5 Intuitive Signs to tell if He is Mr. Right
Posted by Intuition Girl
When it comes to matters of the heart, your hormones tend to take over your consciousness and you do not always see, nor do you want to see the red flags that show up right before your own eyes. It is difficult fighting the battle between your passion and your intuition. The two do not always mesh well.
When you first start dating someone, you enter the euphoric phase where you truly want the potential for the two of you – your hopes, your dreams, your future, your legacy. Beyond the veil of physical appearance and your raging emotions, your blinders are often on to the most obvious signs that are foreboding of a rough road ahead.
Remember, you must always keep your head in check when it comes to love and passion. What you see on the surface may not always be what is bubbling just below. Put aside the love trinkets (flowers, jewelry, candy hearts), put aside the physical intimacy, and put aside the euphoria for just a few minutes and take these five intuitive signs to heart when it comes to determining whether or not he may be Mr. Right:
1. How does he interact with members of his family? Is he respectful and courteous to his parents and siblings? If he exhibits signs of hostility or antipathy, he may be harboring baggage that can and will affect your prospective relationship sooner or later. There is an old adage that says, “How a man treats his mother is how he will treat his wife (or girlfriend).” Now that goes without saying that no man should be so clingy to his mother that he has issues of insecurity.
In a recent interview with Michelle Obama conducted by Glamour Magazine, the First Lady gave the following advice: “Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. Look at how the guy treats his mother and what he says about women. How he acts with children he doesn’t know. And, more important, how does he treat you? When you’re dating a man, you should always feel good.” Smart advice. If you keep your intuitive radar on, you will be able to spot Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong a mile away.
2. Does he shower you with affection or material gifts? Intuitively, you know that affection goes a long way. As long as he is not smothering you, love and touch demonstrate that he is into you and how much you mean to him. If he is purchasing you a lot of expensive and lavish gifts it may be flattering at first, but what’s in it for him? Is he doing it to impress you or is he doing it to be in charge of you? Ask yourself, “what does he want in return?” Or worse, does he associate love with material gain and fancy you as yet another material object? A small trinket here and there is fine, but if it is all the time, read your intuition.
3. How does his personal home or office appear? Is it in order or is it in disarray? If he has a clean but lived-in home he is comfortable in his own skin. But if his environment is chaotic, overly-messy or cluttered, you may want to rethink your relationship. This is a warning sign that suggests he may not care about his livelihood or is looking for someone to pick up after him. Notwithstanding spring cleaning, Mr. Right should have a welcoming personal space that is both clutter-free and clean. The same holds true if he is a neat freak. If you open the kitchen cabinet and his drinking glasses are in perfect alignment, as are every other item, he may have an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Intuition, ladies, intuition.
4. Addictive behaviors. Speaking of OCD, have you noticed any addictive behaviors that may be sending a red flag? What I mean by that is pay attention to the places that your significant other wants to go and the things that he finds entertaining. If you find yourself always going to the local bar scene with him, he may have an alcohol addiction. Or if all he wants to do is play video games with you, he may be suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. There is nothing wrong with a few nights out at the club or playing a game or two along the way, but if it becomes an unhealthy pattern, listen to your gut feeling and understand that this may become the daily norm if you choose to stay in the relationship.
5. Balance. This is the toughest part of the equation. In your relationship, do you find yourself laughing more than crying? Do you find yourself enjoying sensual encounters, or do you feel like you’re practicing a duty? Do you both share similar dreams and convictions, or do you have to ask him, “What the heck are you thinking?” Can you have a sensible conversation with his family and he with yours? Do you both share a sense of oneness in both private and in public? Is there an equal amount of give and take or are you the one doing all the giving? Intuitively, you know what is the right choice for you. In matters of the heart, you may have to overlook some habits or behavioral patterns that you can live with - but if you feel in your soul that eventually some of these behaviors will compel you to run away, then now is the time to revisit your feelings and get in check with your intuition.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie Whelan – your Intuition Girl
©Copyright–All Rights Reserved
5 Intuitive Signs to tell if He is Mr. Right
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: www.joanmariethegift.com
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Life Lessons well Spent
Posted by Intuition Girl
In a day and age where technology appears to rule the day and the sky is virtually the limit in what we can achieve, I often find that young adults seem to have the most difficulty adapting to their new roles in life. Once young men and women get past raging hormones, acne and the feelings of peer acceptance – they are often still overwhelmed by the challenges and uncertainty of the times. It is easy for those of us, ripened with time and experience, to wonder how these feelings of lack and overwhelm can be so prolific in our youth. But given the nature of our socioeconomic environment, it is really no wonder at all. In fact, our high school and college graduates face a tough housing and job market. To them, everything is not as clear cut as it may have been for ourselves and those who came before us.
Ever heard that old adage about earning a degree at the College of Hard Knox? Those are some of the best life lessons well spent. For those of us who have been there, we might have some words of wisdom to share. We have seen and experienced what curve balls life can throw our way. Because of the encounters that many of us have experienced in the past, we just might be the perfect mentors to our youth during these difficult times if they are willing to listen to our words about the life lessons that we have faced. I am sure there are many wise people who have sound advice to offer those who need it the most.
