Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

LIVE Facebook Chat Event!

Posted by Intuition Girl


Helping you understand how to focus better on you and to understand how to read a sign

Groundhog Day is infamous for the rascally critter’s prediction as to whether or not we are going to have six more weeks of winter. If he sees his shadow and runs inside, get ready for more cold…but if he does not, then warmer weather is on the way! Do you believe in signs? If you do, then you are not alone. In fact thousands of people every day see, hear, read or dream something that they believe to be a sign in their lives. Sometimes people receive these signals as signs of prosperity while others fear them to be ominous ones.  Have you ever gotten a message or some inkling that something is awry or maybe you get a powerful gut feeling about something or someone? Do you follow signs to help you get somewhere and is it actually leading you in the wrong direction?

Wednesday, February 2nd, I will be hosting a LIVE Facebook Chat on my group “Focus on You

9pm EST/6pm PST

Are you going to be there? I will be taking questions about the signals you have encountered in your life and how to use those signs to your best advantage. The “Focus on You” group is open to all Facebook members. I hope you will join me there! Click here to visit and join the group  FOCUS on YOU

Or just click on the Focus on You Logo below:

Holding on and Letting go

Posted by Intuition Girl

Throughout my tenure as an intuitive life coach, I have encountered numerous clients who have difficulties letting go of the heavy baggage that tends to hinder their progress; and more importantly, their overall happiness in life. Sometimes, it is easier to hold onto what we are used to experiencing in our lives. We grow complacent in believing that the emotions we are lugging around with us…bitterness, regret, anger, resentment, fear… are a natural aspect of our living. We begin to think that without these emotions, we would not be who we are; therefore, we painstakingly latch onto these feelings to keep our spirit fired up. That is the misconception, however. As long as we are holding onto these emotions (that do not serve our purpose), we are extinguishing our proverbial fire within our spirits. We are unintentionally draining our life-force and creating a black hole instead of a bright, shining flame.

You need a bright flame to attract all the positive things you want in life, and the only way to reignite that fire in your spirit, is to clear the space from all the empty and negative feelings that have become permanent place-holders in your life. When you think about it, do you really need to continue feeling angry or fearful? What purpose is it serving? Besides keeping you angry or scared, what are you personally getting out of these feelings? Do they improve your day-to-day life? Do they make you feel empowered? No. Each day that you hold onto these unforgiving emotions, is yet another day that you are stripping your own power away from you. In fact, you are giving away your personal empowerment to these feelings every time you succumb to them. It’s not worth it. Believe me — in the long run, you are better off forgiving yourself and letting go of all the past baggage you’ve been harboring in your life.

What’s in a word? Let’s begin with the word, “forgiveness“. To many, it means forgiving others for past mistakes or hurts. In truth, forgiveness begins with you. One cannot forgive another until he has forgiven himself first. It takes genuine effort and a big dose of humility to forgive others, but it takes an even stronger individual to look into the mirror and say: “I forgive you. I forgive you for all the anger you have had in your life. I forgive you for all the emptiness you have felt. I forgive you for all the regrets that you have had. I forgive you for not loving yourself enough.” That is a lot to say to yourself, but perhaps you have just one or two things you need to say to clear the air. A lot of times, the simple act of forgiving yourself aloud gives you the opening to releasing the emotional baggage in your life.  Breathe. It’s okay.

Once you have opened the door to positivity and potentiality in your life by letting go of past hurts and regrets, your internal flame that ignites your spirit with the Universal flow of energy will begin to shine brighter and stronger. So much so, that suddenly you begin to feel alive again. You begin to feel empowered and ready to take on the world each and every day with a renewed sense of passion and vigor. Your spirit does not want to have its life-force extinguished. It is begging you to stop holding onto the animosity and sorrow… stop holding onto the disappointments and worry… stop holding onto the fear. It is time to let go …just let it go. Breathe. Look into the mirror right now and tell yourself: “I forgive you.” There. Doesn’t that already feel better? Can’t you begin to feel the emotional baggage from your past being released from your spirit? It has been a heavy load to carry, hasn’t it? Now is the time for you to let it go. Let it all go.

I would love to work with you and help you to clear the space for a new and improved you. Together, we can meet your life challenges with the right intuitive ingredients to create the success and happiness your heart desires. Drop me a line today and let me help you reignite your life force with the passion and greatness that you deserve!

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

This coming February, invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education to Follow your Inner Compass, a five-month interactive mastery program with Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan! If you feel that a program like this will serve you to advance your goals, please click on the following link and learn more about it:

I will also be offering a free teleclass on January 11, 2010 to discuss this forthcoming program. Register Here! I would love to meet with you!

Holding on and Letting Go

By Joan Marie Whelan

Copyright – All Rights Reserved

Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

2011: Don’t just prepare yourself – PROPEL yourself!

Posted by Intuition Girl

This coming year, invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of a professional education to Follow your Inner Compass with Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan!

As a useful benefit, your investment pays you dividends: by participating in this upcoming professional education program to further advance your career and your lifestyle, you gain a professional tax deduction for furthering your education. It’s a win-win situation!

Joan Marie is offering a fresh, highly-advanced 5-Month Interactive Program for professionals on the go and ready to reach the next level of success:

Follow Your Inner Compass

If you have been working on your internal house, your personal development and you sincerely believe you are ready to continue on your transformation and rise to a higher and deeper level, then this spirited, fully supportive and sacred educational program is for you!

