Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.
Break The Cycle That Continues To Disrupt Your Life!
In Just 2 Hours With Joan Marie, You Can Gain Insight On What’s Been Holding You Back, Clarity On How It’s Impacting Your Life and Direction On How To Heal It...
So YOU Can Begin Living Your Best Life!
Hi, Joan Marie Whelan here. I'm better known as the Intuition Girl... Helping people across the world manifest success, wealth, peace, and creating the life they desire and truly deserve. Life's journey is an amazing one, and I'm honored that you consider my assistance and presence in your life as valuable. This blog serves as my diary of journey, full of tips, resources, stories, and a hodge podge of inspirational messages.
FREE Weekly Straight Talk from THE INTUITION GIRL
Get answers to your questions and stay on target as Joan Marie teaches you:
•How to use your own intuition
Become a leader over your emotional state
Discover your authentic self
Network with Joan
Joan Marie’s Revolutionary Manifestation Method Program!
October 21st, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Strange question but how do I use ur blog rss in chrome browser? It keeps crashing, while it works regualar on IE7 & firefox. any tips
? ~blog Fan