily positive affirmations to reinvent your mental thought processes. Focus on a time when you were most happy, or a place that makes you happiest. Once you have that mental picture in your mind, concentrate on it. Put yourself in that place. Smile. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat this mental exercise as much as you need to calm your nerves. It’s amazing what a little meditation can do for the mind, body, and soul.

3. Skip the junk food. I’m no nutritionist, but I know what junk foods like greasy French fries and potato chips can do to my body. But junk foods just don’t affect your physical wellbeing; they affect your emotional state of wellness, too. When you put garbage into your body, it limits your mental capacity to think positively. Eating healthy, whole foods like nuts, and raw veggies and fruits can perk your mind, body, and spirit.

4. Journal. Why do you think diaries are such a popular-selling item? It’s not just because little girls want to share their deepest, darkest secrets – diaries, or life journals are superb emotional healing and self-growth tools that help individuals understand and resolve life problems. They’re also great to write out dreams, goals, and desires of the heart. The coolest part about journaling is that you don’t need a degree in journalism or any other special training to write out your thoughts and ideas. Think of your life journal as your personal mind notebook. When you put your goals to paper, it’s so much easier to concentrate on those goals without losing touch with reality. Try it – once you do, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

5. Smile. Do you know that frowning brings down your whole spirit? When you smile, you can feel your eyes lifting, your cheeks wincing, your forehead rising, and your whole body feels light and like it’s atop of the world. Frowning, on the other hand brings your whole composure down. Don’t be a sloucher. Smile. Laugh. Read a joke. Share a joke. Watch a comedy or a cartoon. Think back to a time where you laughed so hard that it made your stomach hurt. What made you laugh that way? Smiling is the ultimate in living in happiness. If you practice active smiling every where you go, you will attract more smiles and positivity toward you. Go ahead and smile. Because remember, when you smile, the whole world smiles with you. When you cry, you cry alone.

Until we speak again,

I am,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
5 Tips on How to Live in Happiness
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to:


My 10 Month Master Mind Program starts soon and I am hosting another Free Teleclass to discuss it.  If you are called to be open to New Possibilities this year, I invite you to join me on the call and listen to me discuss the program. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

Are you Living la Vida Loca?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Ricky Martin is famous for singing about it; but how many of you are living it? The “crazy life,” that is.

  • Do you wake up every morning with a sense of direction and focus?
  • Do you know what you want today so that you can have it tomorrow and in the future?
  • Are you prepared to give up the crazy life so you can create a prosperous, happy life?

You’re not alone – and 2010 is all about just that: turning stepping stones into milestones; and transforming average lifestyles into healthy, abundant, and wealthy lifestyles! 2010 will be a year of assertive action and ambition. It will also be a year that will transform the way you think, feel, act, and move in your life…if you’re willing to move away from the illusions of your past to build a new tomorrow. 2010 is also the year for you to make the right choices in your life to create a sustainable, joy-filled way of life.

If you’re living la Vida Loca, then you’re not building your potentiality. In order to manifest your higher potentiality, you must assemble the right amount of strength and force behind your energy to drive your consciousness toward positive outcomes.

More notably, 2010 will be a POWER YEAR! This New Year is one of the critical turning points of the 21st Century. When you are ready to change your thinking power, and when you begin to nurture your Authentic Self to regain your command in life, you will be able to fine-tune your self-image to reflect your genuine identity and strengthen your own intuition. In doing so, you are creating the process whereby you can explore your life purpose and begin reaping the rewards of your own self-driven success!

That’s where I come in…

In my upcoming 10-month Mastermind Platinum Program, I’m going to share my intuitive expertise in helping you create real momentum in your life. You don’t have to wait another day to get your footing in the right spot. In fact, my program is set to begin on January 20 – that’s just around the corner. Isn’t it time you gave up living la Vida Loca to start living in abundance and happiness today?

Until we speak again,

I am,

Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Girl

Discover how you can start creating a solid foundation in generating and realizing real wealth and prosperity in your personal and professional life today by learning more about my Platinum Mastermind program by going to or

Call to get more personalized details @ 949-760-0044

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