In the five-month program, you will:

  • Learn how to switch gears and move instantaneously from one extreme state to another by shifting the dynamics, being open to expanded possibilities and handling your life in a more deeply profound way.
  • Learn to define and fine-tune the required steps to change your emotional state by allowing you to maintain a high frequency of co creating life from a Master Level – no matter what is happening around you.
  • Learn that all habits can be changed—We will be working on an attitude shift, a behavioral shift and an environmental shift—all of which will enable you to change your mood and refrain from falling into the trap of victim.
  • Surrender to the program—you will be held accountable by me and your peers in a constructive and helpful way. This is an absolutely SAFE environment to heal—grow and experience your full potential.
  • Redefine your Soul purpose as your inner compass helps you explore all the mountains of your life.
  • Discover far beyond what you thought you knew about yourself–venture into the deep corners of your true identity –you will be amazed at what you will discover within.

This program is designed to take you to a graduate level of thinking, acting and responding in all situations that happen in your life.

If you are a seeker of the truth and if you are choosing to transform now … then I invite you into this program.

If you would like to discuss this program with me, I will be pleased to schedule a few minutes with you.  Please call my office at (949) 760-0044 to set a time that will work for you.

You may also learn more about this program by going to:

Allow your inner compass to steer you in the right direction and don’t be afraid as to where it will take you.

Register today—call me at (949) 760-0044

Are you the Perfect Gift to You?

Posted by Intuition Girl

As the holidays are rapidly approaching, many of you may procrastinate until the last minute to buy that special someone the perfect “gift”. But when you think about how much you worry and torment yourself throughout the shopping season, do you ever stop to think about the gift that you are going to give yourself? It is not selfish to want to give yourself something special. For some of you, that may just include the gift of time, the gift of inner peace, the gift of relaxation, the gift of love, or the gift of forgiveness.

To give yourself a piece of you that has been dying to break out of its shell is a wondrous thing. It is liberating, satisfying and most rewarding. It is also one of the most difficult things to do when you are set in your old patterns and behaviors. It is easy to stay on the same old path because you have grown complacent and comfortable in the way you deal with your daily life.

I ask you “Are you the perfect gift to you?” YES, you are! In fact, when you stop and really reflect on what your true heart’s desires are, you begin to understand what you have been missing from your life: the little pieces of you that have been bottled up, packaged away in the recesses of your heart and mind. When you release the anger, the guilt, the sorrow, the shame, the indiscretions, the transgressions, the turmoil…all of it — you are letting go and freeing yourself to the possibilities that have been waiting for you but that have also been hidden from you all this time. You see, when you do not take enough time for yourself, and when you do not give a little bit back to yourself, you are depriving yourself from the potentiality that is often all around you.

Again I ask, “Are you the perfect gift to you?” You bet your bottom dollar you are! Beyond the façade of family, friends, work, and leisure, there is a creative genius inside you. That clever individual has all the right answers and all the right solutions to most of your situations. Do you know who that creative genius is? That’s right, it is your Authentic Soul…the true “you”: the intelligent, talented, amazing person who really just wants you to be true to yourself.

You have the whole world inside you and you have boxed it away for weeks, months, years, maybe even decades. Possibly this year, you will become the perfect gift to you. Perhaps this year, you will find the joy and peace you have been seeking all along. Because this holiday season, when you release that majestic world inside of you, you begin to see and experience the Universe with a new set of eyes.

Until we speak again,

I am, Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

PS – If you are going to be in or around Newport Beach, CA on December 14, check out my live Medium Event

When is enough, enough?

Posted by Intuition Girl

There is so much chaos, anger, jealousy and need to hurt others surfacing around the globe that it has caused me to think that it is time for each one of us to step up and say:

“Enough is enough!”

A good example to take to heart was the situation with the 33 miners in Chile who were trapped for 69 days under ground.  That could have been a catastrophic situation but it wasn’t!  Have you wondered why?  These are the simple people of the world who haven’t forgotten their basic common sense values.

It seems to me that these 33 men made a conscious decision to work together, to strengthen each other and to express concern and compassion for one another.  There was no tyranny, no fighting for food, no obvious breakdown of the individual even though I am sure, they all were faced with their own fears, concerns and sense of desperation.  My point here is that these men collectively cared for each other.

Yet every single day we see through the news and social media that individual girls and boys and men and women spend their time insulting, hurting and belittling their fellow man for their personal distorted gratification.

So again I ask you…”When is enough, enough?” When are we going to step in and claim that those who deliberately harm another are viewed as immoral, and lack decent values and principles?  I do not profess that we put them in prison or have that type of punishment because I do not believe it resolves anything.  I do believe, however that we need to step up and say, we do not condone that behavior, we will not accept it or allow it to continue and those who want to foster those negative and toxic traits should be removed from their schools, places of employment and revealed as bad examples.

No one has the right to harm another person.  We should not need laws or rules to follow…only our hearts.

We were all born as good people and we must begin to believe that we can all help each other overcome obstacles and difficult times if we work together, strengthen each other and express concern and compassion for each other.

For it is you and me, the simple people of the world, who need to remember our basic common sense values.

What are your thoughts?  I would love to hear from you.

Many Blessings,  Joan Marie

Enough is Enough

By Joan Marie Whelan

Copyright – ALL Rights Reserved

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

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