So how do we help them create an attitude of gratitude even when the chips are stacked against them? Though it is an easy question to ask, the answer is not always so straightforward. That is when your life lessons can come in handy. In a lot of cases, you or someone you know may have faced a similar situation when the burdens of life just seemed too much to bear. How did you or another individual make it past the hurdle? What mental and proactive strategies did you employ to overcome these trials? Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers…only suggestions to help mentor those who need it. Teaching an attitude of gratitude – no matter what the circumstances may be – is the definitive sentiment to encourage in these desperate times.
Timing is also always the key. Knowing when to say something is equally as important as lending the guidance itself. Obviously, you need to search for body signals to determine the most appropriate time to speak with the young adult(s) in your life. Deep inside that mind is a battle of the wits. S/he is still trying to gain her/his footing as to where s/he is, where s/he wants to be, and ultimately, how s/he is going to arrive there. If you jump too quickly, you may feed her/his fear. If you wait too long, s/he may simply give up.
Wait for an opportune time to share your own life stories – not to dismiss the real emotions and experiences of the young adult in your life – but to make them aware of the fact that s/he is not the only one going through such adversity and tough times. Help her/him to understand that there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel; and that no matter what life hands her/him, s/he will come out of it okay if s/he is willing to go the distance and appreciate the blessings that s/he has in the here and now.
In the end, we are merely the watchtower in the bay. We can offer light and a pathway. The journey, however, is for the young adult alone to pave. These will be (her/his own) life lessons well spent.
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl
© Life Lessons Well Spent
October 2011
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl
About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:www.joanmariethegift.com
Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist
The other man in her life
Posted by Intuition Girl
Hi Joan, can you help me? I’m in love with a lovely woman she’s in love with me too. She is with a guy that treats her bad and she doesn’t know how to get away from him. She loves me dearly. We see each other from a distance and see each other when we can. We want to be with each other forever. She just doesn’t know how to get out. He hits her and treats her bad. I treat her like a queen and she means the world to me and she loves it. Can you help – have you got a book or anything that can help us with our love can send to me to buy that will bring us together permanently? We only want to spend our lives’ together and be happy together. Thank you – have a lovely day.
Yours sincerely, Paul
We are soul mates that belong together
Dear Paul:
You and your friend may be soul mates but it is possible that you do not belong together. Remember one very important message: we all have free will to choose what we want to experience in our lives. You tell me that your friend loves you and wants to be with you yet she chooses to remain with a person who is abusive and appears to be controlling. Not until she makes the choice to change her life, will that happen in a positive way. If she is living in fear, then she needs to go to the authorities and seek protection. To get out of a harmful situation means simply walking away. I realize that this may seem simplistic but it is a great truth. Is she staying with him because she feels indebted or secure? There can be many possibilities that come to mind so I say to you, Paul, unless this person is willing to give up what she is currently experiencing, you should move on and find a relationship that will better serve you, your life and bring you joy.
Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Master
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
A matter of integrity
Posted by Intuition Girl
How do I deal when someone questions/doubts my integrity?
I am in the process of suing someone and did everything, I was supposed to; however, when I asked regarding the payment, I was told to wait, until my papers were received in the court.
Thanks, Maria
Dear Maria:
Integrity is a very noble characteristic trait that we all should desire to possess. Sometimes in life it is not a question of believing in you and your side of the story as it is in believing that their side of the story has greater value and merit to them. I do not know your entire situation to comment properly; however, I can say, that life does often require a bit of give and take. If you are suing someone because you believe you are right, it is possible that your motive may be honest and noble but in reality it might be better to walk away or be willing to pay an attorney, court expenses and other types of fees just to prove your point.
The Universe knows your heart and will ultimately help you find solace and peace. Being right doesn’t always get you the result that you are seeking. Being wise does, it helps you accept the solution that will allow you to forgive and live with inner peace.
Blessing to you on your journey,
Joan Marie the gift, Intuition Master
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Who is my guardian angel?
Posted by Intuition Girl
Joan Marie…I just love you and would really enjoy meeting you…maybe one of these days I will?! Anyway – my question to you is years ago I was told that my guardian angel is a relative of mine, now of course when I heard that I asked: “well who is it?” I was then told I’m the only one who would know that and sorry to say I don’t know who it is. I’m very curious and would appreciate your help with this if you can!?
Thanks a million and God bless you and your family
Donna L. Berry
Dear Donna:
Each one of us has a Guardian Angel who looks after us, possibly is even our personal assistant who is from the other realm. We can have more than one angel who watches over us and who helps us out in various ways. We can also have a deceased relative who has chosen to be an angel to us and guide our journey while we are earth bound. I believe you can ask, especially when you go to sleep at night for your guardian angel or your family angel to speak to you and reveal itself to you. You will begin to sense their presence and their guidance.
Different religions have brought up angels and you can trace their existence through antiquity. I cannot tell you exactly who is guiding you and assisting you in your life, but it is true, that you will have to be diligent in your pursuit of this information. Angels are messengers from God. They are with us to help us on our journey but we MUST ask them for their help and we MUST let them know what we are seeking because we have free will. They will not interfere with our lives unless we ask. Having said that, I will restate again, ask your angel or family member if they are with you and ask if they will let you know about their involvement in your life.
Be persistent and specific in what you are seeking and you will receive your answer in a sign, a thought, a feeling, a heartfelt knowing. It will come to you.
Blessing to you on your journey,
Joan Marie the gift, Intuition Master
Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist
Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan answers reader questions with straight talk from the heart!