Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Inspirational Video – Stop waiting for something to happen

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today is all about to stop waiting and hiding. Remember to take action in your mind, body and soul to make a change in your life.

Shhh… your Intuition is Talking to You

Posted by Intuition Girl

Have you ever been in a crowded or loud place and you just want to tune it all out? Or maybe the sheer stress in life has just overwhelmed you so much that you feel like your head is going to explode? Now is not the time to collapse into fear and anxiety mode — now is the time to turn down the volume… reduce the noise pollution in your mind so that you can begin to think clearly and more fluidly.

Many times we receive helpful hints, little voices, or thoughts and creative ideas from the Universe but we are so caught up in our own little worlds that we do not hear or see the messages that are so desperately trying to reach us.

We are each born with the gift of intuitive abilities that when fine-tuned, will enable us to receive the abundance that the Universe wants us to manifest – the abundance of wealth, health, happiness, success, relationships, careers, and whatever it is our hearts desire.

When you take the time to quiet your ego mind and begin to fine-tune your awareness, you alert your soul to the Universal clues that are being presented to you. You do that through simple meditation or just by sitting and listening to the sounds of silence. It is often through the whisper of peace and the calming and soothing effects of stillness that you are able to find the answer that you seek within.

Remember, there are no knee-jerk reactions in meditation, only soft, gentle vibrations that guide you in the direction that you need to go. The Universe knows the resolution and the path that you must take to achieve the life that you are destined to live. When you let it all go and begin listening to what it is trying to tell you, you may just find yourself in the place that you need to be in the time that you need to be there.

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Shhh… your Intuition is Talking to You
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

Inspirational Message – How are you showing up in life

Posted by Intuition Girl

I encourage you to be honest with yourself and your team and those in your life, what is working for you and what are you putting your heart and soul into.

Inspirational Message – Is other peoples energy invading your space?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Feel your energy and go about your day, Claim full power of you, from the top of your head to your toes, Mind, Body and soul and take full ownership of you.

Getting to the Root Cause

Posted by Intuition Girl

Why are you feeling the way you are? You need to ask yourself some tough questions to figure out why you are in the emotional state that seems to strangle you? There are always modifications you can make to improve your life. It is only when you turn to your inner self, you find that you have the power to better yourself and your life.

Look into the mirror. Notice the person peering back at you. Is this the person you desire to be? Are you happy with who you have become and your lifestyle? Do you want more out of your life? Is something holding you back? Many times, when you actually take the time to review your life circumstances that you discover that the person in the mirror just might be the primary place to start. It is often in these moments of reflection that you can have a helpful conversation with yourself. (Yes, having a conversation with yourself in the mirror is the best opening point to get to the root cause as to why you feel the way you do.) It is also a fine way to discover the path toward less resistance. After all, only you have the power to let go of those things from your past that may be stopping your forward progress.

After you have had a constructive conversation with yourself, what did you unearth? If you learned nothing, then you haven’t lifted the fog from your sight; and the bridge to opportunity remains unclear. Discover the root cause of your blockages by scheduling daily talks with yourself. Your soul actually knows the answer. The more you open up to yourself, the more you learn about yourself. Then only will you begin to see the bigger picture. When you look at the photo to your left, you only see a small part of a bridge. When you fine-tune your vision and you open your mind and heart, suddenly the clouded veil is lifted and you begin to see more than just bits and pieces of your life. Now you can see what lies beyond the haze…what lies right affront of you. No longer is that walk across the bridge scary. Now you have the power to feel more confident about yourself in achieving the life you want to lead. I promise you - it is not rocket science. It is simply having the willpower to move beyond your emotional battles and the obstacles you have put before yourself. Once you have clarity of vision, nothing can stop you. You are on your way home.

Joan Marie – your Intuition Girl
© Getting to the root cause – 2013
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

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