Whirlwind of signs
Posted by Intuition Girl
Dear Joan Marie,
When my daughter was killed in an auto crash by a drunk driver in 2001, we
experienced a whirlwind of signs from her beginning the day after her death. Bulbs burned out one by one, the television turned on without anyone touching it, radio stations in my car switched to music with profound lyrics, her favorite perfume permeated the air, my computer would flash photos of her …. I could go on and on.
Until her passing, I was clueless about Spiritual energy, so I delved into everything I could learn. Our communications and her messages have grown even more profound since she no longer has to prove to me that she lives on. (By the way, you’re her favorite medium) *smile*
My second son [I didn't give birth to him, but he was born in my heart since he was age 7] recently finished three tours of duty in Iraq as a US Marine and was home on leave for a month before heading back to Camp Lejeune on Dec. 14.
The following day, in his Jacksonville, NC, home, he shot and killed himself.
We are heartbroken and suffering the death of a second child, but more so, the pain is exacerbated by not getting any signs whatsoever from him. Whenever he was in Iraq and I feared for his life, he would always assure me that if he died, he would “visit” me and plague us with his Spiritual energy … including pranks. He believed in afterlife communication.
I don’t understand.
Why the silence?
Why no signs whatsoever?
I pray and meditate.
In fact, my daughter has become eerily quiet and hasn’t communicated with me in anyway since his death.
Can you pose this situation to other bereaved parents for their input or can you
address this in your newsletter?
I understand if you can’t reply to my e-mail, but for some reason, I feel you’re the
only one I can turn to at this time … and I don’t believe in coincidences. *grin*
Thank you for all that you do.
You’re a beautiful soul and our world is a better place with you in it.
Barbara R.