Only the Strong Survive
Posted by Intuition Girl
4 Ways the Manifestation Method can help you Achieve Prosperity
In the 1969 hit, Only the Strong Survive, singer Jerry Butler sings “There’s a lot of opportunity out there just waiting for you, but you’ll never succeed if you’ve given up…Only the strong survive, only the strong survive…” The premise of this song is that while things don’t always seem to go the way we want them to, we have to pick ourselves up off the ground and start realizing the opportunities that surround us. You have to know when to act and when to hold off on your pursuits — and the best way you can do that is by listening to your gut instincts.
All people are naturally intuitive, but it’s the wealthy ones who’ve learned how to integrate this powerful inner wisdom in their everyday thinking and actions. Don’t believe for one moment that success comes to those who wait because if you want something, you have to reach out and grab it while you can! Following are four ways the Manifestation Method can help you achieve prosperity because you are just as naturally intuitive as the wealthy people of the world:
1. The first step is to always remember that success is an intuitive plan. Believe it or not, your life was mapped out long before you came into existence. You were fashioned to lead the life you were intended to live; but all too often, we fall short of our potential because we don’t rely on gut feeling to inspire and move us to the action to create an extraordinary lifestyle. You are the change you’ve been waiting for – now you just have to take advantage of your intuitive senses to lead you in the right direction to achieve prosperity.
2. The second step is to start developing and managing your life. If you want to take control of the situation and become the leader of your life, you have to always trust your intuitive senses and allow your intuition to guide every day with passion and assured wisdom…the assured wisdom that opportunity exists – and positive things, people, and events will come into your life. Stop dragging your negative emotions around like an anchor so you can lift the veil of clouded thoughts from your mind. When you do, the light of the Universal flow of energy can filter into you and through you; elevating you to a higher consciousness that will restore, revitalize and motivate your mind and spirit to seize the necessary actions to take control of your life.
3. Transform barriers into bridges. If you want to manifest prosperity in your life, you have to convert challenges into opportunities. Some times, we automatically assume that obstacles happen just to create misery in our lives. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I want you to repeat this: “Everything is as it should be.” That’s not fair, you say? Life isn’t about fairness, good, or bad – it just is. Whatever comes our way in our lives, it is there for a reason. Trials come to us not to destroy us, but to test our strength and ability to do more, become more, and be the best we can be to achieve greatness. When we are presented with challenges, we are being called to step up to the plate and take the reigns of the situation. Let your higher consciousness provide you with the guidance to see you through life’s hurdles and you’ll be amazed how quickly your intuition will work for you when you need it the most.
4. Create your intentions and follow through… If you want financial freedom, good health, and happiness in life you have to form your intentions to craft the results you want to realize. When you use the Manifestation Method, you are well on the way toward accomplishing your life’s dreams. Suddenly, you will gain clarity to see the right course of action. Not only this, you will learn how to use your intuition to make conscious decisions in pursuing the results that you have already foreseen in your mind’s eye. Your intentions are the blueprint that you’ve envisioned for you and your life. Where do you want to go? What path do you want to take? And, more importantly, who do you want to be? When you are ready to create intentions for these questions, and you are willing to follow through on your intentions, you are beginning to use the Manifestation Method to the fullest potential.
We all know why – scientifically, only the strong survive. But there’s an element of the human psyche that is directly tied into this notion. If you believe that you are a survivor, a fighter, and a winner – you will become one. It’s not a matter of being born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth; it’s more about what you do with your life to manifest prosperity.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Only the Strong Survive
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go
3 Tips to Achieving Inner Peace & Personal Growth
Posted by Intuition Girl
Who say’s you can’t have it all? When you take the time to realize your human potential, you can truly manifest happiness and prosperity in all areas of your life – and that, my friends, is how you discover inner peace. But in order to achieve inner peace in your life, you must first transform your way of thinking to begin the spiritual growth and personal growth process. Don’t know how to do this? Follow these three, simple tips to achieving inner peace and you may just be surprised at the outcome you provide for yourself:
1. Balance. Life is a delicate balancing act. If you lean too far to the right or left, you may fall. But if you use the right measurement of balance, you discover that you are capable of just about anything. How do you get yourself back into balance? The first important step is to figure out which goals are most important in your life. You can only achieve inner peace when your mind is not scattered everywhere. Focus on one or two goals you’d like to manifest in your life. I’m not saying you should throw away all your other goals, but you need to take baby steps before you can walk…remember the balancing act? It’s a lot easier to perform one or two tasks at a time to get the ball rolling in the right direction. After each level of accomplishment, you gain more momentum to keep moving higher up the goal chart. It’s all a matter of tenacity — which leads me to the next point:
Do what You Love so You can Love what You do
Posted by Intuition Girl
There are often times in our lives when we reflect on all the things we “could have done” or “should have done” because there’s an emptiness that we begin to harbor when we’re not in the career or line of work we’d choose to be. Easier said than done, eh? Well, that really depends on how badly you want to create the life you’d like to lead. We do, after all, only have one life experience at a time, and if we’re not doing what we love, we can’t possibly realize the love that is all around us.
We must do what we love so we can love what we do. Even if you’re in an occupation that you really don’t wish to be, you have to find the bright side of the situation so you can find the enjoyment in it. Do what? Yes, even in the best and brightest professions, there will be circumstances that may make one feel inadequate or frustrated – that’s perfectly normal in any career. The difference between many of these professions is that individuals have learned how to “go with the flow” of the experience, learn from it, and move on – that’s acceptance.
“But I hate this job,” you say? What is it about the job you dislike? Is it the workload? Is it your relationship with coworkers? Is it lacking personal satisfaction? Insufficient pay? If every grave digger, sanitation worker, short-order cook, doctor, nurse, law enforcement officer, and cab driver decided that they just weren’t “satisfied” with their work, imagine where we might be. Certainly these valuable members of society have their ups and downs in their careers, but they find the joy in providing essential services to others. Even when their days aren’t perfect, they manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel by reflecting on what they are doing for others.
Did you know that even the slightest interaction you have with others could make a life-changing impact in that individual’s life? It’s true. And did you also know that when you find love in what you do, your job becomes an easier task to perform, and you begin receiving blessings that before may have not been as transparent. When we work in love in spite of the doldrums that we sometimes encounter, we discover new opportunities that suddenly transform right before our eyes. It’s not magic, though. It’s a simple calculation of creating and designing the lives that we want to live by leading each day with a renewed sense of hope, a renewed zest for life, and a renewed sense of self pride and worth. Surprise yourself when you work in love, and rediscover the passion that will drive you to prosperity.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Do what You Love so You can Love what You do
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go